




The next day,  Marjorie started to notice everyone she met in the

campus and hope she could see him there.

No!... she hadn't seen him in the first two weeks.

She was disappointed and thought that he might not be

a student in the university. Or maybe he was just an outsider,

and went there for lunch occasionally. She also went to Time Square,

 as she thought that he might learn violin at the piano co., there. 

"Hey, Marjorie... M A  R  J  O  R  I  E...!!! Are you dreaming?

What are you thinking about?" Asked Cindy.

"er... nothing."

"Tell me ... come on... it must be something." 

Marjorie was struggling whether she should tell her or not.  

At last, she told her everything, as Cindy was her good friend

in the university. 

"Wow! It's love at first sight... Nick...?

Well, I'm wondering what does he look like?

 A heart-throb in this university?

How come I've never heard this name before?..."

Cindy was her good friend. They lived next door to each other.

They even looked a little alike; they both wore long hair,

straight A students  and came from the same high school. 

But that was all of their similarity.  Cindy, was  a very jealous girl.  











































p. 3