
speech festival 2001



On behalf of the Hong Kong Joint School Debating Society (HKJSDS), I would like to invite your school to participate in the HKJSDS Speech festival 2001. This prestigious event will be sponsored by Wilfred K.H.Lam & Co Solicitors and the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel. With the generous support of the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel, this Annual HKJSDS Speech Festival will be held at one of the Marco Polo Hotels on the week of April 23rd–27th.

 It is an event organized by the HKJSDS Executive Committee and has enjoyed enthusiastic support from various secondary schools in Hong Kong in the past.  This event will provide an excellent opportunity for your students to develop their English oratory skills, raise their interest and standard in the English language and to compete with students from other schools as well as receive recognition for their talents.  

The competitions will be divided into the Junior Section (Forms 1-3, Year 7-9) and Senior Section (Forms 4-7, Year 10-13). 



Oratory Events

·        Prose Reading ( Junior / Senior )

·        Verse Reading ( Junior / Senior )

·        Bible Reading ( Junior / Senior )

·        Dramatic Duologue ( Junior / Senior )

·        Sight Reading

·        Public Speaking

Written Events

·        Short Story Competition

·        Poetry Competition


The cost of each individual entered category per person will be $50 except for the Dramatic Duologue, which will cost $100 per team.  The minimum number of contestants entering each category is 11. If there are insufficient numbers the event will automatically be cancelled or be changed to an open event (please see rules and regulations).  The HKJSDS reserves the right to limit the number of maximum entries. The timetable for individual events will be published in March.

 Please make copies of the application forms for contestants.  There should be one application per event per person.  Participants may enter more than one category. All applications along with the cheque (made payable to the West Island School) for the total amount should be sent by mail to: -

Kai Yuen Wong
HKJSDS Speech Festival 2001
Hong Kong Joint School Debating Society

West Island School

250 Victoria Road,
Hong Kong

 The deadline for all applications is March 16th 2001 (received).  A late application will not be entertained. All application fees are non-refundable (see rules and regulations).

 The deadline for receiving the completed short stories and poems for the written events is March 23rd 2001.  These should be sent to the above address.  On the top of the submitted piece, the name of contestant, category, section (Junior/Senior), ID number, and school should be clearly stated.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three winners of each category (junior and senior): -

·        Winner                   Certificate of Distinction and a prize

·        1st Runner Up       Certificate of Merit and a prize

·        2nd Runner Up      Certificate of Merit and a prize

These will be awarded at the HKJSDS Grand Final on May 12th 2001.

In case of any dispute, the decision made by the HKJSDS Executive Committee will be final.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me by fax at 2816 7257, attn: Kai Yuen Wong. Thank you for your kind attention and we look forward to your active participation in the HKJSDS Speech Festival 2001.



You MUST read the Rules and Regulations before submitting an application form! Application forms must be printed out, completed and sent in before March 16 with entry fees to the address specified at the top of the form.


Approved by Kai Yuen Wong
Chairperson of HKJSDS (2000-2001)