Prequel Commentary

This page contains my thoughts on the long-awaited prequels to Star Wars, and will probably be the most-updated as most of my opinions revolve around current news and views about this topic. Not like I have anything else to ramble about anyway.

No Disintegrations ADG (Acronym Definition Glossary
Find out what all those annoying TLAs mean

1/15/99: "This one a long time have I watched"

On lineups -- very, very long lineups

1/14/99: "Many Bothans died to bring you this information"

On real-life espionage adventures of intrigue in the Star Wars fandom

1/13/99: "There is another Skywalker"

On the prospect of another trailer, and extending the promotional campaign

1/12/99: "I was once a Jedi Knight"

On prequel characters that are also present in the Classic Trilogy

1/11/99: "Always with you what cannot be done"

On Indiana Jones IV: "The Search for the Star Wars Trailer"

1/8/99: "We count thirty ships"

On how to count to three, but not knowing where to start

1/7/99: "The Force is strong with this one"

On the predicted success of The Phantom Menace, and thoughts about merchandising

1/6/99: "It is you who are mistaken"

On the Phantom Menace, and other title musings

1/5/99: "I'm getting too old for this sort of thing"

On a nine-episode saga no longer, and general licensing quirks

1/4/99: "Uncertain is the future"

On the publication of the opening crawl of The Phantom Menace


All original content © 1998-99 Nick "IronParrot" Tam.
Star Wars and all related materials are © Lucasfilm Ltd.
All other content belongs to their respective owners.

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