MTB South Carolina
More of Harbison State Forest, Columbia

Stewardship Trail * Stewardship Trail *
North Loop
Single Track

The stewardship trail loop is 3.0miles (5km) long. This is a gently sloped single track that rides through new and old forest in various stages of growth and naturalization.

There are sign posts along the way, that help explain what the forestry service is doing in each unique project area.

There are still many twists and turns in this trail and lots of exposed roots, but there are more clearing areas as well. One tech section has a very deep stream crossing or an optional bridge crossing. I didn't want to play in the water.

Stewardship Trail
* Stewardship Trail *
Trail Intersection
With Access Road

This area was previously logged and has been replanted with "lobolly pine" trees. The access road ahead is the perfect rest point. Not only that, it's a great way to get your bearings, return to any parking area or start from another trailhead.

Midlands Mountain Trail
* Midland Mountain Trail *
Tech Section
Double "Z" Switchback

This was impossible. I had to walk up this one but did ride it back down and saw my life flash before me. Very steep, lots of loose rocks and the park put in these "waterbars" to stop erosion. They didn't mention that they were really stairs!!

Harbison Bluffs Lookout
* Midland Mountain Trail *
Harbison Bluffs
Scenic Lookout

Every hard-working trail ride deserves a treat. This is the top of the Harbison Bluffs overlooking the Broad River down below. I couldn't get close enough to show how steep the cliffs really are. I decided to have lunch here and enjoy the view.

Firebreak East Loop Tech Section * Firebreak Trail *
East Loop
Tech Section

This is a "sleeper" tech section along the East Firebreak trail. Throw some logs together and tease riders into thinking they can just hop them.

Of course, you go over these logs and stare into a pothole of nasty roots from these 2 trees. I had to jump over the roots from the top of the logs, or I *KNEW* I was going over the handlebars.

NOTE there's a chicken's way out on the left. Ok... I went that way first.

Firebreak Trail East Loop
* Firebreak Trail *
East Loop
Simgle Track

I thought this would be a nice photo to finish this trail ride through a great park. It was about 3:30 in the afternoon and the sun was shining through the trees while I was riding the last leg of the East Loop of the Firebreak Trail.


sign book Year 2000
view book

- This MTBiking travel page was last updated December 30, 2000 -