Housing Outreach for Muslim Sisters


Our Mission




Resident Application

Anticipated Services

About HOMS

About ICNA

The History of H.O.M.S.                                                                                      
Housing Outreach for Muslim Sisters, otherwise known as H.O.M.S. was founded in May 1, 1999 by a group of sisters in Texas who were concerned about the welfare of their fellow Muslimahs and their children in the United States. 
Upon witnessing situation after situation, and dealing with sisters that had no where to go (facing abuse and/or homelessness); this group of active sisters decided to do as the Prophet (saws) has said, "If anyone of you sees something objectionable, he should change it with his hand..." (Muslim) 
The H.O.M.S. facility was opened, and sisters from across the United States began contacting the H.O.M.S. staff for help. 
We make dua that Allah SWT help us  in making H.O.M.S. a permanent and successful facility and resource for the Muslim women/children in the United States.

How can I contact H.O.M.S.?                                                                            
You can write to us at: 
P.O. BOX 152611
Arlington, Texas 76015

Call us, toll-free at: 1-877-335-4667 
Or, email us: homsoutreach@hotmail.com

Who are the Board Members of H.O.M.S.?                                                       
Click the name to send an email.
Tanya - Director
Susan - Fundraising and Events Director
Ayesha - Services Coordinator
Fakhira - Residential Coordinator

Who does H.O.M.S. use as an advisor for Islamic matters?                              
Imam Mohammed Sayed Adley

Who is Imam Mohammed Sayed Adley?                                                          
Muhammed S. Adly comes from the tribe of Juhayynah. Hw was born in Egypt in 1949. He holds two Ijazah Degrees from Egypt & Saudi Arabia. He has taught in the Holy Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He migrated to the United states in 1975. 
He has held the position of Imam at the following Places:

  • Islamic Mission Of America - Brooklyn , NY

  • Masjid Al-Muslimiin - Brooklyn, NY

  • Dar Al-Arqum - Brooklyn , NY 

  • Principal for Madrastul Ikhuah - Brooklyn, NY

  • Representative of Muslim World League NY

  • Chaplain & Consultant at SCDC Columbia, SC

  • Director of the Islamic Center Of Columbia (Present)

You can purchase his lectures by clicking here.

Why Should I Help H.O.M.S.?                                                                            
We have an epidemic in the United States which is affecting this Muslim Ummah, specifically women and children. It is the obligation and duty of the Muslims in the United States to take care of our sisters and young children. If we continue to stand by and turn our sisters and children out on the streets we will be held responsible by Allah (SWT). We will have to answer why....why have we turned our sisters and children away who proclaim La illah ill Allah
We turn them into the streets at the mercy of the non-Muslims. Almost every homeless shelter in the United States are run by Christians. These shelters house child molesters, criminals, drug addicts and alcohol abusers. These shelters are very dangerous places for adult men, let alone women and children. Many of our American sisters who convert to Islam, are are disowned by their families and have no one to turn to, other sisters are brought to the United States after marriage, then abandoned by their husbands and do not even speak the English language. 
Many of these sisters have small children...even newborn infants. SubhanAllah, it is your duty as a Muslim to protect your sisters in the deen and protect their helpless children. You will be rewarded.

We are always in need of donations for the shelter. We are currently trying to raise $200,000  to purchase a permanent secure facility which will enable us to house more Muslim sisters and their children.







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The thermometer indicates our goal, and the amount of funds still needed to purchase a permanent  facility for H.O.M.S. 

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Call Toll-Free: 1-877-335-4667

Housing Outreach for Muslim Sisters

PO BOX 152611
Arlington, Texas 76015

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