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So What exactly IS Honest Home Business and who is this Nathan Mazur guy?!

Well, since you have come this far on the website, I will assume that you are pretty interested in our company, and what we do. I wrote this page of the website to try and answer those questions for you as best I can.

This is the part of the website that I like most. Why? Because this is where I can be completely honest about myself, and tell you more about myself and about this company. I feel that the more you know about me, and my company, the more at ease you will be with your decision to come on board with us!

Like I said on the welcome page, I am 21 years old. I learned very early in life that the only way to be successful at something is to work hard! When I was 12 years old, I got a paper route and delivered papers on my bike. I would figure out ways to make more money by doing things for people that most paper carriers wouldn't do. I would charge extra for putting it in the mailbox, or things like that. I also realized that all of the people who I delivered papers to, also had grass, and I started cutting peoples grass as well for extra money. So, to make a long story short, I was an entrepreneur from age 12 on!

One of the main reasons I started this company was to make money to fund other projects of mine. Business is not only a way of life for me, but its a definite Passion! I love what I do.

When I started out working on developing this website, and this company, I was working a full time job. I would work every day until 4pm, and then come home and work on the computer, sometimes until as late as 1am. Then, get up at 6:30am and do it over again. Im telling you this so you know from the start that you do NOT have to quit your day job to get started in this. In fact, some people may not even quit their day job once they are making good money! I have heard of people who use this money to fund their retirement! This is something you can work on when you are done working your day to day job.

You are probobly wondering how I came up with this idea. Basically, I wanted more freedom from my life. I am a musician, and music fan. I love to go on trips, and I love to be with my friends and family. Working from home, and setting my own hours would give me the opportunity to do more of the things that I love! So, I started looking into home businesses. I found that most aren't what they say they are, and dont offer a good opportunity. So, I started thinking and this is what I came up with. I thought to myself, why join another business when I can start my own, make it available to others who are just as fed up as I am about the lack of opportunity on the net, and help people make good money? Thats when I put this plan into action. I researched it, and went from there, and this is where I ended up at. We offer you ways to sell quite a few products from this site, and we only work with the BEST home businesses around. We dont lie to people just to get their $39.99, because we want you to tell people how proud you are of what you are doing! We want you to refer people to our company! We want to create good business friendships with everyone who joins our team!

Those are the reasons why we offer you so much for such a low price. We also want you to come up with ideas, and find products and services to add to this company. If you do this, you will be paid for it! Thats Another way to make money!

Now, im sure you are wondering exactly how this works, and everything in detail. (including the price for this program!) That is all described in detail in the "how this works" section of the website. So, your next step is to review that, and see if it sounds good to you.

I hope this part of the site gets you excited about joining! I hope it gets you as pumped up reading it, as it did for me as I was typing it! If there's anything at all that I didnt answer that you want to know about this company, or myself, please feel free to contact me anytime! Unlike most other home business creators and presidents, I WILL respond to your email! Thanks so much for your interest in us, and I hope we will be in business together soon!

Happy marketing!


Nathan Mazur
Creator and president
Honest Home Business