Geohound Counter-Strike Clan


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|GF| Clan Website
    Welcome to the Geohound Counter-Strike Clan official website. This is a brand new clan and I'm hoping to make it a very big clan. I feel that it's really important to have a good website for a clan for it to be successful so I'm going to work hard to make this a great site. All the links are finally up so you can go anywhere now. On the site you can find out lot's of information about the clan, it's members, and also information about CS itself. Enjoy the site and I strongly suggest bookmarking it cause it's going to be updated daily.

10/30/01, 3:57 P.M.: Another update today clan. Sorry about not updating yesterday. I had it all done and then my computer wouldn't save it and I had trouble logging on the rest of the night, but I'm back now. First off we have a new member so let's welcome {GEO}cs_MedIK. You also probably noticed that there is a new section on the site over to the left called Challenge Us. This was brought to my attention by {GEO}MeNTaL HeAD. It's just a section where if someone from another clan comes here he can see that we are looking for a challenge. Also we are still looking for a server and haven't gotten one so please all members try and find out any info on getting one from someone or find one at a cheap rate (below 50 dollars a month). Also we are not recruiting any more members for the time being. The only exceptions are people who are really good and would like to join. So if you're playing and someone there is around 20-10 and you know they're not cheating try and recruit them.

10/28/01, 12:57 P.M.: Another update here clan. First off we have a new member and let's all welcome {GEO}-00~Agent to the clan. Another piece of news happened recently too. If you've been on the message boards recently you probably noticed that we have been challenged by a clan called the -=FF=-'s. That will probably take place next Saturday so stay tuned for that and Elite Members be sure to be aware of it also by checking your e-mails. Also members please stop recruiting now. We have a ton of members and I would like to recruit some really good players if needed, so I and anyone else who wants to can just join games and ask the best players if they would like to join. Once we get to 50 members that'll probably be a stopping point. So just try and get good people in now. Stay tuned for more updates soon.

10/24/01, 9:09 P.M.: Sorry for the lack of updates members. I just haven't had time to get around to it, hey I have a life too! Anyway I'm back now and ready to get the clan going again. First off we have to new members and they are: {GEO}cdm_9000 and {GEO}WyZe|GuY. Welcome to the clan. In other big news I have made my decision for the {GEO} Elite Team. So if you would like to know if you made it or just who will be representing {GEO} in numerous events head over to the Elite section. We also have a new {GEO} Team that was formed by HavoK. They are [GCT2] so if you would like to head over and see who all is on it just head over to the Teams section. I'm hoping that if we can get one more team we'll be able to start some [GCT] competition. So get together your buddies and form a team already! That's it for now, but since the teams are starting to form and the Elite team is ready expect some big things to happen in the clan soon.

10/19/01, 2:58 P.M.: Another update here clan. We have gotten a new member today thanks to {GEO} Insanity and the new member is {GEO}Cosmic. Welcome to the clan! To some popular demand there will be one more tryout, but this is the absolute last tryout no more exceptions. New members check out the {GEO} Elite section for more info on what the tryout is all about. It will be in the same room as last time which went smoothly at, the time will be on Saturday, 20 2001 at 4:00 est. time. This will be your 3rd chance to tryout so if you can't make it this time I'm sorry, you'll just have to wait for next month. I'll send out an e-mail in a minute with all the info. Good luck!

10/16/01, 4:37 P.M.: Another update here that's pretty important. First off we have gotten two new members and they are: {GEO}FrEaK and {GEO}StudCF2314. Welcome to the clan! Also the last tryout for the {GEO} Elite Team is tonight. I sent out an e-mail with all the info so check that out. It's the most significant thing about the clan so you need to at least try and get into it. Another big piece of news... I got the entire site finally finished! There should be no more broken links or anything out of order, but if you happen to find an error please e-mail me at and tell me about it. I hope you all come tonight and participate so I'll see you in about an hour and a half.

10/13/01, 12:31 A.M.: Another quick update here. I finally got some stuff actually done on the site. I got the CS Reviews section up and the CS Downloads section. I just started getting really sick of waiting around. I'll probably finish the site tomorrow after the tryout. Remember to come out tomorrow members, cause this is the most significant event that will happen in the clan so far.

10/12/01, 11:23 P.M.: Another update here. Tomorrow is the big day of the tryouts and it will definitely happen this time. The only thing that could stop it is there won't be enough people show up, but from all the feedback and such from it I'm sure that there will be plenty. First off we have a new member today so let's welcome {GEO}Mojo the Monkey Helper. Welcome to the clan! That makes 43 members and one of the biggest CS clans on the net. Great job all members who are participating in trying to get new members. Now is the time that the CS world knows how good we actually are and tomorrow is the chance to prove it. For the new members tomorrow we are having a tryout for the {GEO} Elite Team. For more info on it head over there. Some knowledge no member knows about is where it will actually be played, well I finally got a server. It's a good server that's located in Denver which is pretty close to the middle of the U.S. I get good pings in there and I usually get terrible pings. The server IP is and the name is Denver=HPSF=1. This server is
Punkbuster Required so that no cheaters will be in the tryout. So be sure to come with that on tomorrow. I'll send an e-mail with the entire specs in a few min. Try and make it out tomorrow clan, because this is the biggest part of the {GEO} Clan.