Geohound Counter-Strike Clan

     As of right now there have been no tournaments or contests so obviously there have been no champions. I'll just briefly explain the section. If you win a contest or tournament you're {GEO} name will go here. You'll also be able to participate in the tournaments of champions that I'll be holding also. I'll probably have one of those tournaments of champions after about 8 contests/tournaments have been won. I am hoping to be able to give away cash or prizes in all the tournaments of champions. The only way I can though is if you go to earn cash or click the link on the right. The only way to enter a tournament is to sign up for the service on the right. It's free and everybody wins. I get points for you signing up and it gives you the same opportunity to make points by playing games and winning really great prizes like a PS2. So sign up and recruit members then you could see you're name here for all the counter-strike players to see the greatness that is you.

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