Hope in her daddy's arms.
Daddy I love you.
I know you love me.
I'm proud of you Daddy
As proud as can be.

I heard your voice Daddy
Did you see me squirm?
I couldn't wait Daddy
To be held in your arms.

I still love you Daddy.
I can't wait to hug you.
But now I'm with Jesus
And He loves me too.

It's okay to cry Daddy
I'll kiss you up here.
Please know that I love you
And God sees your tears.

It won't be long Daddy.
Just wait and you'll see.
We'll play together always
My Daddy and me.

Love forever, your daughter Hope
Born December 1,2000
Loved always

Copyright 2001  Maralee Malingowski
Please do not take graphics from this site. The graphics on this page are the personal property of Maralee Malingowski, made special in Hope's memory. They are not to be reproduced in any form. If you would like special graphics for a child's memorial, please click on the link to Michelle's free web pages.
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