Acceptance of contact


Basic Principles :
Before you can hope to achieve a lightening of the forehand, there are a number of basic principles that you and your horse must master. These form the basis of all horse' training and progression, weather or not you are dealing with a horse who has never been properly schooled, are as follows.

~ Acceptance of the rein contact
~ Free forward movement
~ Maintaining a rhythm
~ Bend and flexion through the body
~ The use of half-halts to engage the hindquarters and rebalance the horse.

Once you have mastered these principles, you will be equipped with the means to ride your horse to the maximum of it's potential.

 Most of the information was collected from the book " How to ride " written by Debby Sly.

Movements :

[ Bend and Flexion ] [ Shoulder - in ] [ The flying change ]