[Wakefield Seal]

Webmaster's Comments

[The Wakefield Warrior]


All information on these pages is DATED and under no circumstances should be considered accurate or final. These pages are posted for historical purposes only. Questions or comments should be forwarded to:
John C. Abbott, Class of 1965 This site reports spammers and Nigerian scammers!

These pages were originally created and maintained by Matthew S. Munsey, Wakefield class of '96.

Sometime during 2001-2002, Matt opted to cease maintaining the pages and the site after leaving MIT.

After searching for, and finally finding a copy of the original site, I have "borrowed" specific pages which reference alumni, and staff and am maintaining them here in an "as found" status, with what ever un-solicited updates I am provided.

If you are a member of the class of '65, please use the official class site at www.oocities.org/wakefield1965 to update your personal information.

In December of 2002, a NEW Wakefieldalumni.org site was opened (See my links page).

To the extent that alumni wish to continue to forward updates to this site, I will try my best to add any changes in a timely manner. Any entries modified by me will be shown in BLUE.

John C. Abbott
Wakefield Class of 1965

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Copyright © 2002,2003, 2004 by John C. Abbott. Use your E-Mail to write me at: This site reports spammers and Nigerian scammers!

Last updated: April, 2004