NEXT Perspectives I programmed

Starts March 7 '05 @ Newcastle City (details *here*)


Because there is still something left for us to do…
Lots, actually - 2.3 billion people who need somebody with enough love for God and fellow humans to make the break from their own culture and cross to another to tell them that Jesus is the way to God.
People from our region have been at it for years - but numbers and enthusiasm seems to be waning. We must not stop now. Even though the toughest years of mission may be ahead of us, we want the Christians of the Hunter to be known for their heart and passion!
   So... come here often to help you and your people:
  • Catch up with a Hunter cross-cultural Christian worker (missionary)

  • Book one to speak at your church, small group or whatever

  • Read good articles on the most exciting job in the world

  • Catch a vision by doing a great 12-week course

  • Learn the Scripture's perspective on the scary world out there

  • Get the hard facts on how Jesus rates among the nations of the world

  • What is a nation, anyway?

  • Surf to various hot, informative, even provocative sites on the web

  • How to encourage a missionary, or interview one

  • Sign up for a newsletter from SMBC with helpful mission hints and teaching





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Hunter Missos
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Facts & Figures
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Tell us what you'd like added to this site. Know any very helpful websites? Your favourite mission society missing? Know of any missionaries in town? Email us with your inside information - please!