This site was founded on March 11. At first, it was a small clique where anyone could join. However, it grew, and so did the number of rules. After seven months, Kat got lazy and got someone to help her. So Amanda was asked to join the Angel family. Eventually, Kat just did graphics, layouts, and e-mailed the people, while Amanda added the people to the list and fixed up Kat's HTML. Currently, Kat does graphics/layouts, Amanda STILL does submissions , Danielle fixes HTML, and *^^* (yes, that's a person) checks tags and stuff.

We're proud of this clique because it's stayed intact for over a year and a half and has over 150 members! New members are, of course, welcomed with opened wings.

The Original Dark Angels
Hey guys. Okay, Serena and I have confrenced about this--we're closing the door on Dark Angel submissions. We're not longer accepting them since the dark angels were originally Danielle's clique.

Dark Angel of Death -- Serena
Dark Angel of Blood -- Seraf
Dark Angel of Angst -- Amanda
Dark Angel of Sex -- Misuku
Dark Angel of Yuri -- Za Metallium
Dark Angel of S & M -- Baiko
Dark Angel of Hentai -- Hotaru
Dark Angel of Destruction -- Magic
Dark Angel of Pain -- Valentine
Dark Angel of Nightmares -- NightCrystal
Dark Angel of Hell -- Sapphire
Dark Angel of [Dark] Love -- Goku
Dark Angel of Vampires -- Kithy
Dark Angel of Hell -- Catie
Dark Angel of Nanotech --
Dark Angel of Weapons -- Blade
Dark Angel of Bloody Water -- Kearin Maxwell
Dark Angel of Insanity -- SSJ Bulman
Dark Angel of Evilness -- Sasami
Dark Angel of Weaponry -- Angel with a DarkSide
Dark Angel of Torture -- TallyCat
Dark Angel of Paradise -- Cherie
Dark Angel of Necromancy -- Smays


"Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength." -- August Wilson

"Man is his own star; and the soul that can/ Render an honest and a perfect man/ Commands all light, all influence, all fate./Nothing to him falls early, or too late./Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,/ Our fatal shadows that walk by us still." -- John Fletcher

"When the angels present themselves, the devils abscond." -- unknown

~The Laws~
~The Angels~
~The Arch Angels~
~Voices of Angels~
~Become an Angel~
Dark Angels