Welcome to the Magical World of The Cook-Imani-ster
Who is the illustrious Imani?
What is up with her name?
And why is she so darn cute?

Find this out and more as you explore the magical world of Imani.  Read my poetry. Peruse through my photography.  Follow the links that give you insight into who I am.  Or you could just e-mail me and ask me for yourself.  But what fun is that?
Some of my favorite places to hide on the internet:
Tau Beta Sigma - Alpha Delta chapter -; The honorary band sorority... It's all about my sisters in the bond...T-A-U...B-E-T-A...S-I-G-M-A...Tau Beta Sigma!

Ohio University
- The school that gave me my degree and throws the best Halloween party this side of Hell

Segue - One the best sights for learning about Taiwan and living there with a nice format.

Teaching English and Living in Taiwan
- For better of for worse I love this site and the people who I've met through it

The Internet Movie Database -
where you can find every movie ever made...like the one by my friend Omonike Akinyemi.  You go girl!

Classmates.com -

Did you ever wonder what happened to that guy you had a crush on in 7th grade?  He got married to your worst enemy!   But seriously, this is the site to cook up a hook up with old buds and get your reunion on!  Chica chica bwa bwa!

The Marching 110 Website -

I grudgingly put this up because despite how much grief this organization brought me, it also brought me some of my closest friends.
E-mail me!
Okay, you say, so where do I start on my quest to learn more about Imani?

Each link will take you into a part of my creative outlets or to find information about me and what I like.

Teaching English

My Poetry

My Biography


Tau Beta Sigma

My Weblog
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Pet me!
I have put up my Tau Beta Sigma page, but it's full of photos so please be patient.
I have added my blog.
I have put up some of my recent poetry.
I am adding more pictures to my travelling page (including Chinese New Year in Kaohsiung and Kenting with Ty)

Bet you can't guess what my favorite color is...