Cumberland  House

Cumberland House  53°45’ N , 101°45’ W

Cumberland House is situated in north east  Saskatchewan, 157km north of  Carrot River .  By the winter road  The Pas  is 100 km away .  Cumberland House is 360km by air from Saskatoon.

The northern village is situated on a 3 mile x 12 mile island in the Saskatchewan River delta . The population of the village is about 920 and the island population is about 2000.

The Saskatchewan River Delta is one of the largest inland deltas in the world .  The Delta is a 500 000 acre Ducks Unlimited marsh.  On the Delta you can find lots of wild life--waterfowl, deer, moose, bears, beaver, muskrats and other small fur-bearing animals.  The Cumberland Marshes are the nesting place of many thousands of North America’s ducks and other waterfowl.

                                                                          --written by Lori Budd

The old boilers from the Northcote, now situated in the park at Cumberland House.

Allie Desjarlais is standing behind the boilers.

An old York boat in front of the museum in Cumberland House.

The Catholic Church in Cumberland House A log home.


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