Cumberland  House 


A Moose is a northern animal.  It is a very big animal with brown fur,  big feet,  huge antlers,  and large ears.

The Moose has an awkward appearance,  with its short compact body and very long legs.

They live in North America and they are better known to live in a number of areas of Canada.  In the fall, when it’s moose hunting season, hunters come from all over North America to the Cumberland House area because there are a lot of moose in this area.

The Moose eats pond weeds and lily pads.  The Moose can swim in deep water for long periods of time.  When moose are near or in water, they feel protected from other kinds of animals, like a pack of wolves.  They can find tasty plants when they dive underwater.  When they dive, their nostrils close to keep the water from going in.    Emile Bouvier, grade 7

The chipmunk is found in North America and Central and Eastern Asia.
It’s about ten to sixteen cm long and can have reddish or brown fur.
Chipmunks like to live in small groups.  They eat berries, seeds or nuts. They have a pouch in each cheek where they can carry their food. 

They store there food underground so they will not starve in the winter season.  In the winter time they can sleep for a long period of time, but they don’t hibernate.

                           Ken Buck, Grade 7


The beaver has a long, flat tail, brown fur, and a wet black nose, two black eyes, a small mouth, and webbed feet. 

Beavers are found in many areas of Canada and they are fairly abundant in the Cumberland area of Saskatchewan because of the many water areas.

The beaver usually eats tender bark and buds of trees and willows which is another reason why the beaver can be found in the Cumberland area since we have many trees & willows growing. 

The beaver lives by ponds. It makes its home in a partially submerged house called a lodge and builds a dam to cover the entrance to its lodge. 
        Corey Carriere, Gr. 7


The wolverine is the largest member of the weasel family.  It is a small animal but very powerful.

The wolverine lives in the nothern areas of North America, Europe, and Asia.  They make their homes in wooded areas.

They eat birds’ eggs, insects, berries and the remains of large animals.  Sometimes they can sneak up on a bigger animal such as moose and deer and kill them.

The wolverine is around seventeen inches tall.  They
have dark brown fur with stripes. The young are usually born in February and they stay with their mom for two years.

    Jerilynn McKay

  (Rough Grouse)
A pinew is one of any several grouse that lives on the praries of North America. They also live in coniferous forests in northern Europe. 

They are heavy bodied game birds.They have a short bill & short legs.Their short rounded wings allow them to fly a short, rapid, whirring flight but only for a short distance.         They eat seeds, buds & berries but also like insects.

In the Cumberland area there are many rough grouse living in the many forrested areas all around the village.
       Shane McKay, gr. 7

                      Maskwa (Bear)

There are many different kinds of bears that come in many shapes and sizes.  In the Cumberland area there are mostly black bears which are found in North America from Mexico to Alaska.  It is found where there are forests.

The black bear is about one meter high and about two meters long.  It has a shiny black coat. The black bear eats roots vegetables,  mice, frogs, and fish.  In the winter the bear hibernates in small caves or they dig holes into which they can crawl. 

Hunters from many areas of Canada and from the United states travel to the Cumberland area to hunt bear--in the spring. 
    Patricia Pelly, Gr. 7

                        Wacask - Muskrat

The    muskrat   is  small    and    furry;  it   has    a long   tail   and  small   eyes  and   ears.   They   have   four   webbed  feet  to  help   them swim  good.    The muskrat likes to  live   in  a  nest   beside a river or a shallow lake to  protect   itself    from  danger. 

Its   tiny   nose  and   eyes   help  them  find  food.   It  eats  water   lilies,   roots,  insects,   and  vegetation.  Because the Cumberland House area has a large marshland area, this habitat is quite suited to the muskrat and there are many of them in this area. 
 (Bonnie Dorion)


Ininsip       ( mallard  ) 

The mallard is a wild duck.  They live near fresh water ponds or marshes and shallow  waters.  The mallard  has a green head, a white band around the neck, a  reddish  brown  breast  and a grey  back.

Mallards  eat mostly  aquatic plants.  They eat by dipping  their heads below the water  surface. 

The Cumberland House area is surrounded by large areas of water and marshes, a perfect habitat for large numbers of ducks and geese.
   Meagan Goulet, Gr.7


The deer is a graceful animal.  They are found in Northern Africa and the Americas. 

They live in forest and bush country.  They are small and have light brown skin. They eat leaves, branches of young trees and twigs. 

There are many white tail deer in the Cumberland House area.  When you drive along the highway you often see deer grazing.  Drivers have to be careful in case a deer decides to cross in front of them and cause an accident


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