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The area chosen for the establishment of a library is on the north eastern section of Kathmandu. (click to see map of the opproximate location of the library site, indicated by the green square) There are at least seven schools within a radius of one kilometer. There were other schools to the right of the photograph and more on the other side of the hill. This area has plenty of residential housing nearby.Part of the area which the library would serve.  New private school in the foreground.

Nir Kumar Basnett, the Sirdar who works for Everest Trekking is happy to set up the Library in a rented room. He has lived in the area for several years and is prepared to contact the local schools to promote the idea of a resource library. He and his wife would work together to run the library. I met Niru ten years ago and have trekked with him four times. He is a reliable, honest man and was recommended by Lobsang, the Director of Everest Trekking.
Any libraries in Kathmandu are not accessible by people living in this part of the city, so a community library would provide a valuable service for many people.

Suitable books for the library are simple reading books for young children, abridged versions of more sophisticated stories and illustrated dictionaries and encyclopedias. Other books could be purchased in Nepal using some money donated by Trinity. Teachers could borrow charts and other teaching aids.

This project would be worthwhile and beneficial to a wide range of children and adults. It is small enough to be managed and the use of the donations can be monitored. Kath Maltzhan, a co-director of Everest Trekking, has experience of schools in Nepal and has offered to help with advice and links with people in Kathmandu. There are many other people in the Trinity Community who can help so that we can make the Community Resource Library and the School Project a real success, and make a difference to the lives of some people in Nepal.

What is needed:
Simple reading books for adults and children.
Picture dictionaries.
Charts for teachers (body parts, health, formula, chemistry, seasons, alphabet, numbers etc).
Selected reference books.
Possibly educational games.
Equipment similar to the school. Teachers could borrow equipment to use for a lesson.
Money to buy books in Kathmandu. Some book shops offered to help with the project by reducing the price of some reference books. It is better to buy the school books in Kathmandu, because they will be books that are familiar to the students. We also need Nepali language books
Possibly a computer or money to buy one in Nepal. This would be a resource for borrowers.
Picture encyclopedias
Sporting equipment such as cricket bats and soccer balls.
Cassette players.
A computer for people to use in the Library. There are plenty of Internet Rooms in Thamel, the tourist centre of Kathmandu, but most local people would not have access to computers.