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Anand Bhairab Lower Secondary School

The school is located in a farming area to the east of Kathmandu. It appears to be only 3-4 kilometres on the map of Kathmandu, but it takes time and patience to reach the School. There is a local bus, but although it is safe, it is very uncomfortable and difficult to find which bus passes Mulpani. Hiring a car for $A12-15 is probably the best means of transport.


This building was near the school across the fields. In the distance is the new police compound ( blue roof) . There seems to be some sort of excavation of the hills in the distance. My questions were not understood, but it seems that the people dig out the hills for sand for cement. In the area towards Kathmandu they were covering over the old rubbish dump. Apparently so many birds were attracted to the rubbish that they became a hazard at the airport, so the dump was abandonned and covered over. I was told that it is now a source of methane fuel.

The school is surrounded by housing and farmland and the roads are unmade. Most of the houses have vegetable gardens and fields next to them. Animals are kept beside the house.



About 300 meters up the road there is a new private school. It has much smaller classes than the government school.
It was suggested that Trinity might also help this school, and perhaps it is worth consideration if the link with the other school is successful.

There are some shops which sell everyday products and serve drinks. On the day I visited there was a group sitting around chatting.


Two of the teachers live in the village and their houses are nearby. We passed one house with the teacher's mother sitting in the sun. Many people seemed to be building new houses or adding to the original building. It is a quiet rural area, which seems to be expanding


Most of the houses near the school have a similar architecture, with a decoration around the roof. Traffic is limited and animals and children wander around the streets.

Visitors Welcome

The location of the school means that it is relatively easy for people who visit Nepal to visit the school. You would need to contact the school in advance by writing to the Headmaster: Bishwa Nath Lamichhane, Anand Bhairab Lower Secondary School, Mulpani VDC - Ward No. 3, Kathmandu, Nepal. Be prepared to teach a lesson or two, but you would need to bring all the teaching aids. There are no maps or pictures. They do learn about Australia as part of Social Studies.

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