Jackson Thoreau - Writer, Journalist, Author, Father, Eagle Scout, Activist

Latest book - Born to Cheat: How Bush, Cheney, Rove & Co. Broke the Rules

Latest columns on Oped News, Daily Kos & other sites


Other books Jackson wrote or contributed to:

Big Bush Lies

The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush & Other Things the Bush Administration Doesn't Want You to Know

We Will Not Get Over It: Restoring a Legitimate White House

List of lies told by Bush officials about Iraq

New Hampshire Gazette's Chicken Hawk Database

Photos against Bush

Column archives

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Columns Latest book - Born to Cheat Mailbag Contact

In future centuries, it won't be the essays by the David Broder's and Charles Krauthammer's that will be studied and emulated - it will be the Jackson Thoreau's. - Brad Beachy, college professor

American writer Jackson Thoreau sparks some strong reactions. Conservative talk show blowhard Rush Limbaugh once called him a liar on his show. Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he should suffer and initiated an investigation of him.
Meanwhile, supporters say Thoreau writes "with a sword" and "speaks for a nation."
Thoreau himself says he's just trying to hold those in power accountable at a time when the mainstream media won't really do that job. After the Bush gang stole the White House in 2000, Thoreau broke key stories, such as Cheney continuing to live in his Texas home after he claimed to have moved to Wyoming and selling the home to a big Republican donor who already had a mansion in the same neighborhood. He was the last writer to interview Margie Schoedinger, a Texas woman who filed a sexual assault lawsuit against Bush and died via a gunshot wound that was ruled a "suicide" a few months later.
When conservatives claimed that not even liberal types would defend actor Chevy Chase calling Bush a "dumb fuck" in public, Thoreau wrote a column doing just that, showing how Bush and Cheney had used profanity in public repeatedly. His reports on Schwartznegger and others were so revealing that the Los Angeles Times, CNN, and others called to follow up.
"A lot of people, especially those in power, can't handle being questioned," Thoreau says. "But someone has to do it."

A Wikipedia page on Jackson is here.

Jackson's latest book on Bush administration debuts at annual Take Back American conference in mid-June 2007

Jackson's latest book, Born to Cheat: How Bush, Cheney, Rove & Co. Broke the Rules - From the Sandlot to the White House, debuted at the annual Take Back America conference in mid-June. The 251-pp., heavily-documented book is published by Do Something Press of Washington, D.C., with help from from VoxPop, a New York company run by Sander Hicks, publisher of J.H. Hatfield's Fortunate Son Bush bio in 2000.

Born to Cheat goes beyond other books on Bush's lifelong deceit to cover the cheating and dirty tricks of Cheney, Rove and other key players. To read a few chapters free online and order an autographed printed copy, click here.


Jackson has been a longtime activist for issues related to human rights, justice, the environment, world peace, and other social causes. In 1984-85, he walked more than 5,000 miles across the U.S. and Europe with a group of people to call for an end to the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. He has participated in hundreds of demonstrations and campaigns in the U.S. and Europe.

In 2003, Jackson organized a petition drive to oust former hard rightwinger Tom DeLay from office and presented copies of the petition signed by several thousand fellow Americans to the offices of leaders of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. Others did likewise, and the efforts helped lead to an environment in which officials started questioning DeLay's abuses more and gave the committee some support to go after the corrupt DeLay, who eventually tumbled.

So to those who say their actions won't make a difference, Jackson gives this example. People are still signing his petition here, and a column explaining the action is here.

Some letters Jackson wrote to politicians on other issues are here.

Some letters to the media are here.

More petitions:

Vote to impeach Bush

Impeach Bush

Impeach Bush

Indict Bush and Cheney

Remove Tony Blair

Totally recall Schwartznegger

Remove Texas Gov. Perry

To contribute to Thoreau's work, click on the Paypal button below:

Food for thought

My country is the world. My religion is to do good. - Thomas Paine

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. - Theodore Roosevelt

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

© 2007 Jackson Thoreau