GWHFH Pictures: Photos of building the duplex back in 2004.  I am happy to report that the families have moved in and are loving it.

Martha's Vineyard Pictures: Turn green with envy looking at photos from my fabulous (and cheap) AmeriCorps weekend site-seeing trip around the vineyard.

Miscellanious Personal Photo Collage: Not for the faint of heart!  Or, more acurately, a page only friends and family will really care about, as the ridiculously long title suggests.

Pumpkin Photos: October 2004 held an over-abundance of pumpkins for me and GWHFH.  Here are just a few pictures of our Pumpkin Decorating Contest at the Publick House Harvest Festival.

Florida Photos: These are mostly of wild animals that I "hunted" down with my digital camera.  It was my first trip with the camera -- I took over 600, but I only put a few of them up here.

Aquarium Photos: Kelley came on her first trip to Boston, and I took her to all of the sites.  The camera went too, of course, and these are my attempts to photograph sea creatures behind glass.
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