Mojave Greens K-9 Training Club
"Promoting a strong human/canine bond through training and shared activities."
ORGANIZATION:  Mojave Greens K-9 Training Club (MGK-9TC) was formed in 1992 to promote and encourage training, proper care, and responsible ownership of purebred and mixed breed dogs.

OBJECTIVES:  MGK-9TC's objectives are to promote dog training and increase its popularity in a responsible manner; to conduct classes for the training of dogs and their handlers; to hold obedience trials, fun matches, and to promote good sportsmanship in the training and exhibition of dogs.

MEMBERSHIP:  Persons wishing to join the MGK-9TC must first attend two meetings and have two Club members as sponsors.  Annual dues are $20.00 per individual or $25.00 per family.  Junior memberships are available for $7.00 for persons under the age of eighteen.  There is also a one-time initiation fee of $5.00 which is not included in the above amounts.

MEETINGS:  Club meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the 3rd Wed. of every month, except December.  You can call (760) 240-4300 for directions to the meeting place.  A member of the club will always return your calls.

JOIN MGK-9TC FOR A MEETING ....that brings together dogs and their people with others of similar interests....that includes guest speaker programs covering a variety of topics such as health care of your dog, arson and police dog demonstrations, therapy dog training, canine first aid, and much much more.....that provides numerous raffle prizes, delicious refreshments, and a chance to brag about your dog's talents and accomplishments.

WHAT DOES MGK-9TC OFFER YOU?:  One of the nicest benefits of Club membership is the opportunity to make many new friends of other dog lovers and their canine companions.  Our wonderful newsletter, PawPrints, is published monthly and mailed to each member.  It includes the current Club calendar which lists the activities of the month, items of interest - such as member interviews, articles on a wide variety of dog-related topics, and news of Club functions.  Within the Club is a Dog Drill Team for parade exhibition and local demos.  Members are also active in obedience, agility, flyball and various other dog related activities.  The Club owns and makes constant use of its obedience and agility equipment.

FURTHER INVOLVEMENT:  Community service is a vital part of the Club, andn members are invited to be involved in charitable activities such as shelter work, educational demos for children, and therapy dog visitations.  The Club enjoys donating funds to other orginizations that aid and benefit dogs.  The Club conduct raffles at meetings and events, with items being donated by the members.  Our most ambitious fund raising projects are the set-up, clean-up, and takedown at all-breed shows.
Meet Carleen Newman - Founder/Trainer of MGK9TC
   Carleen Newman has worked with animals of many kinds for over 35 years.  She now specializes in dogs of all breeds, but also owns and trains exotic birds.  She raised, trained and showed registered "Paint" horses in Texas for many years and has worked with large exotic cats.
     Carleen is licensed by the State of California as a protection/security dog trainer and was in charge of dog obedience at George AFB before it closed, and for Apple Valley Recreation and Parks for 13 years, in addition to her private training business.  She is highly recommended by the veterinarians in the area and teaches monthly puppy seminars.
     Carleen's experience with dogs is quiet varied - from obedience/protection and narcotics detection, to dogs that aid the hearing impaired.  Her dog obedience classes and puppy seminars are widely lauded and her training focuses more on functional obedience and real protection training than on the formalized AKC obedience or the sport of Schutzhund.
     Carleen is a published author of many training and animal related articles and she has training videos available.  She also is a frequent guest on local TV and radio talk shows.
     Not "just a dog trainer" but an animal behaviorist at heart, Carleen is also involved in wildlife rehabilitation for the state, and her house is often home to wild creatures on the mend.  Many cannot be released and so they stay on with her.

For information on Carleen's classes - Call (760) 240-4300.
Now if only Minnie will stay this way, for the whole mile parade.
This is Carleen in a parade in AV, with Minnie under her arm.
Minnie says, "This is another easy way to go.  I think this will be even more  fun". Who cut her head off? (:>
These pictures were taken in Dec. 1994. Mike and Minnie were  in the drill team and training to march in the parades, but since Mike died in July, Carleen said Minnie was not going to be left out, even if she had to end up carrying her for the whole parade.  I think that is what she ended up doing .
"Well I am not going to be able to balance myself for this trip, and I am also having a very bad hair day.  But love all this attention", says Minnie.