






The legends concerning Darkseid date back before recorded history with the death of the old gods. As each race of gods died out, a new world and race of gods was born. The Universe has been through 3 such cycles with the pantheon of Roman and Greek gods being the last to "die out". In their passing two new worlds were born: New genesis, home to the New Gods and Apokolips, home to the evil Darkseid. Some say that Darkseid killed his own mother to gain the throne of his world. Other legends say that he was changed by an evil power source while trying to save his brother. Whatever his origin, his control of his world is total. Everything that crawls across the scarred face of Apokolips does so at the bidding of Darkseid. His planet is dotted with glowing firepits that the weak are cast into. Darkseid commands a legion of fanatical warriors born and bread from places such as Armagetto.

Darksied is always plotting to destroy anything and anyone representing life and light. At first, Darkseid came to the attention of Earth's superheroes when he was searching for the anti-life equation. the pieces of this equation was locked into the minds of certain humans. It was only through the efforts of The new Gods and the Forever People that his first major plot was stopped. Other schemes have included destroying Earth's faith in it's superheroes, harnessing the secret of the source of all life, and the destruction of the planet New Genesis.

Though Darkseid has always failed, it has only been through the courage and perserverance of Earth's heroes and the citizens of New genesis. Time and time again it seems that Darkseid dies only to be reborn. It has been said that evil can never truly be destroyed.

Darkseid's reputation for evil is legend across the galaxy. But, Darkseid is not without honor. As many heroes have found, Darkseid's word is his bond. Darkseid does not often engage into physical combat, preferring to manipulate events from behind the scenes. Darkseid's greatest weapon is to take advantage of a situation and turn to his purpose and victory. Darkseid uses his agents, Desaad, Kanto, The Female Furies, Granny Goodness, Steppenwolf, Kalibak, Mantis and Glorious Godfrey in his never ending battle against New Genesis.

Darkseid did bear a son, Orion, who later was exchanged for a son of New Genesis, Scott Free, in an attempt to create a peace pact between the two planets. However, this plan to subjugate a child of New Genesis and taint the planet with his own son failed. Orion and Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) have fought against Darkseid as members of the previous Justice League. Orion has even "killed" darkseid on one occasion. However, he keeps returning.

Bio by Douglas Nasluchacz




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Eiling/Shaggy Man
Felix Faust
Gorilla Grodd
Hermes Trimegistus
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Johnny Quick II
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The Key
Killer Moth
King Kobra
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Mirror Master
Ocean Master
Power Ring
Professor Ivo
Queen Bee
Rainbow Raider
Ra's Al Ghul
Red Dart
Secret Society of Super Villains
Shadow Thief
T.O. Morrow
Vandal Savage

Darkseid, JLA and all other characters and stories on this page are a copyright of DC Comics. Used without permission.
