- 3 -
     Had it not been for the extended effort of Delta Division Director Phil 
Spencer, I doubt that this matter would have been fairly resolved. Directors 
Bolvin, Clark, and Foster also played a major role.  Of course, more than
half the Directors favored the hearing.  Why don't you drop your Director a 
note of thanks and express your opinion of the outcome?
     The Board of Directors took no action at all regarding proposals to 
improve DXCC Administration or to revise the Committee; two such attempted 
motions received no second! This is surprising because Clubs in many Divisions 
informed the Directors prior to the meeting that they wanted these matters 
considered and resolved.  In all fairness, however, it must be stated that
such extensive time was required for resolution of our DXpedition problem, 
that there was little additional time to devote to DX....perhaps next year...

Our DXpedition, with some color slides, will be on NBC's TODAY show on May
16th (7:00 - 7:30 AM NY time), coast-to-coast, in color.  Ten to fifteen min-
utes will be devoted to discussing the benefits of DX and Dxpeditions.

$130 entitles you to lifetime membership in ARRL with QST for life and many 
other advantages.  Joining the League, especially for life, is the best way 
to insure yourself a voice in the future of the amateur radio service, and 
I urge you to subscribe to this bargain; charter life membership will be open
for a limited time only.  We trust that none of this money will ever again be
used to smear another fellow amateur member.

We also urge you to obtain a copy of this new proposal, which includes a pro-
vision for requiring you to give the callsign of the station you are calling,
only at the end of a completed exchange, and not necessarily with every call;
I know most DX men and contest enthusiasts will support this proposal in
their replies to the FCC.

In view of the Awards Committee's reversals, it would be in poor taste to 
publish results of certain replies; however, over 700 have replied, 86% are 
ARRL Members, 84% hold DXCC, 99% approve of our DXpedition, feel the DX oper-
ator has the right to contact whom he pleases and should refuse to contact 
stations being operated contrary to the DX spirit, feel we display good 
sportsmanship and good operating techniques and proficiency, and that the 
DXpedition has been worthwhile and a credit to amateur radio and should be 
completed.  3 of 709 site instances in which a QSL card was received without 
benefit of a QSO, but these were either unrelated to our DXpedition or rep-
resented an error in callsign.  95% are in favor of the proposal for improve-
ment in DXCC Administration.  3 felt they were discriminated against and one 
felt he was forced to contribute.

     Once again we wish to state we are eager to complete our DXpedition,
but this will be impossible without your help.  In addition to the SASE 
provided on page 1 for possible contributions, please fill out the reverse 
side of this sheet and return it in the attached envelope; this will be a 
guide to our future operations.

     Thanks to the many thousands of you who have made possible the 1965-
1967 World-wide DXpedition.  73 and the best of DX!

Don Miller, W9WNV, Etc.

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