Wisp Unification Theory - About Me

Page last updated 22-Sep-2007

About Me


My name is Kevin Harkess and I live in Hampshire in England.

I work as an electronics engineer, and have a strong interest in physics and hold a BSc(Hons) physics degree. I'm also a local councillor for Brighton Hill South.

I have always been interested in finding out what the fundamentals of physics are, not just how they work. Im a creative thinker who spends a lot of time thinking about things that others take for granted.

It was creative thinking that was responsible for my failure to complete my college work. I was so engrossed in developing an energy theory that I failed to allow time to study and pass my exams. I had to force myself to give up the theory and left college in a depressed state with no prospects of going on to university to study mathematical physics.

I vowed never to study physics again. But 15 years later, whilst in the town library, I saw the word "fractal" on a book's cover, and had an amazing thought about how force and matter interact. It didn't take more than a few second to make my mind up that I would be spending the next decade developing this idea.

Wisp unification theory did take 10 years to develop, but it worked out much better than I expected - it fully explains how gravity works, and how special relativity works and where it goes wrong.

I believe that there is always a simple answer to everything. If someone explains something to you in a way that seems clear, then there is a good chance that they know what they're talking about and it might be true. If on the other hand, their explanation leaves you more confused, or you feel that you're not clever enough to understand them. Then the chances are that they are not really sure themselves, but are trying to pass on an answer that someone else gave them! Modern theoretical physics is a bit like that.

I enjoy cycling to work and back each day - a 26 mile round trip.

My family is the most important thing in my life: my wife Dawn, my son Michael and daughter Bethany. And we have a Jack Russell dog called Jack.

I do believe that there exists a higher order of intelligence - God, and that life in the universe is rare and precious. And even though there is much suffering and pain in the world, God does take great interest in the activities of all forms of life.

My motto for life is has always been: try not to worry and enjoy each day. But with Global Warming now a reality, we've left it too late, and the consequences of rapid temperature rise will threaten our very existence.


Copyright © Kevin Harkess 2002 - 2008. All rights reserved. Harkess Research.