Wisp Unification Theory - Hot topic

Change: New Breakthrough - Scientists at the ESA have produced a gravitational field from a spinning superconductor. Page last updated 15-Apr-2006

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Podkletnov's impulse gravity generator

In an article published in New Scientist, 12 January 2002, Podkletnov claimed to have made a device that produces a pulse that has the same properties as a gravitational field. The pulse can pass through a steel plate and knock over a book placed on a table one-kilometre away.

Wisp theory predicts this effect is also possible, simply by rotating wisp space horizontally instead of vertically. Figure 5.10 shows the horizontal beam acting on a matter-fractal placed in its path. Centripetal forces that develop in the rotating beam cause wisps to move outwards, reducing the beam's density. Earth's spherical tension force pulls horizontally on one side of matter-fractal's zero-state sphere, but the 'equal and opposite' tension force pulling on the other side is reduced because the beam's density is lower. This causes a net force to act on the zero-state sphere, which pulls the matter-fractal away from the beam's source. However, the effect is transitory, as the density reduction within the beam quickly equalizes on both sides of the matter-fractal, resulting in negligible amounts of energy being lost due to absorption by objects in the beams path. This explains why the book experienced a short repulsive force at a large distance, causing it to fall over.

Podkletnov has amplified this effect by discharging a high-voltage source (5kV) across the ceramic. From wisp theory's perspective the discharge causes the beam's density to rapidly reduce, and the change propagates along the beam as a longitudinal wave. (Wisp theory suggests that longitudinal ether waves (see chapter 4 section 4.3.2) can propagate through wisp space at many times faster than the speed of light). Podkletnov has measured the speed of the impulses as being sixty four times the speed of light.

Even though the effects of the horizontal beam are short, the magnitude of the transient force would be much greater than the effects discovered earlier on his gravity shielding device. And it might even be possible to achieve a continuous repulsion effect if two generator devices were pointed at each other. The density variation in the beams should be able to cause the earth's spherical tension forces to pull the generators away from each other without the need to fire high-voltage discharges onto the ceramic discs.

Again, secrecy shrouds his work and it has not been verified. But, wisp theory predicts that if the original gravity 'shielding' effect is possible, then the impulse beam effect is also possible.

Many find Podkletnov claims very hard to accept - some because they go against Einstein's concepts of gravity (although he says he doesn't challenge Einstein) and others because they are sceptical over his secrecy. However, I find his work intriguing. Currently all of his claims are supported by wisp theory's ideas on how gravity works - even the longitudinal ether waves that propagate at speeds much greater than that of light were suggested by wisp theory and have now been detected and measured by Podkletnov.

The commercial potential for the impulse beam would be vast, explaining why both NASA and Boeing are taking these reports seriously, see http://www.janes.com/transport/news/jdw/jdw020729_1_n.shtml
and http://www.janes.com/aerospace/civil/news/jdw/jdw020729_1_n.shtml
and http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0108005 for the physics abstract.
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Podkletnov

For the latest news update (4 August 2004) click on the link below

For details of his earlier work, see Wisp Unification Theory chapter 5 section 5.41.


New Breakthrough

Scientists at the European Space Agency (ESA) have created a gravitational field (gravitomagnetic effect) from a spinning superconductor,
see http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/GSP/SEM0L6OVGJE_0.html
and http://esamultimedia.esa.int/docs/gsp/Experimental_Detection.pdf
and http://www.americanantigravity.com/articles/498/1/ESA-Announces-Gravity-Modification-Breakthrough

I believe there is a link between their work and Podkletnov's.


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