Wisp Unification Theory - Feedback

Page last updated 6-March-2005


If you have any questions about wisp theory, please e-mail them to me and I will be happy to answer them. Or if I've missed anything that you think is important to support the existence of the ether please let me know.

All correspondence is treated confidentially and will not be passed on to any third party for use in promoting wisp theory.

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Thank you


Email: kevin.harkess@btopenworld.com


The DeWitte Experiment is clear proof that the ether exists

The reason why science has ignored it is because it supports the concept of ether, which challenges Einstein's spacetime, and because it's an amateur experiment and so gets little or no professional recognition (sadly, Roland DeWitte has died. His work was never published in a scientific journal, and his website is no longer active). Wisp theory fully supports his historic experiment and predicts its positive result. It is simply due to Doppler effect caused by the motion of the Earth through the ether. DeWitte found that the direction of motion of the Earth, relative to the ether, is in close agreement with that found many years earlier by Miller.

In 1933, Dayton Miller suggested that the Earth was in motion with the ether, moving toward Dorado in the southern celestial hemisphere, the swordfish, right ascension 4 hrs 54 min., declination of -70° 33'.

All we can say at present is that the Earth is moving relative to the ether with a speed of about 400km/s possibly along a line joining the constellations of Draco in the northern hemisphere and Dorado in the southern hemisphere. However, further experiments are needed to resolve matters, as the possibility that the direction of ether flow is closer to the ecliptic plane cannot be ruled out.

Wisp theory shows that that motion of the ether affects the relative speed of light, not its direction, and so there is no surprise that the relative motions of the Earth to ether and to the cosmic background radiation (CBR) are different. The CBR is isotropic - it has the same temperature from all parts of the sky, varying by one part in 10,000. But a large-scale anisotropy in the CBR has now been established, which suggests the Sun is moving relative to it, toward the constellation of Leo.


Special Relativity is cracking up

There is now no doubt that Einstein's relativity theories are false. But because Einstein was such a hugely popular figure who somehow managed to influence the development of modern physics, it will be painful for many academics to admit they got it wrong.

But time is running out, and very soon a modern experiment to test the anisotropy of the one-way speed of light will prove Einstein wrong. And all theories that use his concept of spacetime will have to be changed or abandoned.

Wisp theory is fully complete and ready to replace special relativity. This new theory just happens to produce answers that better special relativity, even though it was developed using simple mathematics and logical commonsense reasoning.


Copyright © Kevin Harkess 2002 - 2008. All rights reserved. Harkess Research.