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2/28/07 ~ Wednesday 12:55 am

Status: calm ~ Listening to: Let Me Hear - Tomoko Tane (Trinity Blood Insert Song) Listen or Save

Otanjobi omedatou, Jenn-chan!

A little late but still good. ^.^

Chronic back pain = I'm getting old >.<;

I skipped out on work early since I started getting pain in my lower back. I went to see my chiropracter and he cracked every bone in my body. ^^; Owwie.... I feel better which is a major improvement. For the rest of my day I sat upon a hard surface (in hopes to keep my back straight and maintain proper posture. Also, I ate chinese bread and watched anime. ^^; This is the life...of an otaku.... ^.^

2/25/07 ~ Sunday 9:35 pm

Status: hungry ~ Listening to: me typing

Akira is a comedy? I never knew....

Sorry for the numerous updates...I may just upload the con report to a single page so it can include all the updates. When you're finally awake...you remember things. ^^; Anyway, the American Anime Awards features one major mistake with the listings of nominees...and it was kept that way. I wonder why no one picked it out? VA Johnny Yong Bosch was in the best actor in a comedy category and the clip they introduced him in was him grinning in the movie, Akira. O.o I thought Akira was a scifi-drama...but who knows? Perhaps the exploding hand and goo is pretty funny to some people.... ^^; BTW, Mr. Bosch was Ichigo in Bleach and we grew up with him on the tube as Adam Park in 'The Might Morphin Power Rangers.' Yup, he was the black power ranger after the first one left. Uncovered this in the wonderful world of wikipedia. ^^;

9:00 pm ~ Status: happy

Con info and moments

The best actress in a comedy is Debi Derryberry (Zatch, Zatchbell.)

I nearly forgot this funny moment at the Tsubasa panel. Vic, the voice of Fai was asked about his relationship with Kurogane. FYI, Fai and Kurogane is a popular yaoi pairing in the series...even though Kurogane and Tomoyo is a more canon pair. ^.^ Vic's response (paraphrasing) was 'I just want to say one thing: both Ed and Fai...LIKES GIRLS.' ^_^ He than added, 'I believe Fai likes to tease Kurogane, something Ed does alot.' (in reference to Ed's teasing of Roy.) lol Vic is so cute....

Another Vic moment was during the Anime Awards. When he received his Mighty Mecha for Best Actor, he started tearing up. It wasn't acting or anything...it was so sweet and sincere. Vic is like that. *gives more pocky* BTW, I gave him 2 boxes of pocky since he shared the first box with his friends. As mentioned in the con report, I gave him a box after the panel for signing the cd. When he saw me giving pocky out during the signing, he was like (parapharsing) 'She is the one I told you who gave me the pocky.' *major blush* ^^; We came to the agreement during the signing that 'Pocky was meant for sharing.' After all, 1 box always have 2 or more packets. ^.^ (Unless of course you buy the single packet boxes.... *Pocky extraordinare* ^^;)

One stupid moment was after Vic signed the poster, I was so happy that I forgot to give the poster to VA Jason Liebrecht who was the voice of Syaoran. When I passed him (in a stupor staring at my beautiful poster,) he said 'You don't want me to sign it? Okay!' He was laughing when I rushed back and apologized. Of course I gave him pocky to make up for my error. ^^; (Jason Liebrecht is also the voice of Alfons Heiderich in the FMA movie.)


...there will be a high chance of showers complete with many opportunities for a snowball fight (if you're able to find a target.) And if you can brave the cold, a major opportunity to take some snow cosplay pictures.... ^^; The last part, I'll past. Currently, I'm in post-con recovery mode...even from a one day con. ^^;

My co-worker gave me call. Turns out, my office is still in construction zone Z (aka. the demolition arena) so we won't be able to actually work in the office...not to mention breathe. (Most of us had to wear a mask in the office since the dust was horrible. Kinda reminded me of Asia.... ^^;) So, we don't need to go to the office tomorrow. Of course, if any of us had an appt., we will go to the appt., but we don't need to go to the office. So...day off tomorrow! *dances around the room*

My plans include sleep, anime and FMA game. Productive, ne? ^.^

5:45 pm ~ Status: cold

Con edit

I corrected some things in my previous post, the major being that that best cast was FLCL. In general, FMA and FLCL took the show. ^.^

Anime downloads

I'm currently downloading Gakuen Heaven for Pearl-chan and Kyou Kara Maoh! for Christine-nee-chan. Anything else? Just let me know! ^.^

Also, I downloaded FMA: Premium Collection in iso format, meaning that I can (and did) burn it onto a dvd and it plays like the official one. Yay! Don't need to buy one! I'll be checking to make sure this edition has everything the original has. ^.^

1:40 am EDIT ~ Status: exhausted

NY Comic Con Report: Saturday

This will not be detailed and pics will not be posted since I only took a few pics.

Warning: ticket/waiting rant

I arrived at the con at around 10am, later than I expected, but it was okay. What was not really okay was the fact that I had to wait for over an hour to get INTO the convention hall. Anyone who already bought tickets, still had to wait. The line was looooong. And it was cold. The irony is that those who went to the con center without tickets get to go inside to buy the tickets. >.<; They need another system....

And those who are already inside the con hall needs bracelets to go around since if you go outside WITHOUT a bracelet, you have to get BACK in line again. >.<; End of rant.

Panels, anime and signings

I arrived in time for the last 15 min. of the 'Anime Awards Pre-Game Show'. The seven female VAs that were mc-ing the awards show were there and basic VA questions were asked. Afterwards, I walked around the dealer's room for awhile and picked up ALOT of paper: posters, cards, ads, more cards....

I stopped in to check on a new anime called 'Afro Samurai,' which is an anime created only in English, but should be released in Japan in both anime and manga form soon. Samuel L. Jackson is voicing the lead. Than I headed to an anime panel that was labelled 'Major Anime Announcement.' They were offering free pocky so I couldn't resist. ^^; Turns out, the 'Major Anime Announcement' was the new anime site, animeonline.com. Nice site. I skipped out early and watched the first two episodes of Le Chevalier. The only thing I can say about that anime is that the undead in the series spew out white stuff when they get stabbed. O.o Cool.... White blood.

The Tsubasa panel was next and we got to here who was voicing who in the series. I can't spit out names right now, but I feel they chose very well. Yay! Another point for Funimation! ^.^ We watched ep. 1 and a bit of ep. 2 and questions were asked. I got Vic's signature for his 'Selah' cd. ^.^ Pocky was given and I headed to the dealer's room to chill before the Tsubasa signing.

After the signing and more pocky was given, I took my last tour of the dealer's room and headed to midtown for some much needed grub (aka. McD's) and went to the the New Yorker Hotel to regain my energies.

Short but nice award show

The Anime Awards was about 1.5 hrs. It was nice and funny. My godsister is thinking about getting the Anime Network so she may be able to record the awards show when it will be shown on the network in March. The show opened with a Japanese flute solo played beautifully by a woman-I-don't-know-who and a taiko drumming team that had an obaaaaa-san (extra 'baaaa' for respect ^.^) playing. The obaa-san had so much energy! They were totally awesome.

The award itself is named 'the Mighty Mecha.' Award results.... Vic Mignonga (Ed, FMA) won for best male voice actor. Mary Elizabeth (Motoko, Ghost in the Shell) won for best female voice actor. Dave Wittenberg (Parco Fologre, Zatchbell) won for best male actor in a comedy. I can't remember right now who won best female actor in a comedy. *strains brain* Best comedy anime, best short series (13 eps.) and best cast was FLCL. 'FFVII: Advent Children' won best animated feature. Best manga was 'Fruits Basket.' Best DVD package and best long series (over 24 eps.) was FMA. 'Rewrite' (FMA) won for best anime theme song. Yay for FMA! ^.^

I forgot the exact title of the award, but the achievement award went to Peter Fernandez. Being a jack-of-all-trades in the anime industry, he is best known for his adaptation for the classic anime Speed Racer. We gave him standing a ovation. ^.^

Cosplay thoughts

I will never partially cosplay a character ever again. If I can't give a character 100%, I won't cosplay it. The results weren't bad, I just didn't look good. I got many good comments about my ears. I can't take the credit...got them off eBay. ^.^

Due to the venue of the convention (comic and scifi) only 10% (the most) of the con population cosplayed. Will I attend next year? Only if they have the awards ceremony. Only if I'm still in NY. It was a light convention in comparison to major anime events like AnimeNEXT and Otakon. Taking it slowly is good...I just hope they'll think of a better ticket line next year. *goes to bed*

2/24/07 ~ Saturday 1:40 am

Status: happy and sleepy ~ Listening to: silence

So that's why the mic is so stinky.... O.o

For my co-worker's b-day, we went to eat hotpot and afterwards we went to sing karaoke. The place we sang in had an outside area, where we shared one tv with anyone who comes in to sing and we just pay for drinks. It was so much cheaper than getting a room since we sang a loooong time. The downside is that we had to take turns and the group that came before us was very drunk. A dude was practically singing with his lips ON the mic. Ewww.... Of course, we wiped the mics every time we got them. And due to drunkedness, he was very brash. Not impolite, more like too friendly. ^^; After the group left and others came in, it got alot calmer and more regular. That was nice. Perhaps we should do this next time, P-chan: sing outside rather than in a room. Oh yeah, of course I sang 'Fairytale' and 'First Time' by Guang Liang among some english songs. I also tried singing a Japanese song with my Japanese co-worker. ^^; (There was romanji on the screen.)

Counting down the hours of sleep....

Currently, I'm over at my friend's house. Not only is she putting me up for the night, I will be leaving my regular clothes and stuff here and she will be bringing them to the office. (My friend is also my old co-worker. ^.^)

The decided cosplay for NY Comic Con is Ritsuka. I was considering passing as his bro, Seimei, but there isn't much difference between the two besides the fact that Ritsuka is bandaged most of the time from his injuries. So...I'm going to be injured Ritsuka. One hand will be bandaged and I will be putting most of my hair in a ponytail to get the 'short hair' look. From yesterday's experimentation, I have decided that I am not satisfied with this cosplay, but it will do for tomorrow (or in another 8hrs. ^^;) For now, I'm going to shower and sleep. *prepares to shower*

2/23/07 ~ Friday 12:45 am

Status: excited ~ Listening to: me typing

Con prep update

More to do lists....

    1. Choose cosplay (will be chosen in the next 15 min.)
    2. Print con info (tomorrow...or in another 9 hrs. ^^;)
    3. Buy 5 more boxes of green tea pocky (in another 13+ hrs.)

Back to work (on cosplay....)

2/21/07 ~ Wednesday 9:30 pm

Status: contemplative ~ Listening to: Konnamon Janai! - Shoichiro Hirata (Gundam Evolve OST)

Saturday prep

I got the info needed for my Japanime con portion of NY Comic Con. Some ambiguity is finding out which VA is doing what voice (since there are some premiers like Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle which have little NA dub info. ^^;) Regardless, I have my con program planned out. Of course, I included shopping time....

To do list as follows:

    1. Iron/plan my cosplay
    2. Find pics for autographs
    3. Buy green tea pocky for VAs
    4. Confirm Friday night sleeping location
    5. Confirm plans with Christine-oneechan

3:00 pm ~ Status: amused

Mini wank report: When pron doesn't make sense...

The spelling is 'pron' and not 'porn' since the wankees like to keep the net 'clean.' ^^; Anyway....

The subject of wank is a LOTR fanfiction writer turned self-published authoress that created websites, livejournal descriptions to stroke her own ego. No big. I'm a writer as well and to hear someone actually being published (even self-publishing or Vanity Press ^^;) is pretty awesome. The cover of her book is actually acceptable and the topic of her novel is original and not fandom based (like some fanfiction to published authors.) The wank that ensues concerns her ego stroking 'publicist,' 'press pictures' and her posing with her book on the shelves next to Tolkien and Rowling (even though her name doesn't belong next to 'T' and 'R'.) *shrugs* The wank also includes her dissing her old fandom as being childish (my words) and decides to devote her sites and energies to speaking at seminars about self-publishing and 'how to better your life.' *double shrugs*

My point of interest is this part:

    "Little curious streaks of vibrating pleasure surged through his hands and he trembled and gave a little squeak of gooey joy. It felt so warm, so luscious, and so deliciously intoxicating. What had begun in the kitchen was continuing its onslaught in his bedroom. His body was vibrating like harmony entwined and he gasped. He was no longer sure of anything - what day it was or even his name as his eyes blazed into the mirror with the intensity of a dragon crouched over its booty of gold bullion."
    - The Eternal Forest of the Soul, by L. Wilshere-Cumming

That was a segment from her first novel and in case you missed it, it's talking about a guy masturbating. O.o I'm all for descriptions that make little sense, but it took me a moment to actually get what was going on. Heck, I didn't even understand the paragraph (in or out of context) until someone in the forums pointed that out. ^^; Ano, most of my writings are confusing, but if any of you don't get what I'm writing, please let me know. *blushes* I have only one last thing to say 'gooey joy.' *giggles* ^.^

12:00 pm ~ Status: slightly tired

Early con prep

I got the tickets for the Anime Awards in the mail yesterday, so I finally have ALL the tickets for the NY Comic con events. ^.^ I still need to decide what to wear (cat ears and tail with which outfit) and the events/panels that I want to attend. I'll check the website once I have free time at work. (As if we have free time at work.... ^^;)

I have been hand washing my cosplay outfits these past few days. Otousan is helping alot since he has nothing to do and is jetlagging. ^^; I will be ironing them when I get the chance and continue to work on the sequins of my Asuca Hayashi outfit. Once the weather warms up, I'm thinking about taking the dress out to Stony's Wang Center and having a photoshoot. What do you think, P-chan? All of my past photoshoot plans fell through, but perhaps this may work.

Other things: FMA game

Besides all the cosplay, I have also been playing the FMA PS2 game. I am currently at the end of chapter 3. The next boss is Scar and he is a toughie. It took me awhile to figure out how to get to the Pen Cow (a transmutable cow with a large fountain pen who is a caricature of mangaka Hiromu Arakawa-sensei ^^;) and trap him in a corner...only to have him blow me aside. Itai.... I'm going to try leveling up before trying again. Its not just about beating him, I need to get a certain number of combos, beat him under a certain amount of time and not get too damaged in the process. Hm...since this is how KHII is going to be...I will never survive. ^^;

2/20/07 ~ Tuesday 4:00 pm

Status: disappointed ~ Listening to: people moving

Changing cubicles

I have officially moved from one cubicle to another. It is right next to my old seat but it doesn't have a wall behind me. Sooooo...I'm sad. >.<; I asked the higher ups to let me stay but alas, they have their own system and I'm stuck. So much for seniority and sh*t. I'm okay...just pouty and disappointed. *points at status* I'm not up for change, but I'll deal.

2/18/07 ~ Sunday 11:20 pm

Status: tummy full ~ Listening to: silence

Aquarium pets!

A scientist at my church (who recently became a doctor) likes to raise schools of fishes. He was the one who asked for Japanese Medeka fish eggs for Christmas. ^.^ As a gift, he gave me two fishes (male and female) along with 2 water snails in a container. It has water plants floating on the top as well as rocks and stuff at the bottom. The fish were born on 11/23/06 and they are tiger fish. I am to feed them twice a day and change the water every 2-3 weeks. Of course, I named the fishes and the snails. The fishes (a little girl helped me named) are called Ariel and Flounder from 'The Little Mermaid'. I named the snails Sora and Sunao from Sukisho. ^-^ Perhaps I'll post up pics once I get the chance to take their picture. I haven't had my own pets in a long time...ever since I had all those goldfish from otousan restaurant all those years ago...and the snails, ants, ladybugs from elementry school.... ^^;

8:00 pm ~ Status: estactic ~ Listening to: Wii playing

Of Prada and Fearless

Last night, I had a Chinese day dinner at Alby-kun's house with his family/relatives. After eating, I went between Alby's room and the living room: his cousin were playing Wario World and his aunt was watching 'Fearless' and 'The Devil Wears Prada.' in the respective rooms. (With all the fasion in the 'Prada' movie, I think it's a perfect film for you, P-chan. ^.^) It was alot of fun and I totally enjoyed myself. Also, the evening was a chance for me to try out my cat ears. No tail since I haven't sewn it to my pants yet. ^^;

Wii...is fun. Who knew? ^^;

After church, we had a Wii gathering at John's house...the usual gaming house. He has added the Wii console as well as a Nintendo DS Lite to his gaming collection. Since he isn't an RPGer, it is doubtful that he will be getting a PS3. I retired after beating everyone and finally losing to a guy in boxing. I was horrible in tennis and okay in baseball. lol Too bad it isn't in real life...though I certainly worked up a sweat playing the game. Currently, the guys are playing 'Redsteel', the usual killing game with katanas and guns. It's hilarious since you can choose funny characters that include a girl in a pink miniskirt and wig.... O.o

John wants to sell his Zelda Wii game. As said, he is no Rpger. Any takers? ^.^

2/17/07 ~ Saturday 12:35 pm

Status: confused ~ Listening to: otousan snoring

Happy Chinese New Year!

I think the above pic is for the autumn festival (with the peach red bean buns ^^;) but I like this pic so it's for Chinese new year. ^.^ 'Gon Shi Fa Tsai!' or 'Gon He Fa Choi!' Ano...where are my red envelopes? ^_^

2/16/07 ~ Friday 2:00 am

Status: happy and sleepy ~ Listening to: otousan's cell beeping

Plane delays and manga

After waiting for otousan for nearly 3 hrs., he finally came out and we rushed home (after dropping off a suitcase at my aunt's house since it was all their stuff.) Of course, the return of otousan means stuff for me. I'm spoiled, I know. ^^; I received FMA vol. 13-15 (the most current in Taiwan) as well as the vol. 11 piano book for 'Streams of Praise' (Christian singing group.) I also received a bunch of manga covers...though I still need some more of various sizes. I'm planning on covering my English manga as well as the Japanese manga I picked up here and in Japan. Good thing my cousin is in Taiwan visiting so she can bring them back next month. ^.^ I also have one more thing in Taiwan that my cousin will be bringing back...no info about that now since I want to be sure I get it before I start jumping around in glee.... ^^;

Plans for the weekend

Tomorrow is the start of my four day weekend and my plans include vaccuming, heading to the Sprint store with otousan (to change the main holder of the account to MY NAME) and washing my cosplay clothes.

We might see Alby-kun and family on Sunday...or sometime next week since otousan is back and we will most likely eat together. There will sure be much food in the next few days with the Chinese festivities and all.... But before that, I'm sleepy. Oyasumi! *heads off to bed*

2/15/07 ~ Thursday 1:00 pm

Status: estactic ~ Listening to: phones ringing ^^;


*dances around the office* Here are the updates: in order to go to the Anime Awards next Saturday (2/24,) I needed convention tickets AND the Anime Award tickets. I got Saturday tickets at a store in the city (one of the few stores that still have Saturday tickets) and contacted someone on eBay that advertised on craiglist that had both weekend AND award tickets. Domo, P-chan for the tip! ^.^ I contacted the person on eBay and after a few days of communication...I got the tickets! ^.^ They said that they had alot of offers through e-mail but they felt I would appreciate them the most. They have 2 tickets...one for me and the other one for my godsister.... Which godsister? Ano...I'll let them figure it out. ^^;

I nearly screamed when I found out. Since I had to buy the tickets separately, I paid double than what is usual...but at least I get to go. Extremely happy.... What will I do at the con? Hopefully get Vic Mignonga's (Ed, FMA) autograph for his piano cd that I bought last year. ^.^ This is not a major con event for me...I'm just thrilled to be going to the Anime Awards! *dances some more*

2/13/07 ~ Tuesday 9:30 pm

Status: emotionally drained ~ Listening to: me typing

Good things and bad....

I won't go through the list of everything that went on in the last 24hrs. cause I'll feel even more mixed up. Everything is minor so there is nothing to 'worry about'. Otousan is coming home on thursday...meaning he'll reach the airport on thursday night and okaasan (and I perhaps) will be picking him up. Until everything is finished and settled down again will I divulge the chaos that roams in my mind. You'll laugh if you hear this since it's practically all Japanime related. ^^; So as said, nothing to worry about....

I wanted to start playing FMA: the Crimson Elixor tonight, but since I won't be able to fully enjoy it...perhaps it'll wait. *looks at the time* We'll see....

The me in confusion signing out....

2/12/07 ~ Monday 12:30 am

Status: elated ~ Listening to: me typing

Change of plans = Korean bbq and karaoke

Note to self: Plum restaurant only opens after 5pm. ^^; So the lumch menu was at a Korean restaurant named 'Korean Restaurant.' We had Korean bbq and a sashimi spread along with the Korean side dishes. Yummy....

mini rant: that one Korean waitress...

    I totally got pissed at the waitress when I asked for the cake and she repeated 'Cake!' rather loudly...and it was behind the birthday girl too. >.<; Than, she had the audicity (or foolishness) to bring the cake still IN the box ALONG with the box of candles. Don't they usually understand and bring out the cake WITH the candles lit and everything? I guess not...when you can't speak Korean sh*t happens.... Oh wellz. *fumes quietly*

...and back to your regular programing.

Afterwards, we headed over to Pearl-chan's house and played Karaoke Revolution. Alby and I played the beginning to FFXII as well. ^^; The opening was sad...but I already knew that. I don't like the battle system...the delay totally sucks...but the FF games always have different battle system to appeal to the masses. I'm not good at RPGs so I rather play in real time. ^^; We had cake and chinese food for dinner and it was delicious. ^.^

One last thing...Lucky (Pearl-chan's dog was barking...non-stop for the entire evening.

Surprises for me!

Some x-mas gifts that I received was a red pullover from P-chan and book 1-3 of Clover by CLAMP and the FMA: Crimson Elixor game guide from Pearl-chan. ^.^ Domo arigato, P-chan and Pearl-chan! ^-^

2/10/07 ~ Saturday 11:50 pm

Status: cold and sick >.<; ~ Listening to: Time is On My Side - Lisa (Gundam Evolve OST)

Surprise? Maybe not.... ^^;

Due to personal/educational reasons, P-chan's b-day will be celebrated tomorrow...a week after the fact. ^_^ After intensive stragedizing and debate (along with the belated b-day girl) we have planned the events: food will be restaurant Plum, cake (will be handled by me ^^;) and guests are invited. ^.^ Small and meaningful...at least I hope so. Since P-chan was so sweet in wanting to accomadate me, we finally had to tell her the truth: I was already planning to skip out on church so that we could spend the day together. ^.^

I finally got my gift...just a minute ago. ^^; Hopefully it is well accepted.

Did I mention that I totally love today's mp3? ^.^ Can't wait to see the crew tomorrow!

2/9/07 ~ Friday 1:10 am

Status: happy ~ Listening to: me typing

Fav. male seiyuu

My fav. female seiyuu will always be Megumi Ogata. I haven't really chosen a fav. male seiyuu...until now: Hikaru Midorikawa-san. *fangirl squeal* After rewatching Sukisho, I fell in love with his voice as Sora. I also confirmed that he was in Papato Kiss in the Dark as Mira, Tamahome in Fushigi Yugi, Heero in Gundam Wing, Fiore in Sailor Moon R Movie among others. ^.^ He is a fav among yaoi fans as one of the best ukes in BL drama cds. You know, squealing and moaning takes alot of skill and control of pitch.... *grins*

2/6/07 ~ Tuesday 12:55 am

Status: tired ~ Listening to: BLAZE - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle OP

Calendar update ^^;

I added Hello Kitty's b-day (Nov. 1.) Thx, Christine-nee-chan! ^.^ As mentioned before, it's best to print out the calendars monthly, because I'll be updating them if I get more info. Should I include the date of the Second Impact (EVA) which is Sept. 13 or perhaps Operation Meteor/Heero Yuy assassination (GW) on April 7.... lol Since there isn't an exhausted list of important anime dates, I have to search base on anime. Contact me if there is a date which you think should be added. Or mention an anime which I can research on and find an important date for. ^-^

2/4/07 ~ Sunday 9:30 pm

Status: really cold ~ Listening to: Letter from Mikako - Voices of a Distant Star BGM

Memory lane: fanfiction

I decided to try looking for another old fanfic today, Ranma 1/2 fic. I found an active Ranma fic forum, signed up and posted my request. Seems that some may remember this 10+ year old fic. (Man, I've been reading fanfics for that long already.... ^^;) Also, I found two other fics that I wanted: Ranma fic that I read a long time ago and one SM MST that I was looking for. That'll be my reading material for the next few days. ^^; Looking through all the different fics reminded me of so much...all the fics that I read in the past.... X.X My step into yaoi territory was through fanfics. Fanfic: my gateway drug. ^^;

1:20 am ~ Status: still cold ~ Listening to: me typing

More calendar info....

*stares at the time* I'll be going to sleep after this.... (That's what I need to tell myself.... ^^;) Here are the names of the characters, the series and the words on the calendars. Why? Because I want to. ^-^

    Feb. - Loveless, Ritsuka and Soubi "When you open your eyes, I will still be waiting..." Dreams
    March - Gonhou Drug, Kazahaya and Rikuo "Some things are just not legal..." White
    April - No idea, got it from an artbook by Azumi Tohru "I cannot hide my pain, I cannot free myself from this..." Release
    May - Cardcaptors Sakura, Yukito and Touya "Shall we study together?" Midterms
    June - Okane ga nai, Ayase and Kanou "You will never know, and I will never tell you." Secret
    July - No idea, got it from an artbook by Ayano Yamane "There is more than one reason why it is hot here." Heat
    Aug. - Sukisyo, Sora and Sunao, "I want to hold on to forever, if only for today..." Happiness
    Sept. - Only the Ring Finger Knows, Yuichi and Wataru "I want to deny everything, but I can't lie to myself." Truth
    Oct. - X, Kamui and Fuuma "I won't let anything stand in our way." Destiny
    Nov. - Gundam Wing, Heero and Duo "In this war torn world, you are my angel." Wings
    Dec. - Yu Yu Hakusho, Hiei and Kurama "I will not hold you back, but stay with me tonight. The wind is cold." Snow

Oyasumi! *snores* -.-Z

2/3/07 ~ Saturday 11:30 pm

Status: cold ~ Listening to: CLAMP Gakuen on tv ^-^

2007 complete! (though missing January ^^;)

I've been super busy. I finished the Feb. through Dec. for 2007. I included some Japanese, Chinese and U.S. holidays as well as b-days for me and Jenn-chan. Alby-kun's and P-chan's b-days will be in the Jan. '08 set. I'll come out with January once I decide the theme for next year's calendar. ^^; Shoujo ai? Maybe....

I understand some people may be confused between the Japanese and Chinese holidays. I used romanji for some, but not all the Japanese holidays. Why not all? I just wanted to do it that way. ^-^ As for the confusion between the two cultures...well, you can figure it out. Most of you know which is which and if not...you can always ask me. ^.^

I will be including fandom holidays that I deem important as well, so there may be some changes through the year. (Ex. Oct. 3 is FMA day. ^-^) So, I recommend printing one month at a time. ^.^; If there is a holiday/b-day that you think I should add, just let me know. ^-^

2/2/07 ~ Friday 2:40 am

Status: sleepy ~ Listening to: silence

New calendars!

I got the idea for creating calendars from the yaoi forum that I'm a part of: a member was making really nice calendar sets for others and I wanted one too. So, I decided to play around with photoshop and created some of my own. ^^; So far, I have February, August and December, but I only uploaded February. You can find it in the viable section. ^-^ It's too late for me to make a January '07, but I'll make one for '08 when the time comes. Will be posting them as I finish them ^.^ Enjoy! (Note: Calendars are kinda large so scale them to regular paper size for printing. Please print in color for best quality. ^-^)