
~ January ~ February ~ March ~ April ~ May ~ June ~ July ~ August ~
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1/31/07 ~ Wednesday 12:30 am

Status: cold ~ Listening to: me typing

Otanjobi omedatou, P-chan!

7 random facts about P-chan

    1. She is allergic to many foods, but still continues to ingest them willingly. ^^;
    2. She was in SP (special persons?) class in junior high, the specialized law program in high school and graducated with a double major of Political Science and Business/Economics(?) in college. (Note: SP classes are for honor students.) *bows to her genius*
    3. She once took one hour to cook instant noodles (when we were in junior high. ^^;)
    4. She has the same birthday as Justin Timberlake.
    5. Her past/present crushes include a boy from elementary school (who shall remain nameless for privacy reasons, ^^;) Prince William, and Youko Kurama.
    6. She can clean anything and everything. (Though her room may at times seem messy, it is CLEAN.)
    7. She can't swim.

1/30/07 ~ Tuesday 12:15 pm

Status: amused ~ Listening to: me typing

One step forward, two steps back....

Funimation (US anime company) is coming out with new DBZ boxsets with re-mastered footage, consistent voices and widescreen for the very first time. The problem? DBZ was never animated in widescreen. So, how can this be possible? Funi will be cropping the screens. O.o Of course, the fans are wanking about this. The by-line is "The way it was meant to be seen!" >.<; Ano...DBZ was never meant to be seen in widescreen....

Why do something they didn't need to do? Hopefully, they'll withdraw this marketing suicide and do something else. I thought there was improvement with Funi since FMA and Trinity Blood turned out so well. I guess there is no hope for DBZ.

Oh yeah, one of the funniest comments were concerning the re-dubbing for 'consistent voices.' "Oh, good, because it's essential to have consistent voices for the grunts and screams!" -whiteserpant To which there was a reply, "Did anyone ever actually talk in that series? All I remember is a solid half-hour of "Eurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh... AAAAAaaaaarghhhhhh... Blaaaarggghhhhh!" And then on another planet, someone going "Eeeeeeenh... Eeeeenhhh..." in worry or something." -judyhazeleyes lol ^^;

1/27/07 ~ Saturday 8:10 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Every Heart sung by me from BoA and Hidamari no Uta sung by me from Le'Couple

Recording complete!

After weeks of practicing, I finally have two mp3s which I'm mostly satisfied with. One is from the opening song of Inuyasha, 'Every Heart' by BoA and the other is by J-pop artist, Le'Couple's 'Hidamari no Uta' (Japanese version of 'Wishes'.) Hope you like them! ^.^ These two have been uploaded and entered into the singing contest on the yaoi forum (that Pearl-chan and I are on.) Ganbare! (Don't give up! ^-^)

1/26/07 ~ Friday 6:10 pm

Status: disappointed ~ Listening to: ringing in my head >.<;

American Anime Awards: sold out

I mentioned about the awards before, including the link to the voting page. Unfortunately, I wasn't really on top of things and I wasn't able to get a ticket to it. *cries* The event sounds interesting and I really want to be there. I e-mailed my godsisters commenting that I wish I was a journalist or something in order to get in. ^^; The last opportunity to get tickets is to attend the con (you need to attend the con to get a ticket anyway) and go to the 'Pre-Awards' event which will be hosted by VAs and give ppl a chance to get VIP tickets. I'm disappointed now and I don't want to go and lose again. *sigh*

busy week

My sleeping schedule has gotten a bit better, increasing from 2 hrs. to 4 hrs. ^^; However, my head is kinda pounding from all the work. I feel stressed over many things, but I know it's not that serious. Hopefully, I can just relax this weekend (haven't I been saying this all the past weekends?) and finish what I need to do: singing. Perhaps singing will help me feel better about not going to the award ceremony. *emo tear*

1/24/07 ~ Wednesday 11:55 pm

Status: calm ~ Listening to: me typing

impending doom? hope not

The status of my 'sprint issue' has been resolved. This time, the customer service rep spent over 30 min. (at least) with me in silence looking at every detail in account. We went over almost everything that occurred from when I ordered my phones (12/18/06) until today. The total talk time was 1 hr. 5 min. So, I hope this is the end of it. I still have the issue with my rebate to deal with, but there shouldn't be a problem with that. Good thing the customer rep spoke English without an accent since I truly felt like strangling someone if I had to strain in order to listen to them speak. (This is me being racist. <.<;)

life on pause

Besides the debacle of Sprint's customer 'cares' reps, my fandom life is kinda on a pause. I'm waiting for a confirmation for my prereg for I-CON as well as waiting for my cat ears to arrive. ^-^ BTW, Caitlin Glass (Winry, FMA) will be at Stony. ^.^ Yay! Last year it was Edward...this year is Winry! *fangirl squeal*

Between working all day and singing when I get home, my free time has really gotten strained. Even my voice has gotten strained. But I'm not going to give up though...I think I'm improving somewhat (to my own ears anyway. ^^;) Beyond that, I have been unable to work on any new cosplays or start playing new video games. Oh well...a little bit at a time. ^.^

1/21/07 ~ Sunday 9:00 pm

Status: hungry ~ Listening to: me singing

Saturday: PIZZA!

No returns or Bestbuy yesterday: just pizza. Food Network featured a Pizza-type day with all these different shows about the best pizza and even a pizza competition complete with Guiness World records. ^^; It was ironic to go to a pizzeria (Alby-kun's mother's choice) and eat italian food. No pizza for any of us though (strangely enough) since we had pasta, rolls and a calzone for me. ^_^ It was very cheesy though. Yummy.... *tummy growls*

PGSM...more than 13

On my late return back to LI, two of my church friends slept over my house last night. At least one of them slept while me and the other stayed up all night watching tv. No, it wasn't anime. It was live action: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. We watched all the episodes that I had (13 out of 49) and didn't sleep until past 6am. *yawn* Suffice to say, I'm pretty tired right now.

Down to 4

I will be recording 4 songs tonight and deciding which 2 or 1 will be uploaded for the competition. At least, I'm hoping it'll be done tonight. Unfortunately, it's gotten to a point where I'm thinking 'Why am I doing this again?' After this, no more me singing anime karaoke. ^^; If not tonight, than tomorrow. I know I have been putting it off, but I'm happy to say it isn't out of procrastination: I've been singing my lungs out so much that I'm fearful of a call from the neighbors asking me to just kill the cat and get it over with. (Metaphorically speaking...I don't own a cat and I'm sure my neighbors-and me-would have no wish to harm such an animal. ^^;)

1/18/07 ~ Thursday 11:50 pm

Status: calm ~ Listening to: me typing


Well, it's pretty much decided that I'll be in Qns. this weekend. After getting Alby-kun a wonderful X-mas/b-day present, the only thing he wants to do is return it. What's wrong with it? You tell me! The item in questions is a 1000W 5.1 Sony home theater system: the perfect speaker system for a hardcore gamer...even if the majority are computer games. (Yes, it has been confirmed that Alby-kun-cool as he is-is a gaming geek. ^^;)

As for his x-mas/b-day present, I gave him 3 conditions in which if he is able to fulfill at least 1, I will return the gift with him. The 3 conditions are: 1) he chooses another gift that is about $100 or 2) he chooses a meaningful gift (meaning must be explained in a 2 page paper with footnotes!) or 3) he is going to a men's spa. The last choice is my back-up gift. ^_^ Who says men can't be pampered? Massage and manicure...I won't tell if he does eventually chooses number 3. *grins*

In either case, will I be able to see P-chan or Pearl-chan on saturday? Perhaps...hopefully. I've been very frugal this past week but I don't mind spend a few dollars with friends. Let's go somewhere with cheap food...like chinese. Or I can hit the dollar menus. ^-^

1/17/07 ~ Wednesday 1:40 am

Status: cold and pissed ~ Listening to: me eating

*screams* *headdesk*

I was suppose to come home and sing. Instead, I opened my sprint bill and O.O Another issue. This is like the 7th issue that occurred ever since I got my new phones. Remember my first post about my new phones? How cool the phone is and how nice that Sprint shipped them to me so fast? Well, from that point on, Sprint customer service went to sh*t. You guys (espeically P-chan) heard all this already so I won't describe my Sprint issues. Sprint service is great. Sprint customer service is sh*t. So I wrote a letter to them.

*two hours later* I find out that they have a character limit so I can't e-mail my entire 1.25 page letter to them. >.<; It took me another 45 minutes to cut it down to the necessary 1200 characters where I vent about their stupidity in the most civil way possible. *grumbles* I'm still waiting on the newest problem, but I hope to get it solved soon. *headdesk*

Even forgot my dinner so now I'm munching on a midnight PB&J.

Otanjobi omedatou, Alby-kun!

5 random facts about Alby-kun

    1. He doesn't like grass jelly because it tastes like grass. ^^;
    2. His possible future plans used to include joining the army and becoming a chef.
    3. He rearranges his room at least once a year. (At least 7 times since 1998.)
    4. He can sleep at the drop of a dime. Anywhere. On anything.
    5. He used to go through 3.5 rolls of toilet papers or 4 boxes of tissues per week. (My speculations. ^^;)

1/16/07 ~ Tuesday 12:15 am

Status: nose stuffy ~ Listening to: Wishes sung by me from J-pop artist Le'Couple

Should I still compete?

I've been planning to finish singing and recording by this weekend so I can go back and concentrate on my Asian language studies (Chinese and Japanese.) Unfortunately, the more I sing, the more I confirm the fact that I can't really sing. >.<; Furthermore, my nose stuffed up due to the cold (though I am not sick...just my nose is stuffy.) Here is my latest mp3 to illustrate my stuffiness. Le'Couple is one of the first Japanese artists I listened to when I was in junior high. Her hubby is the guitarist for her songs. This is the english version (obviously) and the Japanese one is called 'Hidamari no Uta' which became a popular tv drama theme.

Back to the point, what should I do? I want to enter myself in the song contest, but I haven't produced anything worth listening to. *headdesk* I guess I'll give myself until tomorrow. Tomorrow night, if I don't come up with anything good, I'll admit defeat. I've been at it for quite some time now, and though music may be my forte, singing is not. ^^;

1/14/07 ~ Sunday 9:00 pm

Status: hungry ~ Listening to: Chiisaki Mono sung by me from Pokemon Movie: Jirachi

Cel Wishlist: part 2

I'll probably put this on a separate page complete with pics...gotta flaunt my new obsession afterall. ^^; Anyway, here is a list of cels that I want...but it's okay if someone has it or I'm not as desperate for it.

    Cardcapters, X, Magic Knight Rayearth, Miyuki-chan in Wonderland...(Anything by CLAMP) -
      Any awesome shot of the main characters, OP, ED, eyecatch or something with wings. (I totally looove wings. ^-^)

    Studio Ghibli anime -
      any nice scene (rare and $$$$)

    CLAMP Campus Detectives -
      Group OP and/or ED sequence (found but haven't bought $$$)

    Gundam Wing -
      OP Heero's famous pose (hand over face...found but haven't bought $$$$,) Quatre playing violin, any awesome shot of Duo

    Loveless -
      anything with Soubi and/or Ritsuka

    Inuyasha -
      any fullbody Kikyo cel (with bow and/or soulcatchers,) 1st ED Kikyo sequence, Kikyo and Inuyasha kissing (found but haven't bought $$$$)

    Marmalade Boy -
      any Yuu and Miki's OP kiss, 1st kiss (nurse's office,) 2nd kiss (beach,) wedding kiss (someone has this already ^^;)

    Neon Genesis Evangelion -
      any nice scene (rare and $$$$)

    Ranma 1/2 -
      any Ranma with Akane scene looking civil/romantic (I won't ask for exact scene, since in 7 seasons, they're mostly not happy with each other. ^^;)

    Sailor Moon -
      Serenity/Sailor Moon/Usagi with wings, fullbody Sailor Mars pose/bank, Rei Hino in shinto robes

    Revolutionary Girl Utena -
      Utena and Anthy sword bank (found but haven't bought $$$)

    Vampire Princess Miyu -
      Miyu and Shinna, Miyu and Larva

    Yu Yu Hakusho -
      awesome shots of Kurama (with rose/whip/weapon is good ^-^)

Intro to Cels: 101

I'm not a cel expert, but I'll just explain a few things (in case you're interested) in order to understand what I'm talking about. ^^;

OP and ED refers to the the openings and endings of the anime...you know, when they play a bunch of pictures with a song at the beginning and ending. ^-^ Eyecatch refers to the 'commercial break' scenes that are shown before and after a commcercial. (Anime on Japanese tv-unlike our regular television shows-only has 1 commercial break per episode.) Bank cels are a set of cels that are used repeatedly...like a transformation sequence or using a specific power. All of these types of cels (mentioned above) are more valuable than others since they are seen alot and have a limited number per part. Eyecatches and banks are super expensive since they are very short sequences which means there are fewer number of cels that were made. Also, eyecatch cels are sometimes still shots which means there is probably only 1 or 2 (I'm not sure) that was made. O.o (Like someone bought the entire Princess Princess rilezu eyecatch set for almost $3000. It was 6 cels so it wasn't that bad.... X.X)

The only way I can explain is that genga is a rough sketch and douga is a neater sketch drawn in blue, yellow and/or green ink (to show shading, highlight in hair...etc.) These are used to make the cel themselves. Layout gengas just has a box around the face to let the animator know what will part will be on the screen. (Does that make sense? ^^;)

Rilezus are post-production cels. Recent anime studios only draw the genga and douga and scan it right into the computer. No cels are actually made for the production of anime. After production, the key animators can take the douga/genga and make a handdrawn cel...as if it was for production, but it's for selling/collecting. Like other cels, this is rare since only one rilezu will be made per douga. And depending on the scene and studio, not all the dougas will be turned into cels. Which means only key scenes or the best moments will be made. That is what I ordered, which is why it's $$$$. ^^;

Reproduction cels are made by the studio and fancels which are drawn by fans. Fancels are usually handdrawn and if well done, they are quite popular. (Especially if there is a scene that is unobtainable.) Repros can be handdrawn or machine drawn. Studio Gainax (EVA) withheld their production cels from the public but sold machine drawn cels.

Collecting Cels: 102

Main value of cels depends on the popularity of the series, the creator, the number of cels available and the 'moment' of the sequence. Due to the limited number of cels, OP, ED, eyecatch and banks are very valuable. If the characters on the cels are important, the value of the cel is higher than if it's a cel of a background character or bystander. A cel of an inanimate object can be valuable too, like a cel of the Holy Grail in Sailor Moon. ^-^

Key elements of the cel itself that influence the value are listed below:

    Size of the character: the bigger the person (closer to the 'screen') the better
    Eyes: eyes opened is better than eyes closed
    Face: the back of the character is not as appealing as the face
    Clothes: If it's a popular outfit that is rarely seen (Sunao from Sukisho in a dress in ep. 2,) the value increases.
    Moment: The importance of the scene increases the value of the cel.
    Aesthetic beauty: If the character is smiling beautifully, looking cute, pensive but sexy, nice pose, a kodak scene (picturesque,) naked, then the value goes up. ^-^

Outside elements that affect the value could be if there is a matching douga, genga and/or matching/unmatching background. (Background is another cel layor that is used during an anime. For example, in the anime, Uasagi transforms into Sailor Moon and the backgorund is pink/blue, the background layer should have be pink/blue. However, having matching backgrounds are very rare.)

And as P-chan would note, the quality of the cel itself is important. Rips, fading, cuts (people actually cut a cel!?! O.o) will diminish the value. The cel being stuck to the sketch or background can be a minor case in comparison to the paint of the cel being cracked/chipped.

Cel care: 102.1

I'm not that knowledgable about taking care of cels since I just started, but some dos and don'ts include:

    1. Don't put something on top of the cel. (Paint will crack.)
    2. Don't directly frame the cel. Take it to an experienced framer to do it. (Pressing the glass against the cel will crack it.)
    3. When stored, it is better to leave the cel 'standing' rather than lying flat since it helps not to let the cel stick to sketch/background.
    4. When storing, try to separate the cel from the background/sketch. (If stuck, take it to a professional who deals with this kind of stuff...unless you're the professional. In which case, why are you reading my guide? ^^;)
    5. Handling the cel with bare hands can leave oil/marks on it.
    6. Whatever you're storing the cel in, make sure that it won't stick to it. Certain art profolios are made out of special plastic/paper that can hold cels. (Acid free? I can't remember, but please check. ^.^)
    7. Cels release gases over time. O.O Make sure to air them if they're framed.
    8. Keep out of direct sunlight, water, humidity and pets.

Hm...this is a long guide. lol I doubt you'll need all this, but it's good for me to know. ^^;

11:55 am ~ Status: cold

Cel Wishlist

I may have pictures up later, in order to show you guys which scene I'm talking about. ^-^ Here are the cels that I would pay anything for....

    CLAMP School Detectives -
      2nd ED Nokoru and Idomu scene with wings (someone already has this cel)

    Fushigi Yugi -
      1st OP Miaka and Tamahome naked in a hug (full body sequence)

    Loveless -
      Any kissing/hugging sequence of Ritsuka and Soubi (hopefully from ep. 5)

    Princess Princess -
      ED Tooru with wings (someone already ordered this cel >.<)

    Sukisho -
      OP Sora and Sunao naked in a hug (very end shot)

There are other animes I want, but these are the shots that I WANT...and some people have already. *cries* Oh wellz....

12:55 am ~ Status: still tone deaf >.<

Can't sing what I don't know.

Pearl-chan suggested that I sing something with a lower pitch. However, going through my files, the songs which I would like to sing (low pitch) doesn't sound good accapella, like 'Glaring Dream' from Gravitation. Fast songs are not good for me. Also, there are some that I'm just not familiar with...even though I listen to them alot. ^^; I guess I just have to familiarize myself with the lyrics.

So, after 2 weeks, here is my new single, 'Chiisaki Mono', originally sung by Asuca Hayashi. Improved recording, though I know I wavered and went out of tune in at least 4 spots. *grabs pencil* Yes, this is the song which I cosplayed from. I love this song. ^-^

Kimono: EGL styled...and something new

On yahoo Japan auctions, I saw a really nice dress that was kimono styled: the top was like a kimono, that drapes down to the skirt, and the under skirt is like an umbrella skirt...circled around. ^^; Dunno if that makes sense, but it's a wonderful mix between East and West. I decided to do my own version of it for I-Con. It's tradition that I wear a kimono for sundays (last day of con,) so I might wear this or maybe just a regular kimono. ^-^ I already have a black skirt that would be perfect. (Actually, it's o-kaa-san's but she let me have it. ^-^) I have some ideas for the rest of my outfit...it might actually be my first take on EGL, since I don't do goth much. *stares at my black wardrobe* ^^;

When I was younger (junior high,) my aunt bought me a victorian styled dress set from Taiwan. (Don't ask me why a victorian styled dress is in Taiwan...or why in the world she bought it for me. Or when in the world I can wear it.... ^^;) I just happened to think of it today and took it out. Turns out it still fits. O.O lol It was too big when I was in jh.... Since I'm trying to think of some new cosplays, perhaps I can turn this into something. Victorian goth? Well, that is what EGL is all about...although the dress set is beige coloured and won't make a good goth cosplay. However, it can become a backup. ^-^ *searches for a parasole*

1/12/07 ~ Friday 2:30 pm

Status: just woke up ~ Listening to: silence

Ebay seller!

Due to a recent purchase for myself (not a gift,) I have resorted to selling stuff on eBay. My first listing is here. I only plan to have 5 sold. What was the recent purchase? Um.... ^^; A 'three-digit-price' rilezu. What is it exactly? A post-production animation cel. I will be getting the cel some time in March. After deciding that my Japanime hobbys have been getting more expensive, eBay is the way to go. I don't plan on selling any of my dvds or mangas since I bought them to keep. If I can make something to sell, that is another thing. ^-^ We'll see what happens.

I'm a new seller so if there is anything amiss in my listing, please let me know. I'm a long time eBayer though, so I hope to keep my good rep since I plan to stick around. ^-^

1/11/07 ~ Thursday 5:00 pm

Status: busy ~ Listening to: me slurping instant noodles

Eating instant noodles will never be the same again....

Momofuku Ando-san died recently. He was born in Taiwan making him a Taiwanese Japanese. ^-^ His fame isn't from his cross-culture birth, but the creation of the wonderful cuisine we now know as instant noodles. Article of Nissin founder here. *sigh* Chicken ramen cup noodles...the first in the variety...my lunch.... *cries*

1/9/07 ~ Tuesday 12:45 am

Status: cold ~ Listening to: me complaining (about the cold) ^^;

need new cosplays

I have resigned to the fact that my hair will not be long enough to do Chun Hyang and of course Kikyo cosplay by July's conventions. So...what am I going to do next? A simple cosplay would be Loveless. I was thinking to do Seimei since I'm not kawaii enough to pull of a young boy. ^^; But besides that, I'm wondering what else I can do. Since I doubt I'll have short hair cosplays after my hair grows longer (since its difficult to have short wigs with long hair,) I should utilize this year and try some new cosplays. It's afterall, my 3rd year, but I still feel like a newb at this. ^^;

Any ideas? *searches through anime gallery*

American Anime Awards!

NY Comic con is hosting the 'American Anime Awards' which basically gives awards to categories of anime voted by fans. Go vote for your fav VAs (english) as well as music and stuff. FMA is in alot of categories and there are a few surprising entries. 'Tsuki no Curse' Loveless as a nominee for music (of course that's where I cast my vote ^-^) as well as Gravitation and Descendents of Darkness for some of the other categories. I dunno if I will be going to NY Comic Con, but I wouldn't mind going to the award ceremonies. (Wonder if I can just attend the awards? Hm....)

1/6/07 ~ Saturday 9:20 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: me munching on cake ^-^


I saw 'Happily Never After' and liked it. Will see it again with Pearl-chan next saturday. ^-^

My godsister also surprised with a yaoi manga, the first volume of the Finder series. O.O When my godsister was working at a magazine company, a company (BeBeautiful?) wanted an ad and gave them the book which was given to my godsister. I have the drama cd for Finder and it's unbelievably hot. ^-^ (I just knew it was a Chinese dude...from the cd anyway! ^^;) Reading the manga was also totally hot. *drools*

Alby's room: entertainment center

With my gift, Alby's room has become a gamer's dream.... No, I couldn't get him the Wii, but he know has a fully loaded home theater system. Scary movies at his house will never be the same...though I don't plan on experiencing that. ^^; Can't wait to see it all set up.... Alby, next time I'm there, let's watch something cinematic...like LOTR or something! ^.^

*yawn* After such a long day, I'm tired. Can't sleep just yet, my tummy still hasn't finished digesting my Korean lunch. ^^; Also, I want to get some singing in. It's still early!

1/5/07 ~ Friday 3:06 am

Status: tired ~ Listening to: even more silence

admitting defeat

If you check the time of this entry, you must wonder why I am up so late/early at 3am. Well, if you read my last entry about doing too much...here I am up again doing too much. So much for catching up on sleep. >.<; I tried to fix o-kaa-san's computer. I've become quite computer-literate: I discovered the comp needs an audio driver, found out which one (based on the sound card) and downloaded the driver. After installation, presto! I have a working soundcard! *applause* Bad news is that I can't hear anything except my comp dialing out (for internet.) O.o I connected speakers, headphones...any listening devices and nothing. No recordings either. Sound doesn't go in or out. I give up. On sunday, I'll bug a friend at church to figure this out. *hits the bed/floor* -.-Zzz

9:30 pm ~ Status: upset ~ Listening to: silence

Overextending myself

I resolved the Sprint issue, and I bought whatever I wanted to buy. Tomorrow, I'm going to be going around delivering stuff...part 2 I guess. This time, I'll be in a car (o-kaa-san will be driving) so it will be easier. Tomorrow, I'll also see my godsisters. Maybe catch you guys in the afternoon? Pearl-chan? P-chan? Maybe....

I have alot of plans and alot of different problems cropping up. With everything, I feel like I'm worn out...doing too much at once. But it's okay, my life resolves around home, work and anime. Once in a while, I hope to include friends. Perhaps I need to go over my priorities again.... *pulls up checklist*

6:20 pm ~ Status: disappointed ~ Listening to: my recordings *failed*

Tone deaf musician

Did I type that I was going to upload my song last night? What was I thinking?!? My apologies, I meant to type that I will upload my song once I sing something that won't break eardrums. Unfortunately, the results of last night and this afternoon was very uninspiring. I woke at 3pm, sang, ate something and sang some more. My voice is not really strained, but the recordings make my ears hurt. (I feel bad for the people upstairs...but I must practice. ^^;) So, until I get something good, I'll leave my first song up. Gomen ne....

One good thing, I know how to record better now...less background noise. ^-^ Its kinda late, but I'm going to take a break and hit the mall. I got to figure out this Sprint thing and pick up something else. Oh yeah, Pearl-chan's present finally arrived! Yay! I'm glad it didn't take as long as they (the online store) claimed it would...but it's late. I'll get it to you, Pearly as soon as I can. ^.^

1/4/07 ~ Thursday 6:45 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: me typing

So much to do....

I won't be listing out everything, because that'll give me a headache. ^^; My plans for tomorrow basically involves Skype, Sprint and shopping. (Hm...all S's.... ^^;) O-kaa-san wants Skype, Sprint screwed me over and since there are some special events coming up, shopping is a definite must. ^-^ Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll also be doing some cleaning. Did I say I won't list my to-do list? Well...guess I wrote it out instead.... ^^;

Something fun is me practicing my singing. Thank you for the encouraging responses (P-chan ^-^) and I hope to be able to do better. Tonight, I'll upload a new song. Besides that, I want to sleep. It seems my sleep schedule is still unheathly (4hr/night.) So sleep and singing. More S's! Okay, I think work is getting to me.... >.<; *shuts down computer*

1/1/07 ~ Monday 8:50 pm

Status: hungry ~ Listening to: Place.... sung by me O.O from Sukisho (Sunao Image Song)

Happy New Year!

I promised I would upload me singing after I finished my story. So...the first mp3/wav upload of this year is a song sung by me. Anime ktv...or mainly practice for the singing contest online. ^^; This is not my best voice and not the best song to display my voice, but its a song that I really like and I hope I did not butcher it too much.... ^^; Since I'm ultra embarassed about this, the link will be there until Thursday and then I'm taking it down. (Trying to limit the possible chances a person may download it and then blackmail me for various reasons.... ^^;)