My Astromonical Projects
Double Arm Barn Door - Use for Astrophotography.  Sometimes prefer to as a "Scotch Mount".  This unit is based on Stephen Tonkin's Double Arm Scotch Mount.  Here is a link to a similiar unit by other astromoners.  My page is under construction.
Six Inch Newtonian - The scope is motorize for general viewing.    Scope is finished.  The mount is under construction. 
Ten Inch Dobsonian -  The scope is computer controlled by Mel Bartels' Scope Program for more serious viewing.   The scope is finished.  The mount is being constructed.  The web page will be updated periodically. 
Nylon Threaded Rod Worm Gears - My notes on making a worm gear using two Nylon threaded rods to form the teeth.  The worm is regular metal threaded rod.  Cost: About $20 USD per gear.
Solar System Calculator - A DOS program to compute the position of the Sun, Moon and the planets to +/- one arc seconds in most cases.   The program's output can be read by Mel's Scope Program.   The program can run on 486SX, 486Dx and Pentium computers.
Comet Calculator -  A DOS program to compute the position of selected comets.   The program's output is for my ten inch computer controlled Dobsonian scope.  The program will run on 486SX, 486DX and Pentium computers.
Orbit elements needed for Comets.  Dated 5/23/2004.  Cmt.Txt
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This page was last updated on 5/28/2003.