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Muncie Flyers

"A Brief Spot in Pro Football History"

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Muncie Congerville AC

Yearly Records 1910 1911 1912
1913 1914 1915


Muncie Congerville Flyers

Yearly Records

1915 1916 1917
1918 1919 1920
1921 1922 1923
1924 1925 1926



Other Teams


Muncie Avondale Tigers

Yearly Records

1910 1911 1912 

1913 1914



Muncie Avondale Dare Devils/AA

Yearly Records

  1915 1916 1917   1918 1919 1920 



Muncie Magic City AA

Yearly Record




Muncie South Side AC

Yearly Record


Muncie Greys

Yearly Record



Muncie Offers More AC

Yearly Records 1920 1921




1905-11              1912-16              1917-18              1919-21              1922-27

WAR YEARS - 1917 to 1918

The Congerville Flyers played briefly in 1917, but they did not field a team in 1918 due to the United States involvement in the Great War (World War I). The shortage of players forced many teams to close up shop for 1917 and even more shutting down for 1918 due to the war and the influenza epidemic.

In early September of 1917, E.W. Ball announced that he had organized a team. Scheduled to be on this team were famous college players: Dick Abrel (Purdue), Pliski (Chicago), Dugan (Wabash), Al Feeney (Notre Dame). Also scheduled were Christian Chambers and Baird (Carlisle) from last years Fort Wayne Friars, and leading the team was local hero, Cooney Checkeye. Ball invited 10 more players to come to practice the next morning.

However, a week later on September 9th, Ball announced that he had released all the players that he had signed and that he would not be fielding a team due to the war. Local press was convinced that had Muncie fielded this team, it would have no doubt been strong contenders for the state championship.

Muncie did field a strong team in 1917, the team was the Muncie Greys and they finished with a 5-0-0 record, with the highlight being a win over the Anderson Remys.

In 1917, the Muncie area was also represented by the Avondale Dare Devils and Heekin Park Stars. Muncie proper was represented by the East End Ramblers, East End Tigers, Riverside AC and Westside AC.

Not much football was played around the Muncie area in 1918. But there were a few teams represented: Avondale AA, Avondale AC, Muncie East End Tigers, Muncie AC and the Heekin Park AC. None of these team played any of the strong Indiana teams.

Click to the left for season-by-season game results and stories.