Day 2326 - Day 2508
Day 2326 (1 week later)
Orcs and goblins attack - a different tribe if they even belong to a tribe. The Orc Leader lands a shot on me, breaking at least one rib. Caradryan says he'll operate tomorrow.

Battle Records:
Caradryan = 16 kills. Nadon = 8 kills, 3 Friendly Fire shots (2 at Nivak in a row, 1 at Jezeg who was at 0 W / 0 FP). Lillay = 16 kills, High Damage Kill at 26 points. Nivak = 13 kills (including the Orc Leader). Jezeg = 10 kills. Axtrica = 13 kills. Esch = 5 kills.

Day 2327
(the next day)
I survived Caradryan's knife. Maybe I shouldn't pick on him so much - he's operated on me several times these past five years and I'm still standing.

(1 week/2 days later)

Battle Records:
Caradryan = 10 kills. Nadon = 16 kills, 1 Friendly Fire shot (in his own foot again). Lillay = 7 kills. Ilmarian = 2 kills. Nivak = 5 kills. Jezeg = 14 kills. Axtrica = 4 kills. Esch = 3 kills.

Day 2338
(the next day)
We've run out of food.

Day 2339
(the next day)
Foraging for food during the Kislevite winter is no easy task. Nadon and Caradryan have yet to find anything edible. There's talk of killing one of the horses if we haven't found food by tomorrow.

Day 2340
(the next day)
We feast today on horse-meat. I suppose it's no worse than our usual travel fare. The food shortage only increases the discomforts of travel - winter travel in a land far colder than most of us are used to. The cold has taken root in my bones and I fear I'll never be warm again.

Day 2344
(4 days later)
We crossed paths with riders set out from Erengrad today. They tell us the city is only another 2 days away. Caradryan offers 200GC in exchange for some of their rations. Their leader, Yarooslav, agrees and points us in the direction of the city before departing. Oh, to have food in my belly again!

Day 2346
(2 days later)
Arrive in Erengrad! Rooms are acquired at the Frosted Axe again. Once the wounded are settled and our carts and remaining horses stabled, we get to completing our remaining tasks: A 2000GC bounty is collected for dispatching the Black Fang Tribe. Timber is taken to the Ranger's Guild to be tended to. Yuri's hammer is taken to his temple. The mercs and other hired help are paid and sent on their way, excepting Kurt who is now a probationary party member. And Caradryan posts a notice on the town board indicating there's free loot for the taking at the Black Fang compound - there was just too much for us to load on our carts.

Day 2370
(3 weeks later)
Today marks the sixth year anniversary of the start of our adventuring party. 

Day 2418
(6 weeks later)
Everyone (including Timber) is back on their feet again. And it's time to make our way back to the Professor. We've booked passage with a caravan heading for the city of Kislev.

Day 2426
(1 week later)
Mutants attack, but we're spared any of the dirty work - the caravan mercs take care of the threat.

Day 2437
(1 week/3 days later)
A small chaos band attacks and again the caravan mercs take care of it. It's a nice change of pace being a passenger rather than the hired help.

Day 2447
(1 week/2 days later)
Arrive in the city of Kislev. Passage is booked on a ship sailing in two day's time to Altdorf. Take rooms at one of the inns while we wait.

Day 2449
(2 days later)
Set sail for Altdorf.

Day 2474
(3 weeks/1 day later)
Arrive in Altdorf once again.

Day 2508 (4 weeks/2 days later)
The last month has been spent training. Now it's time to pack up and move on. The Professor's coming with us this time, so we help him settle his affairs in Altdorf.
Records: Caradryan picks up Flight. Nadon advances to Archer and picks up Animal Training for Monkeys. Nivak advances to Bounty Hunter. Jezeg advances to 3rd Level Cleric. Axtrica advances to Freelance. Amber advances to 1st Level Battle Mage. Vincent advances to Merc Sgt. Esch advances to Merc. Natasha advances to Seawoman. Roustov advances to Merc Sgt. Kurt advances to Merc Sgt.
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