Day 532 - Day 562
Day 532  (4 days later)
Meet up with Nivak again. 

Day 546 
(14 days later)
Arrive in Goldum.  We look up Halfor and deliver Klaus’ package to him.  Halfor is quite the gentleman.  He invites us into his home and offers us tea and biscuits, which Nivak makes a point of not accepting.  Jezeg takes much more than his share.  It’s amazing how Jezeg grows bigger and bigger before our very eyes.  We can now count him as a 9th party-member due to his weight and the amount of food he consumes!  He’s now up to 346 pounds and I fear we may have to start rolling him everywhere.  But, I digress.  Halfor gives us 100 Gold for Klaus’ package and offers us a recovery mission concerning one jeweled amulet currently in the wrongful possession of goblins in a mountain cave.  He says we can expect to go up against approximately 50 goblins and we’ll get 500 Gold for the completed mission.  We accept, buy additional food provisions, and camp outside town for the night.  Back to Jezeg’s condition for a moment:  We have to buy a packhorse for him to ride on so he won’t slow us down.  He names it “Lunch” - how very wrong and how very appropriate at the same time. 

Day 552 
(6 days later)
Arrive at the mountains.

Day 554 
(2 days later)
We see mutants up ahead and get straight to the killing! 

Battle Records: 
Nadon = 4 kills (all missile attacks).  Lillay = 1 kill.  Nivak = 2 kills, total collected mutant ears = 14.  Jezeg = 1 kill.  Creeg = 1 kill (head mutant).  Zero party wounds! 

Day 556 
(2 days later)
We see goblins waiting in ambush for us.  We surprise them and take them out. 

Battle Records: 
Nadon = 1 party-member injury (shoots Caradryan in the head). 
Lillay = 5 kills, 2 kills in 1 turn.  Ilmarian = 3 kills, First Blood with a missile attack.  Nivak = 3 kills.  Varthlokkur = 3 kills, 2 kills in 1 turn.  Creeg = 2 kills (including their leader). 

Day 559 
(3 days later)
According to the shitty map Halfor gave us, we’re close to this goblin cave.  Nadon and Caradryan go on ahead to find the entrance.  They are spotted by some goblins standing watch at the cave entrance, so Caradryan waves to them.  The goblins ignore them and go back into the cave, presumably to alert their leader of our presence.  We re-group and have a heated discussion trying to decide what to do next.  We certainly don’t want to go in there blind, but seeing as we’ve already been spotted, we don’t want to give them too much time to prepare either.  Ilmarian suggests smoking them out.  Majority vote (or maybe perhaps the loudest?) is to go straight in and deal with whatever it is we come across.  So, we do.  We search out the cave, find a few abandoned rooms, and numerous empty passageways, before coming upon the final room where all the goblins have gathered.  And, as “luck” would have it, there are quite a few more than 50.  We are grossly outnumbered, but we stand our ground in a triangle formation hoping that by keeping Caradryan and Ilmarian in the back they’ll be spared the brunt of the attack.  Our plan works and we reign victorious yet again with only one loss to our party:  Varthlokkur’s dwarf friend, Creeg.  Someone finds a locked chest and Jezeg breaks it open. The good news:  It’s filled with gold and gems.  The bad news:  Jezeg inhales some sort of cloud or mist that was in the chest and gets injured.  The rest of us are all pretty beat up, so we stay the night in the cave. 
Battle Records: Caradryan = 8 kills, 1 fate point lost.  Nadon = 25 kills (including the shaman), First Blood, 2 kills in 1 turn (x3).  Lillay = 23 kills (including the head goblin, his 2-axed bodyguard, & 2 wolves), highest damage kill at 26 points, 3 misses in 1 turn (during a frenzy attack).  Ilmarian = 6 kills (including 2nd & last).  Jezeg = 7 kills (including 1 wolf).  Nivak = 16 kills, 2 kills in 1 turn (x2), 2 fate points lost.  Varthlokkur = 14 kills (including 1 wolf).  Creeg = 8 kills, died in battle from having his lung cut out.  Enemy’s “Friendly Fire” = 2 kills.  
Notable Quotes: (OOG) Scott to Norm:  “Se(a)men is great!”

Day 560 (the next day)
We camp out in the cave for another day/night to heal up a bit.  We’ve got a long journey ahead of us because Varthlokkur took a nasty wound to the hip and Jezeg’s just fat and slow nowadays.  Lunch is loaded up with loot, so Jezeg loses his ride back to town - it’s going to be a very long trip back!  Caradryan tries his hand at healing Varthlokkur – success!

Day 561 (the next day)
We’re on our way back to Goldum now.  Caradryan heals Jezeg this time.

Day 562  (the next day)
Caradryan heals Jezeg again.
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