Day 867 - Day 922
Day 867 (6 days later) 
Two giant beetles attack our resting party.  Caradryan kills both of them with his impressive fireball. 

Day 870 
(3 days later)
A two-legged, winged beast with a barbed tail attacks.  Caradryan and Nadon hide under the cart in fear of the beast.  Jezeg begins casting, but loses his nerve and hides with the other two beneath the cart.  The rest of us retaliate as best we can, but it is obvious that we do not inflict much damage.  Arvin’s wounds re-open and it is up to me to attempt to stop his bleeding.  Myrmydia is with me and I am able to staunch the flow.  The beast makes off with two of our horses before ending its attack. 

Day 874 
(4 days later)
A small band of goblins attempt an ambush on us – they are less than successful.  Ilmarian is wounded, so Caradryan calls upon his mighty healing skills to repair him – he also is less than successful. 

Battle Records: 
Nivak kills the Goblin Leader.

Day 875 
(the next day)
Caradryan manages to be useful in his healing attempts.  Ilmarian is feeling much better today. 

Day 877 
(2 days later)
Caradryan determines that Arvin is fit enough for travel by cart.  And, so, we’re off again to Remios.  Perhaps we’ll even get there one day. 

Day 880
(3 days later)
We encounter two ogres.  Caradryan and Jezeg burn them to death with their mighty fireballs. 

Day 885 
(5 days later)
These mountains are filled with such obscene creatures!  A giant spider attacked us today and paralyzed Varthlokkur.  Caradryan and Jezeg roast it with their fireballs.

Day 889 
(4 days later)
Another goblin encounter.  And another goblin massacre. 

Battle Records: 
Caradryan kills the Goblin Leader.

Day 892
(3 days later)
A giant two-headed snake today.  (Note to self:  Don’t drink the water in these mountain passes as it seems to grow everything into abnormal proportions!)  It wraps itself around Varthlokkur, crushing him, and poisons Nivak.  Caradryan casts his fireball upon it and ends its miserable life in a fiery blaze.  After it is all said and done, Ilmarian plays the hero and removes the poisoned fangs from Nivak, inadvertently drinking some of the poison along the way and passing out.  We set camp here for the night. 

Day 893 
(the next day)
Caradryan heals Varthlokkur in spite of his earlier objections to helping the dwarf in any way, shape, or form.  He also declares that we rest here for a few days.

Day 896  (3 days later)
A patrol of human “guards” finds us at our make-shift camp.  Nivak negotiates safe passage from them to the tune of 400 Gold. 

Day 898 (2 days later)
Caradryan claims that Varthlokkur is travel-ready again, so we continue onward to our destination.

Day 901  (3 days later)
We’re finally out of those cursed mountains! 

Day 905 (4 days later)
We’ve arrived in a town called Tilea.  The watch shows us the road that leads to Remios.

Day 914 (9 days later)
A mutant encounter – they are all destroyed, of course.
Battle Records:  Nivak kills the Mutant Leader with a hit for 27 points. 

Day 921 (7 days later)
We come to the rearguard of an army set to battle with the Remion army.  They try to persuade us to help in their attack.  They are not too successful in the persuading department, but more than successful in the forcing department.  We are, unfortunately, pressed into service.

Day 922  (the next day)
Our new “employers” set off with us in tow.
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