

I live in a distant land called  Lumania, my home is the castle that is between the coast and the village. There are over 1000 people and one dragon within the land. There are people ranging from warriors, cooks, craftsmen, farmers, market traders, jesters and jokers. And of course the noblemen of our fair land.



Lumania is a progress country. We strive for the future by improving on the past. To that end we refined several religious traditions into one yearlong celebration.

                 Lord Ben 2003



Lord Jayson of the far outpost of Lumania looks after the cultural needs of our happy land. His music and wit keep us amused on many a winter's evening. He earned his peerage in 2002 when he became Lord Jayson of Canadaland and has served the Lumanian people since then.




Princess Elle has joined our happy Kingdom. She is adorable, beautiful and will oversee the cultural needs of our people; she is a welcomed addition to the high council and will be great at keeping the place clean. it is common Knowledge that she makes a mean burnt pasta specialty; on this note we believe she will be awesome at feeding our noblemen.