

The wise man in our village tell the tale of the beginnings of our universe and of the god we worship. This is what he tells us, of course I had to ask him to translate it slightly for your way of thinking, so here goes: There is an intelligence behind the universe, it created the universe in order to learn and become a better Intelligence. Imagine a computer programmer writing a program, he has no love or feelings for that program. He creates it in order to be of help to him and in doing so he has learnt something; he has therefore become a better person.

It does not expect us to worship it or go to church in your Sunday best; nor sing to it. We are not here to serve it, it is not our master and we are not its slave. But we are a part of it and therefore should strive to improve ourselves in order to help it.

The Intelligence would have created the universe with the same intention, each of us are small parts of it, we are here to learn and experience life so that we can join with it and to return that knowledge back to it. It does not expect us to worship it or go to church in your Sunday best and sing to it, we are not here to serve it, it is not our master we are not its slave. But we are a part of it and therefore should strive to improve ourselves in order to help it.