M'n'P's Funnies  
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M'n'P's Funnies
Welcome to our site.
Using the links above you will be able to navigate through the sections of the site and see many humorous pictures and stories that we have been able to collect over the years. Once you have entered a section, you can navigate through that section using the links to the left of the page.

Itchy and Scratchy Many of you who know us may have been sent these (or even sent them to us) in the past. ALTHOUGH! We are willing to bet there is more than one picture, story or game here that is well worth a second look.

Check out the whats new page, to keep up with the newest jokes and images on the site. Once a month we will announce who won the "Submit of the Month" competition.

As a word of warning (as if the alert you just had to click was not enough), you will find some adult language and the occasional nude female, but this site DOES NOT CONTAIN anything which we consider PORNOGRAPHY.

If you have anything you would like to add or suggest, feel free to contact us or submit an image or simply sign our guestbook. Any contributors will get a little mention (if you like that sort of thing), and will automatically be entered into the "Submit of the Month" competition.


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