September 25, 2003 - Thursday

Wow, it's already the 25th?  Phew, is time going by ultra super fast!  I don't like this at all.  I need time to slow down, and I mean really slow down.  Sheesh.  My FE (fundamentals of engineering) exam is on October 25th, and boy am I freaked out (for lack of a better term).  =(  Someone tell me it'll be ok.  Someone smart take the exam for me... Someone help me... plzzz!  This is the ONE time I actually miss school... wait, did I say, "miss"?  Hmm, yes I did, wow.  Yeah, it's even a shocker for me - never thought I'd really miss school!  I miss it because the only thing that is really required of you is studying, and you have plenty of time to do it too.  These days I'm frantically running around after work in attempts to study in a warm and welcoming environment - aka Barnes & Noble.  I can't study at home... nah, it just doesn't work.  Why?  Because of all the distractions there - mommy to talk to, food, tv, and the biggest distraction of all - MY BED.  Sleep loves to welcome me, particularly these days when I'm sorta deprived.  My routine has now become going to work at 7ish am, coming home to eat dinner for a few minutes, and then running off to study until 11 pm.  Hey, I would stay at Barnes & Noble until midnight, but that just doesn't work since they'd kick me out at 11. =(  This cramming mania will continue until the 24th.

The good news is that Allah rewards me right after I take the exam by introducing Ramzan on the 26th!  Perfect timing.  It couldn't have been timed better, SubhanAllah.  Halloween will be interesting this year too since I'm going to a partaaaay at one of my co-workers place... Hmm, I'm too lazy to get another costume, so I guess I'll just be the same thing I was last year -- a disco mama from the 70's.  Stay tuned for the wig, sike.
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