
Executive Board Pony Express Photos MSCL Minutes

MSCL Minutes
October 21st 2002

1) Call to Order & Introductions

Call to order was at 1:20 pm. In attendance: Sarah, Denis, Lisa, Russell, Viet, Tiffany, Ms. Fillion (we all know each other) Finally, this is the FINAL officer list!

Russell-President ~ Tiffany-Vice President ~ Lisa-Secretary ~ Shankar-Webmaster
Adam-Editor ~ Sarah-Social chair ~ Fu-Shepard

2): Financial Stuff

a) Bank Account: We've got plenty of money ($1537 to be exact!). In addition, Tiffany set up the bank account and transferred signing power so now she can write all the checks she wants!
b) Checks for Nationals: As far as we know, Denis, Kevin, and Lisa were the only non-slashers who attended Nationals last year. If we left your name off the list, send the officers an email to let us know (officers@mascl.org)!

3) Website Stuff

a) Our official website: Shankar, could you please "get off your butt and then put it back down in front of the computer" (that is a direct quote) and get the links on our website working, please?? Thanks!
b) "Underthetoga.com" For now, we just want to leave it as a mirror to the official site...but later, we hope to add stuff like gossip and pictures, and a game that involves hitting Sterling with a gavel.


If you are on this list and have not volunteered to write a set of certamen questions, PLEASE volunteer. All you have to do is send me an email and let me know which of the remaining slots you would like to take. If we do not write enough questions, we cannot trade with Tennessee so MAJCL will not have them at their state convention. THEY ARE DUE TO EDITORS DECEMBER 5TH!!! A "question" consists of a tossup and 2 boni. So far here's who's doing what:

EDITORS: Novice: Shankar Lower: Amanda Advanced: Denis

Language = (Viet-13 questions, Adam-13 questions)
Myth = (Mark- 8 questions, Tiffany-8 questions)
Hist/ life = (Mark- 8 questions, ????-8 questions)
Language = (Viet-13 questions, Viet-13 questions)
Myth = (Russell-8 questions, Tiffany-8 questions)
Hist/ Life = (Russell-8 questions, ?????-8 questions)
Language = (Lisa-12 questions,Viet-12 questions)
Myth = (Sarah-6 questions, Viet-6 questions)
Hist/ Life = (Sarah-6 questions, ????-6 questions)
Lit = (Denis-6 questions, Viet-6 questions)

To repeat what was said in last meeting's minutes: eventually, we'll divide up who is writing what test, but just to let everyone know the possibilities, here's what MJCL needs: Latin grammar, derivatives, mythology, history, life, mottoes/abbreviations/quotations, pentathlon, vocabulary (THIS TEST IS REPLACING GREEK). Start thinking about which one you want to write! We'll probably take names at the November meeting, and the tests will be due in the spring.

5) Janet's guest speakers

Janel and Irene came to talk to us about the "Harvard Prison Education Project." This project allows prisoners to take classes while still in prison, and eventually earn a BA in general studies from BU. Latin is even one of the classes that is taught at the Boston prison! If any Boston-area students are interested in becoming involved with this organization, go to their website, www.partakersinc.org, or email Janel at jreppert@hds.harvard.edu.

6) New Business -not really any

7) Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 at 1 pm, probably at BU. But more details will follow.

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