Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre
The Tole Acupuncture treatment is treating the body as a whole-body treatment that inserts tiny needles on the skin of the head to restore your body's natural balance and improve your health.
Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure CentreAllergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure CentreAllergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure CentreAllergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre
Our new centre has been officially opened by our Malaysia Health Minister Y.A.B Dato Lee Kim Sai at the opening ceremony on 31st January 1993

Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre

Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre
We have all this special HERBAL FORMULAS to Treats/Treatment the followings with HERBAL MEDICINE

Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre

TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Theory Foundation Course, Learning Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Course
(TCM) Theory Foundation
EHM - E Herbal Medicine Treatment Course, Learning Herbal Medicine Treatment Course
(EHM) E-Herbal Medicine
EBA - Body Acupuncture Treatment Course, Learning Acupuncture Treatment Course
(EBA)Body Acupuncture Course
EHF - E Herbal Formular for A to Z different diseases treatment
(EHF) Herbal Formular
- Malaysia Acupuncture Treatment and Herbal Treatment Centre


Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre

Skin hypersensitivity

The cells of the immune system work in various ways in skin disease.

The rash that occurs after being stung by some insects happens within minutes of contact. It is due to the release of chemicals such as histamine by immunity cells within the skin layers. This is known as ‘immediate hypersensitivity’.

Slower acting forms of response by the immune system occur because the population of cells that react against the invading substance or organism (allergen) needs to be built up from a small number of ‘memory’ cells that recognize the allergen.

Two or three days these cells give rise to others that in turn switch on other defense mechanisms such as the release of chemicals that attract the scavenger cells of the immune system. Because of the lag between initial contact and subsequent reaction, this is called ‘delayed hypersensitivity’. The skin reactions underlying Allergic contact eczema are of this type.

Common allergens

It is not known why some substances are particularly prone to causing contact allergy, but common culprits are:

  • nickel - a white metal often used in jewelry, belt buckles, jean studs, metal watch straps, bra fasteners. Many other metals can also cause reactions.
  • perfumes - Balsam of Peru is a component of fragrances that can cause contact allergy.
  • rubber and related chemicals - shoes, types and clothing.
  • potassium dichromate - cement, leather and matches.
  • hairdressing chemicals (paraphenylenediamine).
  • medications - lanolin, neomycin (antibiotic), fusidic acid (antibiotic),
  • steroid creams and cetearyl alcohol (used in emollient creams).
    epoxy resins - in glues used in hobbies, woodworking and glass fibred construction.
  • colophony - resin from spruce trees, used in sticking plaster adhesive.
  • plants - both by direct contact and by contact with airborne particles.

In the food industry a wide variety of foods are known to potentially cause skin reactions. These include :

  • sugar
  • flour/dough
  • citrus fruits and their peel
  • other fruits and vegetables
  • spices, herbs, seasonings (eg horseradish, mustard, garlic)
  • fish and seafood
  • meat and poultry.

These are the most common of all possible allergens that can cause contact eczema.

Some of the materials known to potentially cause skin reactions are themselves components of common treatments for eczema (e.g. lanolin in moisturizers and hydrocortisone in steroid creams). Therefore if the condition is worsening or proving resistant to treatment, the possibility that the treatment itself is contributing to the skin problem should be stop immediately.

Actions of contact Allergic eczema

Rashes first appear only at the site of skin contact with the allergen. Later it often spreads out and may involve skin well away from the contact site. This is because the immune cells become activated and migrate out through the bloodstream to other parts of the body.

When Allergic contact eczema is suspected, it can therefore be important to remember where it first started when taking the medical history behind the development of a rash finding the cause.

Sometimes the cause and effect relationship is obvious, with a red scaly reaction around an earring or under a watchstrap. At other times, especially if a long time has passed since the initial exposure and sensitization, it can be impossible to identified contact Allergic from other types of eczema.

It may also be difficulties distinguishing Allergic contact eczema (which is an immune response) from irritant eczema (which is a direct skin reaction against an irritant substance). In practice, this difference is not so important because the same lines of treatment are required for both.


It can be treated with MALAYSIA MASTERTOLE'S Neuro Acupuncture and special herbal medicine for most kind of allergy contact eczema. The length of treatment depends on the individual patients of others organ's Qi level and the severe of the attack.



Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre

Hay fever or seasonal Allergic rhinitis, is an Allergic reaction to airborne substances such as pollen that get into the upper respiratory passages - the nose, sinus, throat - and also the eyes.

Hay fever is the most common of all the Allergic diseases - about 15 per cent of the population in industrialized cold countries suffer from this condition. Symptoms usually appear in childhood first and then lessen by the age of 30 or 40.

Perennial Allergic rhinitis is a similar allergy that occurs all year round and is caused by things such as house dust, mites and pets. However the predominant allergen changes from time to time.

Frequent sneezing is characteristic of hay fever.

Different microscopic substances get into the nose and cause the body to produce antibodies and release histamine.

Histamine irritates the upper respiratory passages, making them swell and producing the typical hay fever symptoms.

A tendency to suffer allergies is often hereditary. The most common causes of hay fever are:

  • tree pollen such as elder, elm, hazel and especially birch (spring hay fever).
  • Grass pollen (any flowers, plant or trees).
  • mugwort and hybrids such as chrysanthemum (autumn hay fever).
  • House dust mites and mould fungus - particularly associated with perennial Allergic rhinitis.


  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • Frequent sneezing, runny nose
  • Itching on the roof of the mouth
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing or a burning sensation in the throat.

Cause hay fever

The pollen to which you are allergic. Genetic predisposition associated with other atopic diseases, eg eczema or asthma.

Hay Fever and Perennial Allergic Rhinitis treatment Of Malaysia Mastertole's Acupuncture Herbal Medicine treatment

MALAYSIA MASTERTOLE'S herbal medication has proven to be very effective to Treatment Pollen Hay Fever, the course usually takes 4 weeks, you may need one or more course to take away all the problems and unconvinced.

Allergic Eczema Acupuncture Herbal Medical Remedy Malaysia Acupuncture Herbal Medical Treatment Cure Centre
We have all this special HERBAL FORMULA to Treats / Treatment the followings with HERBAL MEDICINE

Please feel free to contact or email us for further details at :

When you e-mail to us, please let us know :

  1. How long have you got it,
  2. When does it occurs
  3. Others discomfort?
  4. Others information.
  5. Location
  6. Age, sex, work, others routine?



Suite 4.08, 4.10, 4th Floor, Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel No: 603-21418370 / 21451671
Fax No: 603-27326887

E-mail :

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