MAYANK D. GOEL Click for latest resume

10 sections - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
  CMMI SM ver 1.1
    Staged Representation
    SW Discipline

    Models, representations

Ticket: Prepare
  Use this section to draw yourself a plan for the road ahead
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Choose the right version of CMMI based on your business model.

Take second and third opinion, if required.

Do your own reading of the CMMI or, even search the Internet to make the right chioice.

Beyond this page, we will discuss only
ver 1.1,
Staged representation


Lets Learn Some CMMI First: Which version of CMMI

It is obvious that you use the latest version, always. On the date of writing this page, the latest version is 1.1. It will be sunsetted by end of 2006 and then a new version will be available. You still have a choice to make out of 8 options.

CMMI comes is handy for various purpose in various combinations. Chose the one that suits you the best. Here is your menu

8 combinations of CMMI
Models Staged Continuous
SE/SW 1 2
SW 7 8

How to decide - which one is for me?

Step 1: Model & Discipline
There are four models available for CMMI vesion 1.1, based on four disciplines of application. The four disciplnes are

  • Systems Engineering [SE]
  • Software Engineering [SW]
  • Integrated Product and Process Development [IPPD]
  • Suppplier Sourcing [SS]

    The four models released in the chronological order are

  • SE/SW - includes both
  • SE/SW/IPPD - has additional practices for IPPD
  • SE/SW/IPPD/SS - has additional proactices for SS
  • SW - is a stripped down version to include SW only

    Step 2: I am only more confused
    Valid point !

    The basic criteria to chose the discipline is to ask: What is the business of your organization.

    • [SW] Are you into software only, like application software
    • [SE] Do you develop systems including hardware, e.g. car, DVD player
    • [IPPD] Does your production involve integrated product and process development, like joint development programs involving multiple organizations.
    • [SS] Do you outsource some portion of your development process
    A combination of the above makes your choice of model.

    Step 3: Representations: Staged vs. Continuous
    There are two representations of each model. They are designed to suit to two implementation approaches. Use the table below to chose the best representation for your organization. If you are thinking - 'what is the difference' - the answer is 'none practically'. They are the same practices packaged in a different way.

    Continuous Representation Staged Representation
    Continuous provides a flexibility to the organization to choose the order in which improvements should be addressed. Staged representation proivides a readymade roadmap for process improvement.
    Continuous gives a number for each appraised Process Area.
    A collection of these numbers describe a maturity profile for the organization.
    Staged appraisal gets you one number that represents your CMMI rating.
    Continuous is useful when the process improvement has to take place in a chosen set of areas without an overall roadmap in mind. Staged is easy to understand and transition for people already using CMM.
    Using continuous appraisal results would be useful for the management to plan future course of action, but the customer might not find them amusing. For your customers stages appraisal gives a number. Easy for them to judge your processes.

    Please note both approaches are right, none is wrong. There are no better or poor representations. There are no differences in the results of appraisal on your rating -- based on the approach you chose to use.

    So go ahead read the reasons for chosing the right representation for you and download the one you are comfortable implementing.

  • Where do I get a copy of CMMI?

    Download the correct version/model of CMMI.
    The downloads are available on the SEI Site at

    Is it free - Yes.
    Can I make copies and print it - Yes, for internal purpose
    Can I make copies and sell it - Sorry but not without permission from SEI

    There are two types of dowloadable versions - doc type and pdf type. Which one is better?
    Actally they are exact copies, but you might need to chose which software do you have to read them. If you use MS Office and MS Word, doc file is better. If you are friendly with Adobe acrobat reader, pdf file would be your choice.

    By the way: If you get a hand on a few presentations on CMMI, read them too. Some from SEI, Boeing, Raytheon are extremely useful. If you involved an expert on CMMI in this process, he/she might also provide you some presentations/tutorials.

    Do I have to read that book?

    "Finding it was tough. Plus it is huge. Then I don't understand a word. You think I can read it and understand it and use it for process improvement in my organization."

    It is not easy for a beginner. But I will try and make it as easy as it gets. Now clear your glasses.

    Note: If your choice of model is CMMI SW ver 1.1 staged representation, this site was written for you. If not, you may and may not find the site entirely useful.

    Proceed to the next chapter >>

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