
football cheers

move that ball down the field and score!

redmen let's do it, kick it, for three!

first and ten, first and ten, redmen let's win!

go big red, knock 'em dead!

redmen, down the field, six points, let's go!

defense, defense, hold that line!

touchdown, touchdown, we want a redmen touchdown!

basketball cheers

shoot for two, redmen, shoot for two!

take it, to the top of the key, we want three!

shoot for two, shoot for two, redmen, push it through!

d-r-i-double b-l-e, take that ball to a victory!

sink it, put it in, two points let's win!

redmen, rip up the court, score two more!

general cheers

defense, redmen, stop 'em, stop 'em!

go, go, g-o, mcgill, let's go!

give us a g, g! o, o! go red go!

let's go redmen, beat those stingers/gaiters/etc.!

stand up and cheer, redmen are here!

mcgill redmen, let's go big red!

red and white, go, fight, win!


we want two/six points!

go, go, go red go!

redmen are number one!

let's go redmen!

d-d-d defense!

let's score, two/six more!

©2002 McGill Cheerleading
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