What's New
The newest stuff is at the top.
7/7/03 I (Marv) added a little to the "Fragile: handle with care" rocket page, and added captions to the photo album pics. See, I do exist.

7/4/03   I (Chris) added the
photo album page. Its got all those that i've told you soooo much about.

7/3/03   I (Chris) made a new page for our "
Fragile: handle with care rocket." I'll add more pics from the launch we did at a later time.

6/12/03   I (Chris) added the joint projects section and the
Soyuz project page. I also added a donations button for you kind, generous rocket folks who would like to help sponser our upcoming endeavor. I'll put more info up about sponsership later.

12/22/02   I (Chris) removed the picture of the multipad controller that I put on 3 days ago. It didn't work as intended. Back to the drawing board...sigh...

12/20/02   I (Chris) added a picture ro the home page that I drew in paint. I added a new project page:
Lil' Nuke. Its not too great but I'm working on it. Geez.

12/19/02   I (Chris) added a new launch controller to my
launch controller page. No instructions, just a schematic. Its a multi pad. Woah.

12/1/02   I (Chris) updated my Big Daddy 5 page and for all you hopefuls out there, no it didn't fly. I am as sorry as you (or more).

11/15/02   I (Chris) added my
new project. More info to come soon.

10/21/02   I (Chris) finally updated the name of my two stager to the correct spelling. What can I say, I'm an idiot. I also moved the link to the homepage to up top on this page.

9/15/02 I (Chris) added the instructions for my launch box design. I will add more exact part numbers as I get them. Stay tuned.

9/14/02   I (Chris) added a new project to my list, the
launch controller. It is not finished quite yet but a brief history and parts list are.

9/3/02   I (Chris) got bored so I moved the "updated" thingy to the top (this time on the left so it is more noticable) and turned it into a link to this page. I also changed the counter style/font because it was hard to read.

9/2/02   I (Chris) added picture credits to all of the pictures on the site. Moved the updated date to the bottom.

9/1/02   I (Marcus) added some Phoenix flight vidcaps, recovery pics, and a pic of Chris prepping the two stager.

9/1/02   I (Chris) added the "flight" report of the two stager in my section. Some pictures are soon to come (today I hope).

8/31/02   I (Marcus) added the first of the
Phoenix flight info, and corrected some of Chris' horrendous spelling and punctuation :)  I also erased some of the many corny comments.

8/27/02   I (Chris) added the what's new section, added a few other pages, added weather of Charlotte and Orangeberg, and corrected Marcus' horrendous spelling :