Medical Online Glossaries & Resources

The Most Comprehensive Multilingual Listing of Online Biomedical Dictionaries anywhere on the Internet.
Over 2,095 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and biomedical dictionaries in twenty-three languages; compiled by André Fairchild, of Denver, Colorado, USA.
The text of this long web page is MOSTLY in ENGLISH, but many of the links below are to sites in languages other than English. ♠

This page displays a large amount of information in a searchable, colorful & user friendly way. We have tried very hard to avoid all hype, sales pitches, banners, spam, and bombardment of commercial garbage. Let us know what YOU think! We all hate spam.
Don't buy anything from spammers, ever. Use PageDown to see INDEX below, or Ctrl-F to find what you're looking for on this page in any one of 6 languages.

Use Ctrl-F to find what you're looking for on this Long page, in any language.

The text of this Long web portal (about 200 pages, if you print all components, e.g., medsites.htm, medlinks.htm, index.html and medbooks.htm) is MOSTLY in ENGLISH, but many of the links below are to sites in languages other than English. ♠

These LINKS on this LONG page are organized into 18 Main Sections as follows:
(see detailed Index and table of contents below)
1. Mostly in English;   2. Spanish   3. Portuguese    4. French;     5. German; and Dutch
6. trilingual or multilingual;     7. Dutch;     8. Scandinavian languages;     9. Finnish
10. Italian;     11. Catalan & Romanian;       12. Russian, Polish & Slavic;
13. Greek;     14. Chinese & Japanese;       15. Arabic & other languages;  
16. Books: Listing of 110 printed Medical Dictionaries in eight languages;  
17. Web sites, Glossaries and Dictionaries by André †airchild
18. Terrible, aggressive web sites/garbage to avoid at all costs.

Clicking on any of the links in this web page should take you directly to the page with all the Listings and Links to biomedical dictionaries, which is now a separate page at

The presentation of this page displays a large amount of information in a searchable, colorful & user-friendly way. We have tried very hard to AVOID all hype, sales pitches, banners, spam, and bombardment of commercial garbage. Let us know what YOU think! We all hate spam. Don't buy anything from spammers, ever.

Use Ctrl-F to find what you're looking for on this Long page, in any language.

 ↑   en anglais ↑- - ↓ en portugais ↓ ↑  auf Englisch; ↓ auf Portugiesisch ↓
Glossários e Recursos Médicos Online
Mais de 2.110 Links às páginas médicas em 23 línguas, oferecendo glossários médicos; compilado por André Fairchild, tradutor & intérprete na cidade de Denver, Colorado, EUA. → Há glossários e sites médicos em inglês, espanhol, português-francês-alemão e, holandês e em 16 outros idiomas. Além disso, oferecemos dicionários médicos bilíngues e trilínues, ou até com 7 idiomas. Nossos dicionários médicos trilingues contém já mais de 30.999 verbetes detalhados. Também as versoes em holandês, suéco e alemão têm 30.999 verbetes.
Há uma versão em português do índice desta mesma página que está no endereço

♣ ↑   en português ↑- ♠ ↓ en español ♣ ↓   ↑  auf Portugiesisch; ↓ auf Spanisch

♥ Dos Mil y cientos enlaces para glosarios médicos en 23 idiomas
Además, ofrecemos diccionarios médicos bilingues y trilingues que contienen 30.999 entradas médicas detalladas con equivalentes en inglés, y español (o en portugués, holandés; francés, o alemán). La creación de un diccionario médico multilingue es una tarea inacabable. Agradezco cualquier corrección añado o glosario que me envían por correo electrónico.

♠↓en francés, en français ↓ in French:
Glossaires, dictionnaires et ressources médicaux en ligne

en 23 langues
. Ici, je vous offre ma page avec 2.110 liens médicaux aux glossaires médicaux en ligne, bourrés de renseignements. Ici, il y a environ 860 liens en anglais, 333 en espagnol, 140 en portugais, 240 en français, 150 en allemand, 106 en hollandais, et des dizaines de lexiques en autres langues ou bien multilingues.  J'ai colligé ces informations sur ces glossaires médicaux ici, sur une longue page Web de liens médicaux. Cette liste n'est supervisée par aucun médecin.

 ↑   en francés ↑- - ↓ en anglais ↓ en francés ↑

Warning This is a LONG Web Page, devoted to the free dissemination of biomedical information and terminology via extensive listings of (and LINKS to) monolingual, bilingual and multilingual web sites offering biomedical dictionaries, glossaries, and many other medical resources. If you print this entire web page on your computer, it would be about 150 pages!
WHEN THIS WEB PAGE DISAPPEARS on October 26, 2009, see the original, updated version of this page located at !!!
subpages of that newer medsites page include and as well as the main page with non-medical links and resources, at

Your feedback is welcome.  Please advise us of any dead links you might find.

Click here to go to original web page at

The page you are now looking at is an imperfect mirror of ♥

↓ table of contents, English section ↑   .   .  ↓  la table des matières, partie anglaise ↓
INDEX of this Web Page . . O Conteúdo desta página . . la table des matiè²¥s . . . la tabla de materias; el ÍŽDICE
Part 1. Links to medical web sites & resources IN ENGLISH - 663 links; (840 links e recursos médicos; quase todos aqui em Part 1 são em ingl곩
A. AIDS/HIV/Sexuality, Fertility & Prostate: Glossaries & info sites 24 links
B. Allergy, Asthma, food intolerance and Immunology sites/glossaries 7 links
C. Cancer, Oncology, & Leukemia sites, glossaries etc. 37 links
D. Dental & Orthodontic Information & Glossaries . 13 links
E. Diabetes & Kidney-related glossaries & web sites in English 24 links
F. eMedicine: Instant access to the minds of medicine. 18 links
G. Gastro-Enterology, Digestive System, Nutrition, Food Safety & Eating Disorders 17 links
H. Genetics & Genomics & biotechnology glossaries/web sites 39 links
I. Heart/Lungs pulmonary, & cardiology glossaries & Information 30 links
J. Managed Care, HMO, health insurance, Medicare and Healthcare industry 14 links
K. Musculo-Skeletal Systems, Osteoporosis and Anatomy glossaries 37 links
L. Natural, Homeopathy, Holistic & alternative medicine, Herbs 18 links
M. Neuroscience/Neurology; cerebral, cerebro-spinal, central nervous system, neuromuscular 48 links
N. Ophthalmology, Optical, Vision, Eyes, Ocular Sites & glossaries 14 links
O. Pharmaceutical, Chemistry & Drug-related glossaries, and Dictionaries of Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms (not all are in English) 62 links; não todos são em ingl곦#060;/font>
P. Psychology, Psychiatry, and Mental Health info sites 21 links
Q. Rheumatology, Arthritis, and Osteoarthritis sites 4 links
R. Sleep Disorders - trastornos del sueño;/TD> 6 links
S. Trauma, traumatology, & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 4 links
T. Miscellaneous Medical online Glossaries & Dictionaries 156 links
U. Directories & Links to other Medical Sites & Glossaries 69 links
V. Miscellaneous medical online info pages, Medical Search engines, medical texts & medical web sites with no glossary or dictionary 71 links

( ↓ table of contents, other languages ↓) . . . ( ↓ lista do conteúdo, outros idiomas ↓)

Part 2. Links to medical web sites/glossaries in Spanish (299 links) enlaces médicos en español
A. Glosarios, diccionarios y textos detallados sobre la medicina y la salud fí³©ca 124 links
B. genéticos, la citogenética y el genoma 8 links
C. Glosarios relativos a la salud mental, psicologí¡¬ psiquiatrí¡¬ ciencias sociales y disturbios emocionales 12 links
D. Hojas Informativas Sobre Discapacidades de la NICHCY 13 links
E. Sitios médicos cardio-pulmonares, informació® ³obre pulmones y coraz󮦣060;/TD> 7 links
F. Asuntos farmaceuticos y bioquimicos, la farmacologí¡¬ drogas, plantas curativas y fármacos 10 links
G. Paginas Médicas Informativas, pero que no ofrecen glosarios ni dicionarios exactamente 93 links
H. Glosarios y sitios sobre el medio ambiente, etología e ecología 4 links

Part 3. Medical online glossaries & information in Portuguese (124 links em total, em portugu곦#060;/B>)
A. Medical glossaries & dictionaries in Portuguese
(52 links)
B. Good medical sites in Portuguese with NO glossary or dictionary (55 links)

Part 4. Links to medical web sites & glossaries in French: (215 liens en francés)
A. French Sites with medical glossaries. Lexiques, Glossaires et dictionnaires 110 liens
B. Dictionnaires spécialisés médicaux de Harcourt 30 liens
C. French medical pages with information, but no glossary. Sites intéressants mais qui n'offrent ni glossaire ni dictionnaire 49 liens
D. Listes de glossaires médicaux et annuaires d'informations médicales en franç¡©s14 liens
E. Glossaires: Biologie; Génétique; Sciences de la vie; Ecologie; Végétale; Biologie Moléculaire; Génétique; Biologie Cellulaire; Génie Génétique; Biochimie; Entomologie; Botanique; Glossaire du bois; Glossaire apicole; 7 liens

Part 5. Links to medical web sites / glossaries in German (116 links auf Deutsch)

- A. German & English (38 links)
- B. German Language only (78 links)

Part 6. Trilingual and Multilingual biomedical sites & glossaries (38 links)

Part 7. Dutch / Nederlands; Dutch language medical sites and glossaries. (102 links in het Nederlands)

Part 8. Swedish, Danish & Norwegian biomedical sites & glossaries (82 links)

Part 9. Finnish Language medical sites & glossaries (9 links)

Part 10. Italian medical sites & glossaries (42 links)

Part 11. Catalan & Romanian, medical sites & glossaries (5 links)

Part 12. Russian or Polish & Slavic languages, medical sites & glossaries (11 links)

Part 13. Greek medical sites & glossaries (6 links)

Part 14. Chinese, Japanese and other Asian Languages - (13 links)
- A. Japanese medical & biomedical glossaries
& medical info sites
- B. English/Chinese Medical Dictionaries and medical pages

Part 15. OTHER LANGUAGES - Arabic-English Medical Dictionary

Hebrew-English Medical Dictionary

Part 16. Books: Printed Medical Dictionaries and CDs
for sale in bookstores or online - 88 publications listed in eight languages


Part 17. Web pages, Links, medical dictionary subsets and glossaries by André Fairchild (9 links)

↑ END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS; ↑ – ↓ begin LINKS to online medical sites ↓

Part 1. medical web sites, glossaries & resources in English

NOTE that some apparently DEAD LINKS are NOT really dead! You may have to click refresh, delete the last bit of the URL, and use your F5 key.

A. AIDS, HIV, Sexuality, Prostate, Infertility & STD info/glossaries
1 AIDS Terminology by Victor Hernandez; from Absolute CD4 Count to Zovirax
2 Aids medical glossary
3 HIV/AIDS-Related Glossary from the HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service
4 HIV/AIDS-related terms from Tulane University
5 Sexual Health & STD's
6 UN AIDS Glossary of AIDS-related terminology, French, Russian and English. Sounds great, but all I got (every time!) from trying its search/submit funtion was this: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b0'
File name or class name not found during Automation operation
/publications/glossary.asp, line 201

7 AIDS Clinical Pathology UCSF
8 The Body: A Multimedia AIDS and HIV Information Resource- UK site
9 Infertility Terms & reproductive science
10 AIDS information and discussion site in German, French, Italian and English
11 Glossary on health, medicine, HIV, & AIDS;
12. Prostate Glossary from Phoenix5, to help overcome the effects of prostate cancer. You can also download this glossary for free.
13 twenty pages of concise medical info on the Prostate from the University of Utah, Health Sciences Library
14 Infertility glossary from thriveonline (about 7½ pages)
15 Living Treatment AIDS Glossary from the Gay Men's Health Crisis
16 AIDS Glossary in Italian: L'infezione da HIV dalla A alla Z;
17 Glossary of transgendered terms: from transvestite to transsexual to cross-dressers
18 Glossário de impotência e disfunçao sexual, em português;#060;/A> de Marise Morais e Silva Santos
19 - The Prostate Cancer InfoLink; this site is no longer online, but an archived copy of an original page from this, site that went off-line in February, 2001 is reproduced at Phoenix5 with the permission of Vox Medica at
CPCRA's AIDS and Clinical Trials Glossary, 1994, from the Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS
21 DicionᲩo de Termos T飮icos sobre AIDS (all in Portuguese). Fonte: Glossário de Termos T飮icos no campo de HIV / AIDS do laboratório Boehringer Ingelheim, com o apoio da Sociedade Brasileira de Infectologia.
22 a summarized Link Directory from the Impotency Practice in Internet,
un Directorio de Enlaces
it is full of mistakes, like "Lynphoma" instead of "Lymhoma" and "Flouride" instead of "Fluoride". Plus many of the so-called links here do NOTHING but repeat in large bold letters, the words you just clicked on. Quite useless!
23 Yohimbe and Cockatoo Press' Viagra & medicinal herbs dictionary; Last updated: August 21, 2000; heading is “Better sex with mailorder Viagra” - even though the URL is this is NOT a Medical Dictionary!!!!!!!!!
24 - vihsida en Chile - Glosario de Términos, in Spanish, from absceso to Virus de varicela
25 Sex Therapy, includes a mediocre glossary

B. Sites/Glossaries on Allergy, Asthma, food intolerance, & Immunology
1 Allergy/Respiratory Glossary from Health on the Net Foundation,
2 Allergy/Respiratory Glossary.. from Switzerland,
3 Food Intolerance & Allergy Glossary from Health on the Net Foundation
4 Excellent Allergy-immunology Glossary from the Stanford University's Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford University Medical Center; this page may take awhile to load
5 Commonly prescribed medications for prevention & treatment of asthma
6 Glossary of Immunology - Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Leicester, U.K.
7 from WebMD

C. Cancer-related web pages/glossaries
1 CancerNet Cancer Terms NIH
2 Ask the Doctor & Second Opinion Services worked as of 11-13-01
3 ASK THE DOCTOR from HealthOne Clinics in Colorado.
4 Cancernet works OK almost always
5 NIH Cancer-related Terms NIH Cancer definitions
; worked OK 11-13-01
6 Cancer Terms - University of Pennsylvania
7 Oncolink; Cancer News; Clinical Trials; Focus on Fatigue; Lung Cancer; MD2B; Neutropenia and Infection; PET Imaging Center
8 Cancer Glossary, Canadian; Worked OK 11-13-01?!
9 Breast Health / Breast Cancer Glossary - Worked OK 11-22-02
10 Breast Cancer Glossary of Medical Terms: Worked OK 11-13-01?!
11 EduCare Breast Health / Breast Cancer Glossary - Worked OK 11-13-01?
12 Testicular Cancer Dictionary, ACOR; worked as of 11-13-01
13 Cancer Web Medical Dictionary, quite extensive, now linked to Google search engine. Unfortunately, it is marred by many minor errors in grammar & punctuation, such as this: “A compound formed by the union of two compound's and easily converted to the original compound's (hydrolysis)”; and “Fine collagenous fiber's in the matrix of osseous tissue.” and “used as a diagnostic aid in heptatic function determination.” Plurals are formed with an apostrophe, not even in the UK..

14 old URL for the CancerWeb Medical Dictionary, probably a dead link now.
15 Eye Cancer Dictionary or Glossary; OK as of 11-12-01 & OK on 4-5-03
16 Cancer Glossary from Oncolink, University of Pennsylvania
17 Breast Cancer Dictionary from JSonline; Works OK as of 11-12-01
18 Cancer Glossary compiled by the Nursing Advisory Board of Pharmacia & Upjohn Company
19 Glossary of Breast Cancer Terms adapted from “Dictionary of Cancer Terms” by CancerNet
20 Glossary of Oncology Terms, Cheshire Medical Centre, NH; Works OK 11-12-01, 12.16.02 & again on 3.26.03
21 Oncology Terms -; works as of 11-13-01
22 CancerGuide Tour
23 CancerNet
24 The Cancer Dictionary from Facts on File, Inc.; works as of 11-13-01
25 Lymphoma Terms from; works as of 11-13-01
26 Glossary of Terms from the Lymphoma Research Foundation of America
27 Radiation Oncology Glossary from; Worked OK 11-12-01
28 Mesothelioma Information Center, Glossary of Terms from The Mesothelioma Information Center in Dallas, TX
29 Cancer Glossary: 203 layman's definitions by Simon Cotterill
30 Innere Klinik - Tumorforschung Medical technical articles in English on oncology, etc. (some articles at this site are in German), Year 2001
31 Innere Klinik - Tumorforschung Year 2000, Medical technical articles in English on oncology, etc. (some articles at this site are in German)
32 European Society for Medical Oncology: For Reference; includes databases of all abstracts and full text of articles published in the ESMO Educational Book
33 Breast Cancer Information Clearing House
34 OncoTerm: Bilingual Systema of Oncology Info & Resoures ; from OncoTerm
35 Glossary of Proton Treatment Terms adapted from the National Cancer Institute publication, “Radiation Therapy and You: a Guide to Self-help During Treatment” from Active Beam through Tumor & X rays
36 Cancer Condition Center -fro WebMD
Xx Leukemia Dictionary, UK. Redirect to new website DOES NOT WORK! Dead Link!
Xy Cancer Terms dead link! No longer online as of June, 2001; check with

¶ See also LINK to Robert Young's Phoenix5 prostate cancer glossary, in Section A above

D. Dental & Orthodontic web pages & glossaries
1 Dental & Orthodontic, Dental braces info
2 Dental Procedures Dictionary from
3 Dental Terms Glossary
4 Dental Terms
5 Patients' Dental Dictionary by
6 Dictionary of Dental Terms by Rich Masel
7 Brazilian dental site with English, Spanish & Portuguese with Indexes
8 Suvison bilingual dental glossary English-Spanish and Spanish-English (online version of the PAHO/WHO glossary of dental terms)
9 FDI Dental Lexicon, English, French, German and Spanish; 2nd Edition, 1985. You cannot browse a list, you have to type a word into a field and press the 'Submit Query' button. I tried the SIMPLEST of queries, i.e. "braces", but all I got was "No Records Found! Try another word". And got the same disappointing lack of results when I tried the word "Hammond"
10. See Dental Terminology Dictionary in English, Spanish, German and Italian, the last item listed under Part 6. Trilingual or Multilingual sites below

E. Diabetes & Kidney-related glossaries - sites em inglês com um site em francés/a> e outro em espanhol
Diabetes Dictionary, Children from NIDDK (in layman's terms)
2 Diabetes Dictionary by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
3 Diabetes A-Z from the diabetic digest
4 Rick Mendosa's huge Diabetes Directory: dozens of excellent Links to informative sites on diabetes, neuropathy, etc.
5 Rick Mendosa's excellent Diabetes Directory: dozens of great Links to informative sites on diabetes : Non-English Web Sites
6 Neuropathy on the Web by Rick Mendosa. This man has done his homework!
7 On-line Diabetes Resources by Rick Mendosa
8 Jennie Brand-Miller's The Glucose Revolution: The Authoritative Guide to the Glycemic Index
9 Diabetes Dictionary from the NIH
10 Insulin terms Glossary from
11 Home page of the American Diabetes Association. No Glossary but lots of info.
12 American Diabetes Association, different URL for their main page
13 Diabetes Glossary from the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Last updated in March, 1999
14 MediLinks Diabetes information sites. not a glossary.
15 Children With Diabetes
16 GI/GU/Liver & Kidney Transplant Glossary from Dartmouth University
17 kidneypatientguide Glossary in layman's language, UK
18 Kidney Failure Glossary - words that are often used when people talk or write about kidney failure and its treatments
19 Ressources Internet sur le Diabè´¥ (source Alfediam). Mostly English-language resources are listed here. But this page by Pierre Yves Benhamou is almost all in French. No Glossary.
20 A glossary of kidney terms from russlover
21 Diabetes Condition Center from WebMD
22a Diabetes information in Spanish from the CDC; There is a LINK to a Spanish-only glossary here:
22b Diccionario de la Diabetes: se definen vocablos que con frecuencia se emplean al hablar o al escribir sobre la diabetes

F. eMedicine: Instant access to the minds of medicine..
Thousands of Medical Review Articles . ? . Index of eMedicine journals:
1 October, 2000 . · Volume 1, No 10
2 November, 2000 . · Volume 1, No 11: Medical Review Articles
3 December, 2000 . · Volume 1, No 12; Medical Review Articles
4 January, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 1 - Medical Review Articles
5 February, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 2 - Medical Review Articles
6 March, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 3 - Medical Review Articles
7 April, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 4: 107 Medical Review Articles
8 May, 2001 . · Volume 2, Number 5: 248 Medical Review Articles
9 June, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 6: 426 Medical Review Articles
10 July, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 7: 570 Medical Review Articles
11 August, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 8: 316 Medical Review Articles
12 September, 2001 . · Volume 2, No 9: 662 Medical Review Articles
13 October, 2001 · Volume 2, Number 10: 494 Medical Review Articles
14 November, 2001 · Volume 2, Number 11: 693 Medical Review Articles
15 December, 2001 · Volume 2, Number 12: 530 Medical Review Articles
16 January, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 1: 515 Medical Review Articles
17 February, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 2
18 March, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 3
19 April, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 4: hundreds of medical review articles
20 May, 2002 . · Volume 3, Number 5: hundreds of medical review articles
21 June, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 6: hundreds of medical review articles
22 July, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 7: hundreds of medical review articles

The following pages DO NOT EXIST! The last journal of this series appears to be the July 2002 issue. It appears that they simple ceased posting web pages at that point.. :-(
23 August, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 8: no Medical Review Articles. Nothing. Nada
24 September, 2002 . · Volume 3, No 9? Nothing; this pages did not exist when Andre attempted to access it in 2004
25 October, 2002 · Volume 3, Number 10: Nope
26 November, 2002 · Volume 3, Number 11: Nothing here
27 December, 2002 · Volume 3, Number 12: does not exist
28 January, 2003 . · Volume 4 forget it

G. Gastro-Enterology, Digestive System, Nutrition, Food Safety and Eating Disorders
1 Nutrition Glossary from
2 Gastrointestinal system - Medical College of Wisconsin
3 Digestive Health and Disease: A Glossary Understanding Your GI Tract
4 The Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy pictures & info on Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum & Ampulla, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colon & Ileum, etc.
5. Glossary of Food Safety Terms by the Food Safety & Quality Project, Iowa State University
6. Glossary of Terms from the Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
7. Complete Source of Nutritional Information from
8. glossary of Digestive Disorders from the University of Maryland Medicine
9. Digestive and Medicinal Glossary from entries go from Achene & Achlorhydria to Yerba Santa & Yucca Root. This page is full of typos, poor punctuation and mediocre grammar, such as “Modern herbalist's still use it...” and “glossory”; <Herbalist's say its steroid-like compounds actually contain the hormones testosterone, progesterone and cortin>
10. Columbia Univ. Gastroenterology
11. Glossary from the Portland Digestive Disease Research Center, from Abdominal Paracentesis to Video Esophagram
12. Digestive Disorders Glossary from Community Health Care in Wasau, MI: from abdomen & absorption through Zenker's diverticulum & Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
13. Geri Ann Glossary by Richard Rathe, MD at univ. of Florida, 1995-1998: from "Activities of Daily Living" to "Urinary Incontinence Treatment".
14. Review Glossary by Digestive Health and Disease: A Glossary - Understanding Your GI Tract
15. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Glossary by Shawn Eric Case
16. Digestive & Liver Disorders Glossary - University of Utah Health Sciences Center
17. Dr. Greenson's Gastrointestinal & Liver Pathology Extravaganza
18. Digestive Diseases Dictionary, by the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; last updated in February of 2000
19. H. Genetics, Molecular Biology & Genomics glossaries , biotechnology
1 Human Gene Mutation Database
2 A Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms prepared & presented by Dr. Birgid Schlindwein
3 GeneClinics: Medical Genetic Info
4 Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes & Metabolism
5 List of terms, concepts & techniques commonly used in genetics and molecular biology.
6 Glossary of Genetic Terms from the National Human Genome Research Institute
7 Alpha glossary list/glossary categories & search engine from Cambridge Healthtech Institute -
8 Glossaries of Genome/Human Genetics Terms from the Genetics Education Center of the University of Kansas; Links to 34 glossaries are listed here; all are in English only
9 human genome, genetics glossary from HGMIS
10 Glossary of Genetics - Rockefeller
11 Glossary of Genetic Terms from It's excellent.
12 Genomics Lexicon from PhRMA Genomics... See #13 below
13 PhRMA, FGM: The Genomics (Genetic Medicine) Lexicon: a searchable database of terms & definitions
14 Genome Glossary ORNL
15 Human Genome Project Information. A glossary of genetic terms from the DOE Human Genome Program.
16 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes & Genomes
17 Peter Ford's genetics glossary, last updated in 1997 (out of date!?)
18 Forest Genetics Glossary by C. Maynard. Last updated 06/12/1996??
19 Genetics Glossary from Mapping Our Genes The Genome Projects: How Big, How Fast?
20 la Génie Génétique: Lexique Anglais-Franç¡©s (English-French Genetic Engineering Glossary)
Glossary of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology by David M. Glick
22 Molecular Biology Glossary - A Quick and Dirty Reference to Terms Used in Molecular Biology. By Dr. Robert H. Lyons, Director of the University of Michigan DNA Sequencing Core.
23 Biotech Life Science U of Texas, Dictionary: over 8,300 terms dealing with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology and genetics.
24 Biotech Life Science Search; U of Texas, Dictionary: Search 8,300 terms dealing with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology and genetics.
25 Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology. But online free access is restricted to occasional use (1 day out of every 90 days). They try to get you to buy it on CD ROM.
26 United Nations Interpretation: Genetic Engineering Glossary French, English & Spanish (very limited). You have to first click on <Glossaries>, then choose and click on one of 7 language combinations to the right of the words "Genetic Engineering".
27 Biology Dictionary, Three complete online searchable dictionaries
28 un glossaire de la génétique moleculaire - la génie génetique. Glossary in French and English; definitions are in French.
29 Mendelian Inheritance in Man from the NIH
30 Bioinformatics Glossary from IncyteGenomics: key words from Annotation, BAC, & BLAST to WWW2GCG and YAC
31 glossary of medical terms relating to Noonan syndrome from TNSSG Inc.
32 Bioweb.CH bioltechnologie information in French ONLY, Switzerland
33 Genomics Lexicon: a searchable database of terms and definitions
34 biotech glossary from
35 Biotechnical Glossary for the 21st Century
36 Genetics Glossary by Peter Ford, UK
37 Lexique G鮥tique Anglais-Fran硩s
Glossary of Genetic Terms from the Genetic Science Learning Center at the Eccles Institute of Human Genetics University of Utah. From acrocentric to zygote

In case you were wondering, is a DEAD URL: this glossary no longer exists, so I don't include a LINK to it here.

I. Heart & Lungs, pulmonary, cardiology & cardiovascular
1 Heart Surgery Glossary by
2 Glossary of perfusion technology, open heart surgery & cardiology; Medical University of South Carolina
3 info on the heart muscle disease called Cardiomyopathy
4 Heart Surgeons' Glossary (from Mid Atlantic Surgical Associates
5 I "Mega-trial" Cardiologici: gli Acronimi in English & Italian, Acronyms & Giornale telematico di informazione scientifica medico-cardiologica
6 Cardiovascular system - Medical College of Wisconsin
7 Respiratory system - Medical College of Wisconsin
8 Glossary of Pulmonary & Cardiovascular Terms in English, by André, about 25 pages
9 American Heart Assoc - AHA Glossary
10 Cardiovascular Terms Univ of Utah, School of Pharmacy
11 Glossary of Cardiovascular Terminology - Trinitas Hospital
12 Cardiovascular Terminology from
13 Pacemaker Glossary medtronic
14 Pacemaker terms
15 MedHunt: Medical Document finder from Health on the Net Foundation,, in Switzerland -
16 Devices Reviewed by the Division of Cardiovascular & Respiratory Devices (defibrillator, pacemaker, cardiac monitoring device, etc.
17 Heart Info Network Glossary of Terms...
18 Hypertension Network Glossary on high blood pressure
19 Texas Heart Institute Glossary of Terms
20 Heart Failure, a Glossary of cardiovascular terms from Guidant.
21 The Pulmonary Paper, Glossary of Terms (from Alveolus & Arterial Blood Gas to Tracheostomy & Vital Capacity)
22 Medical dictionary from the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation; excellent. From ACE inhibitors to Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Comprehensive source of info on heart diseases and stroke.
23 Heart Preview Gallery - a tour of the heart based on The Franklin Institute's walk-through Heart
exhibit. See for very short glossary

24 Heart Wise UK & Overseas Heart Society - no glossary that I could find
25 MASA Heart Surgery Glossary English terms explained in English. DEAD LINK when I tried it repeatedly on 5-22-2002
26 Glossary of Terms Used in Time Series Analysis of Cardiovascular Data, from Akaike information criterion, Aliasing & Anacrotic pulse through Z analysis and Zero-padding. Last updated in August 2001
27 Glossary of Terms and Acronym Expansions for Perfusion Technology, Open Heart Surgery and Cardiology from the Cardiovascular Perfusion Education Program & Life Support Departments of the Medical University of South Carolina
28 Yale University School of Medicine HEART BOOK; Medical Editors Barry L. Zaret, M.D., Marvin Moser, M.D., Lawrence S. Cohen, M.D. Last updated 9 April 2002 (all book content is from 1992 edition). Unfortunately, the glossary is in PDF format, would not load. PDF is an annoying, useless and proprietary format.
29 J. Managed Care, HMO, health insurance, Medicare and Healthcare industry
1 Managed Health Care - a Brief Glossary
2 Glossary of Terms in Managed Health Care (Pam Pohly's Net Guide);
3 MCOL Managed Care Dictionary - contains over 380 managed care terms
4 Pam Pohly's Net Guide: Glossary of Words Used in Managed Care
5 Health Insurance Benefits Vocabulary from
6 for consumers Healthcare Information You Can Trust
7 Medicare Glossary from the U.S. government
8 Glosario de Términos Medicare glossary in Spanish
9 Glossary of key terms related to health insurance and the issue of the uninsured prepared by

10 Healthcare Informatics - the Latest Word, by Pamela Tabar
11 Glossary of Healthcare Terms from
12 Health insurance glossary; managed health care; in Portuguese only
13 GlossᲩo Sul América Saúde; Health insurance, in Portuguese only. Slow to load, even though it is only a few pages. Similar to
14 Glossary: Healthcare Terminology Made Simple

K. Musculo-Skeletal System, Osteoporosis and Human Anatomy glossaries
1. DAVID Online Atlas of Human Anatomy for Clinical Imaging Diagnosis
Developed by J.C. Oberson MD. Copyright ? 1998. An excellent resource. The following 27 pages (and a hundred others not listed here) are all sub-pages of DAVID:
2. Occipital bone, - detailed definitions & illustrations
3. Cervical vertebrae, - detailed definitions & illustrations
4. Thoracic & Lumbar vertebrae, - detailed definitions & illustrations
5. Thoracic Skeleton, Ribs and Sternum - detailed definitions
6. Cranial bones and Skull - detailed definitions
7. Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale) - detailed definitions
8. Frontal bone and - detailed definitions & illustrations
9. Ethmoid Bone And Inferior Nasal Concha - detailed definitions & illustrations
10 Lacrimal bone, Vomer and Nasal bone - detailed definitions & illustrations
11 Maxilla: Upper jaw bone - detailed definitions & illustrations
12 Palatine bone - detailed definitions & illustrations
13 Zygomatic bone - detailed definitions & illustrations
14 Mandible (mandibula): Lower jaw bone - detailed definitions & illustrations
15 Hydoid bone - detailed definitions & illustrations
16 Nasal cavity - detailed definitions & illustrations
17 Orbit: Bilateral cone-shaped bony cavity that contains the eyeball - definitions & illustrations
18 Appendicular Skeleton & the Pelvic and Shoulder Girdles - definitions & illustrations
19 Scapula (shoulder blade) - detailed definitions & illustrations
20 Clavicle (collar bone) - detailed definitions & 2 illustrations
21 Humerus - detailed definition & 3 illustrations 22 Radius - detailed definitions & 3 illustrations
23 Ulna - detailed definitions & three illustrations
24 Carpal bones - detailed definitions & 3 illustrations
25 Metacarpal bones and metacarpus - detailed definitions & illustrations
26 Bones of the fingers & hand - detailed definitions & illustrations
27 Vertebral Column & Vertebrae - detailed definitions & illustrations
28 Parietal bones, - detailed definitions & illustrations
29 Bone Marrow Transplant Stanford Univ.
30 Bone Marrow Glossary from the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
31 Osteoporosis Glossary by Aventis also some general info in French & German
32 Osteoporosis Glossary thriveonline (only about 1½ pages)
33 Osteoporosis Glossary by Aventis letter "B"; but the letters AGHIL&N were just blank pages :-(
34 Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body by Excellent, complete!
35 Musculoskeletal system - Medical College of Wisconsin
36 Anatomical Planes, Aspects and Directions Illustrated - Animations
37 Anatomical Word of the Month: explanations of how anatomy-related words came about
38 Visible Human (human anatomy)

L. Natural, Homeopathic, Holistic & alternative medicine
and Ethnic medicine
1 Homeopathy from
2 natural health, alternative medicine, anhydrosis, cholagogue, decoction
3 Diets and Therapies from
4 Homeopathy International
5 Alternative Medicine Glossary from
6 Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals from
7 Wellness Guide to Dietary Supplements, from Aloe to Zinc; by UC Berkeley
8 Herbal/Botanical list from
9 Herbs & Vitamins Glossary
10 Herbs, by, a glossary
11 Herbs, Vitamins & Minerals by
12 Herbs from
13 Holistic Health Terms from magazine
14 Allopathic & Natural Health Glossary, from "Abdominal muscles" to "Zygote intrafallopian transfer"
Try to avoid the main Intro page that is in PDF format only....

15 l'homéopathie et la phytothérapie pratique!
16 in French: Liens externes aux sites reliés aux médecines douces, naturopathie, homéopathie, etc.
17 Ethnomed: Ethnic medicine information from Harborview Medical Center; Includes Culture Specific Pages for Amharic, Cambodian, Chinese, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Mexican, Oromo, Somali, Tigrean, Vietnamese
18 A Naturosofia: una introduçao às terapias; (in Portuguese, from Portugal)

M. Neurosciences/Neurology, Headaches, Brain & nervous system dictionaries & Glossaries
1 Brain Tumor Patients Harvard;
2 Brain Tumor Glossary - ABTA
3 Brain Page by Jane in Maui
4 Brain Injury Glossary
5 Glossary of Terms about the brain & its functions: axon, cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, nervous system, neurons, neurology, etc.
6 Nervous system - Medical College of Wisconsin
7 Immune & Nervous System Glossary
8 National Spinal Cord Injury Association includes some glossary
9 Alzheimer's Glossary ¿ from
11 Brain & Brain disorders Glossary from the Lundbeck Institute; but: “register here (only for healthcare professionals).&rquo; What about the rest of us?
12 TBI Glossary - medical terms commonly associated with head injury
13 Migraine Glossary from the Headache and Migraine Management Journal Online. Among others: abdominal migraine, basilar artery migraine, cluster headaches, inflammatory headaches, ophthalmoplegic migraine, rebound headache
14 Headaches and Migraines Glossaryfrom AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Zomig drug site. topics include classic migraine, common migraine, menstrual migraine, muscle contraction migraine, ocular migraine, tension headache & vascular headaches
15 Mark Dubin's NeuraLinksPlus Index Page
16 Bioscience Mnemonics from Mneumonx
17 Brain Injury Glossary from
18 Neurosurgical Terms from
19 Cognitive Science Dictionary from the University of Alberta
20 ABTA Dictionary for Brain Surgery Patients, Harvard
21 Terms for Cognitive Behavioral & Neurologic Disorders a Brainer.. last updated in 1997.....?
22 Encyclopedia of Cybernetics and Related Philosophy Principia Cybernetica Web
23 Elsevier Encyclopedia of Neuroscience 2nd Edition Updates (English & Dutch)
24 Extensive Etymology of Neuroscience Prefixes
25 Neuroanatomical and Neurological Terms Glossary - Common, basic terminology
26 Neuroscience Glossary - UTMB in Utah
27 Neurologic Disorder Information and Glossary Description, treatment, prognosis & links for a large number of disorders. (from NIMH)
28 Neurology Handbook: A compendium of www links presented as "chapters" in a virtual textbook
29 Neurology Signs and Manifestations, with Brief Descriptions
30 Glosario Enciclopédico de Neurociencias y Salud Mental; in Spanish -
31 Philosophy Encyclopedia Online Project (Stanford) is it REALLY being continuously written & updated, as they claim?
32 Philosophy of Mind Dictionary - Cooperative effort that defines main terms
33 Glossary: The Language of Central Pain Ouch!
34 MedFriendly: easy-to-read, jargon-free information on a large number on topics, including neurology, psychology, dermatology, and other medical areas. There is also a message board. MedFriendly is presented in an easy to understand and conversational manner. Here, complex words are not used in the definition of medical terms without an explanation as to what they mean. By Dominic A. Carone, Jr., M.S., Neuropsychology Internont>
35 Glossary of Neurological Terms (Univeristy of Manitoba)
36 Glossary of Assessment Terminology from New Assessment: Early Childhood Resources. From Action and Active Alert to Visual Defensiveness and Vocal Play.
37 German Society of Neurogenetics (auf Deutsch und Englisch)
38 Yahoo!s Neuroscience (list of web sites, not glossaries)
Alzheimer's Disease, with clear explanations in English
40 Neuroscience Glossary and Brief Tutorials from THE CEREBRAL CODE: Thinking a Thought in the Mosaics of the Mind a book by William H. Calvin
41 Neurobiology Glossary of Terms from the Neurobiology Department
42 Neural Definitions from John H. Krantz at Hanover College; from Amygdala and Anterior Cerebral Artery to Voltage. See also
43 Web site of The Muscular Dystrophy Association: The source for news & information about neuromuscular diseases, MDA research and services for adults and children with neuromuscular diseases and their families.
44 Illustrated Atlas of Ultrastructural Neurocytology: the neuron; the neuroglia; the blood vessels; the choroid plexus; the peripheral nerves and ganglia; the meninges; abnormalities
44 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: BSE Glossary & Dictionary references from The BSE Inquiry

N. Ophthalmology, Optical, Ocular, Eyes, and vision-related Sites & Glossaries
1. Glossary of Vision and Refractive Surgery Terms from the Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance
2. Glossary of Vision Terms from the National Eye Institute
3. Laser Eye Surgery PRK
4. Glossary of Optical & Ophthalmological Terms from Medical Eye Services
5. Visionary Dictionary of Terminology in Vision Research; written and maintained by Lars Liden, BU
6. Vos yeux et votre vision. Y inclus: votre optométriste, les lentilles de contact, les maladies des yeux, la vision des bébés, des enfants, les rayons ultra-violets: que sont-ils et comment se protéger?, la vision et l'automobile, la vision des vieux
7. Glosario de Oftamalogí¡ by Dr. Demetrio Pita Salorio, Barcelona, Spain. Spanish & English, with definitions only in Spanish. Contiene 6.537 té²­inos ordenados alfabé´©camente.
8. Glosario de la Oftalmologí¡¦#060;/A>, en español solamente: in Spanish only
Glossary of Vision Terms from from 20/20 and AC/A Ratio to Yoked Prisms
10. Visionary: a dictionary of terminology used in the study of vision
11. Glossary of Sight Terms from Preserve Sight - Colorado
12. Ophthalmology Online: A help guide for ophthalmologists and medical students
13. Glossário Ladarvision, in Portuguese, by Alcon Laboratories, Inc.;

O. Pharmaceutical, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry & Drug-related glossaries & web sites, Drugs, and Dictionaries of Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms
1 Fertilitext by ProCare Pharmacy
2 Stedmans Pharmaceutical Terminology NOT FREE!? :-(
3 PDR.het, general pharma info
4 Pharmaceutical Lexicon from, UK: medical & pharmaceutical acronyms and abbreviations from their database of over 48,000 entries
Search For
Medical Abbreviations
Scientific Articles
5 A guide to medical abbreviations, Medline Pro
6 Pharm-Lexicon's Medical Abbreviation Database with links to articles in PubMed which allows access to abstracts. It claims to be a dictionary of more than 56,000 medical, biomedical and healthcare acronyms and abbreviations
7 Drug Interactions from
8 Pharmaceutical Glossary from - this page would NOT load for me on Sept. 21, 2002. Dead link?
9 informative pages on Pharmacy Resources, including Clinical Trials, Drug Information, New Drug Approval, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, prescription assistance, Online Pharmacies, Organizations, etc. by the California Public Safety Academy
10 RxList: the Internet Drug Database in English and (some) Spanish; see also the top 200 at
11 Internet Drug Index from (same site as #8 above)
10 Drug Information Association, Technical Term Translation Table: but this page would NOT load for me on Sept. 21, 2002. Dead link?
11 Drug Information: Find information about more than 10,000 prescription and over-the-counter medications
12 U.S. Pharmacopeia, Pharmaceutical and Drug Standards & Drug Information, but no glossary.
13 Novartis: Health, Care and Well Being. Pharmaceutical info on their products.
14 Pharmacology Glossary from AMSA, BU
15 UNCChem Glossary, Useful Materials Glossary, etc. from The Shodor Foundation: a non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the advancement of science and math education
16 search engine for the Drug Information Journal to search for keywords commencing with Volume 30 (1996) Issue number 1 & all subsequent issues
17 ChemFinder: Glossary and search for chemical names & molecular formulas. Database & Lookup
18 RxList - The Internet Drug Index from
19 Novartis: Health, Care & Well Being. Pharmaceutical info on their products. Article entitled Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in type 2 Diabetes. But no Glossary
20 ANDA, FDA, Drug Act. Yuk, it's in PDF format, so you can FORGET this one.
21 portal for pharmacology issues as of 11-23-01, this page would NOT LOAD for me, all I got was error message: Error Occurred While Processing Request; Windows NT error number 2 occurred. I could get NO part of the site to load.
22 Glossary of medicines from the
23 - Health; Education; Patient Education; Pharmaceuticals: from Avandia Rosiglitazone Maleate; CancerLinks Drug Search, and Prevacid Online to RxMed and the Ted Noffs Foundation
24 General Glossary of Organic Chemistry from Eberlein
25 Prozac Glossary: a glossary of terms related to depressive disorders and their medical treatment
26 Dictionary of Chemistry/Dicionário de Quí­mica/Diccionario de Quí­mica, English-Portuguê³­Español» by Rainer Hopperdietzel, Rio de Janeiro
27 International Chemical Safety Cards, Program on Chemical Safety; in English & many other languages;
28 Glossary of Terms Used in Medicinal Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 1998) from Active transport & Address-message concept to Xenobiotic; Suite ? plica lacrimalis
29 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology; unfortunately, to browse or search this compendium, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader
30 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry
31 Dicionário Farmacéutico? I tried & tried to load without success. Then I tried just and clicking on Dicionário Farmacéutico button. That worked. But it took me half an hour to find that there is NO listing for "augmentina" or "aumentina" since you can only get the FIRST half of the A's by clicking to that part of the alphabet. Very awkward, frustrating and difficult to navigate. é muito difí£©l navegar neste site.
32 Portuguese-language site: Tipos de Medicamentos com a letra A from Banco de Fármacos (each letter of the alphabet is a separate page)
33 in Dutch: Woordenboek Organische Chemie (see link in Dutch section below)
34 Mosby's Drug Consult Top 200; a compilation of the top 200 generic drugs
35 Excellent Four-Language Drugs Glossary in English, Spanish, French and German. “una amplia serie de términos en español sobre las drogas y sus diversas implicaciones en la salud y el comportamiento humano, junto con los términos equivalentes en alemán, inglés y francés“
36 Guide des Equivalents Thérapeutiques, le Médicament: Spécialités pharmaceutiques par Dénomination Commune Internationale (DCI) Mise à ªour trimestrielle. L'Assurance Maladie, en mettant en ligne ce guide, a la volonté d'en généraliser la diffusion à ´ous les médecins
37 Safetychecker; from Accolate (Zafirlukast) to Zyrtec: Most prescribed drugs; click on each name for details.
38 Ré°¥rtoire Commenté ¤es M餩caments du Centre Belge d'Information Pharmacoth鲡peutique
39 Galaxy, Specific Drugs and Medications list
40 Online Drug Source: Pharmaceutical Products, including Narcotic Analgesics; Penicillins and Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors; etc.
41 Drug Depletions and Interactions List; but only about 55 of the drugs listed here are clickable links. The rest, just the name of a pharmaceutical product,not linked.
42 U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research; includes National Drug Code Directory; New Prescription Drug Approvals, and links to Major Drug Information Pages
43 Permabond Chemical and Adhesives Glossary; from Acceptance Test, Accelerator, and Acrylic Adhesive through Vulcanization, Weight Change, Wicking, Working Strength and Yield Value
44 pharmaceuticals biochemistry page from Merck pharmaceutical company; in English, German, Spanish and French. But every single word that I tried to query just gave me this: "Your search produced no results. Please revise your search query and try again."
45 Aventinus - A Multilingual Term Database by Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis. Covers illegal drugs, drug trade routes, drug dealers, etc.
46 Medicine Info: an Index of Medicine Trade names from Electronic Doctor ( - South Africa)
47 Glossary of Terms Used In Medicinal Chemistry from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Section. English only? Some of these scientists are French....
48. chemistry related words, chemical compounds, organic chemistry; in Dutch, English, German, & French
49 Pharmacia Canada; bilingual site but no glossary you can browse through;

P. Psychology, Psychiatry & Mental Health pages, & Down Syndrome
1 Children's Mental Health Terms
2 On-line Mental Health
3 Cognitive Science Dictionary Univ of Alberta, Canada
4 Psychiatry and Neurology Glossary by John F. Abess, M.D.
5 Suicide, Grief, Ethics - Lifeguard
6 Glossary from Anxiety Disorders Association of America
7 The ASAP Dictionary of Anxiety and Panic Disorders
8 Glossary of Children's Mental Health Terms
9 Mental Health Encyclopedia from
10 Neurotrauma ? Law Nexus Glossary of Terms; brain injury, spinal injury, neurotrauma. From abducens nerve to white matter.
11 Phobia Names List
12 Social & Behavioral Sciences Encyclopedia from
13 Suicide Terminology - Tripod, LifeGuard
14 Health and Social Services - Glossary of Acronyms (British terms only, no North American terminology). By Martin Rathfelder, Manchester, UK
16 Mental Health Glossary from
17 Online Dictionary of Mental Health from -- Ian Pitchford and Robert M. Young - Last updated October, 1998! Depression Condition Center

Q. Rheumatology, Arthritis, and Osteoarthritis
sites. . .

1 Arthritis info. A huge selections of useful LINKS from NOAH-Health
2 Arthritis from NOAH-Health. Same as previous link
3 Unversity of Birmingham, Dept. of Rheumatology, U.K. - No Glossaary
4 Glucosamine site in English from the Netherlands

R. Sleep and Sleep Disorders - trastornos del sueño
1 Sleep Apnea Glossary from : from acromegaly to uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
2 Everything you wanted to know about sleep but were too tired to ask,
3 Sleep Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations from
4 Sleep Dictionary, including: Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome, anticonvulsant, bimaxillary advancement, bruxism, eneuresis, microsleep, hypersomnia, vigilance testing and wakefulness
5 About Sleep Disorders; good information, but not a glossary, exactly. A very commercial site, in my opinion. Ever since I visited this web site, I get twice as much SPAM as before.
6 sleep disorders/un diccionario de los trastornos del sue񯦣060;/A>, (in Spanish)

S. Trauma, traumatology, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
1 technical, medical, traumatology, by Health Partners, Regions Hospital
2 David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages focus primarily on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder)
3 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, medicine, psychiatry
4 Trauma Management: Advanced Cardiac Life Support; Advanced Trauma Life Support; Initial Orders for the Trauma Patient.

T. Miscellaneous English language Medical glossaries, Dictionaries & Encyclopedia
1. Mirriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary by Medscape You have to register with Medscape site to use it. Then click on "Library" (on the left), then click on the Dictionary link on the right.
See Also
2. MedFriendly: easy-to-read, jargon-free information on many on topics, including neurology, psychology, dermatology & other medical areas. Message Board also accessible.
3. glossary of Hantavirus terms from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
5. Online medical dictionary Medifocus?; a medical dictionary by Category Listing or by Alphabetical listing
6. Medical Statistical Clinical Glossary
7. Medical Dictionary - definitions of medical terms and terminology, including diseases, drugs, and fields of medicine.
8. Fungal Glossary (you have to click on the word "Glossary"
9. sinformative pages on Anesthesiology, Anatomy, Cardiology, Dermatology, Disease Information, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Family Medicine, Gastro-enterology, Hematology, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, Neurosurgery Neurology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Oncology, Pathology , Pediatrics, Pharmaceuticals, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Radiology, Rheumatology, Surgery, Urology, etc. by the California Public Safety Academy
10 Medical Dictionary from South Africa: believe it or not, I actually went to each of the 26 alphabetical pages of this dictionary site to count the key words and see if there were any new and interesting terms I had not seen before. I counted 3,508 terms.. but there may be a few more, since I could not get the page for the letter “J” to load at all..
~~ 12 Medical Encyclopedia; The World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia & hosted by WebMD, Inc.
13 Medical Library from, including Injuries Encyclopedia, Surgical Procedures, Medical Tests, Medline, Clinical Trials, and Combined Health Information data base
14 Pathology - Ed Friedlander's excellent site
15 Spa Glossary
16 FastHealth Dictionary & Search. Based on Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary Electronic Edition ? 1997. Over a hundred short pages such as - Impossible to download it.
17 Human fertility Glossary
18 Medical Imaging Glossary (PDF!!) Please BOYCOTT PDF format! It's just Adobe's attempt to dominate.
19 Radiology Info: Glossary of Terms
20 Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems from Principia Cybernetica Web
21 Medical Eponyms List
22 Graylab - UK, Medical Dictionary, quite extensive & impressive!
23 Talaria Medical Glossary: from Ablative surgery & Acupuncture to tolerance & TENS
24 Medical Dictionary from the Histiocytosis Association of America; emphasis on hemotology and oncology terms & medications. See also - Online Library
25 Physiolibrary: Use PhysioBob, a cybernetic search agent to find the information you are looking for. Clicking all the database options, PhysioBob will search over 1,800 medical databases for you
26 Evidence-Based Medicine Glossary UK
27 Glossary, Acronyms, & Index for Ask Dr. Stoll
28 Marrow Donor Glossary from the DHHS
29 Medical Dictionary; A Glossary of medical and technical terms (separate pages for each letter of the alphabet)
Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary from
31 Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary from - a much too-complex URL !!
URL is
the content is excellent, but the site software is tricky, unreliable, annoying; it crashes
32 Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary; (different URL) from HealthGate Data Corporation?
33 Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary; (yet another URL)
34 Dictionary of Ecological Epidemiology edited by Jonathan Swinton, UK
35 CDC Glossary of Terms from the Special Pathogen Branch, disease control & prevention
36 < A HREF=""> Special Pathogens Branch: All About Hantavirus, a Glossary of Terms
37 Glossary for Otology, Internet and Electronic Medical Records from St. Croix Medical
38 MedicineNet Medical Dictionary, quite EXTENSIVE! (Smart Medicine)
39 MedicineNet Medical Dictionary, le mê­¥ truc; same as #41
40 Medical Dictionary from
41 MedTerms Medical Dictionary from
42 MedTerms Medical Dictionary ii
43 Merck Manual Home Edition, now enhanced with photos, animations, videos, pronunciations, illustrations, & a comprehensive search engine
44 The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Seventeenth Edition
45 searches reference dictionaries, including the Concise Medical Dictionary from Oxford University Press
46 Orthopedic Terms for Independent Medical Exams
47 Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics to go directly to alphabetical listing
48 MPIP Medical Dictionary Lookup: lymph*ema returns the definitions which start with 'lymph' and end with 'ema'.
49 All About Multiple Sclerosis, Glossary from Paul Jones
50 Multiple Sclerosis glossary from
51 Nancy Pope's Multiple Sclerosis Glossary,International MS Support Foundation
52 Belgian League for Chronic Inflammatory Tissue Diseases in English or Dutch (see glossary in English at /
53 Medic8 Online Medical Dictionary; also Clinical Tools; Clinical Guidelines; Medical Databases; Medical Journals; Medic8 Search
54 Medical word list -
55 MT desk, Alphabetical Index of Terminology N-Z - Medical Equipment & Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
55 MT desk, New Drugs/Equipment/Procedures/ Terminology
56 National Library of Medicine, PubMed listing: Enter one or more search terms, or click Preview/Index for advanced searching.
57 Nuclear medicine Glossary from
58 Alphabetical List of Specific Diseases/Disorders with extensive information available on each one.. But it's not exactly a glossary... by the Swedish Karolinska Institutet. You have to click on the name of a disorder, then remember what you clicked on so you can do a Ctrl-F search for that word in the extensive & voluminous info screen you get..
59 Your Online Medical Dictionary: OMD is a searchable dictionary hosted by CancerWEB It contains terms from biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology
60 Terminology Commonly Used in Nuclear Medicine (very short glossary)
61 Acoustic Disorders Glossary from the NIH
62 Glossary of Anti-Aging Terms
63 Health Information Glossary from the NIH
64 Organ Donor Glossary from the US govt?
65 Physiotherapy glossary, Australian Ozonline: DEAD LINK on 12-23-01, says André
66 Glossary by Access North - Disability Community of The North (2 pp)
67 Medicalese from
68 Dermatology U. of Iowa
69 Search the University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, a Virtual Hospital®
70 Epidemiology an in-depth dictionary of terms & easy to understand terminology. UK
71 Medical Center Library - Dictionaries, Abbreviations, Acronyms & Initialisms; & MeSH Thesaurus from the University of Kentucky, Medical Center Library
72 MRI Glossary by; un glosario sobre terminologí¡ de resonancia magnética
73 Hepatitis (Liver Disease) Hepatitis-Central
74 Glossary of Terms for Hepatobiliary Diseases - the University of Chicago Hospitals
75 Blood Terms & Definitions Glossary
76 Glossary of Medical Specialties - MMCHS
77 Medical Dictionary from (instead of definitions, it gives relevant web sites). one-word queries only.
78 Poisons & Antidotes - from 1942, posted as historical information only
79 Disease Reference - MedlinePlus
80 National Library of Medicine - MedlinePlus
81 NLM's Medlineplus Dictionaries
82 Medical Encyclopedia: the Adam Health Illustrated Encyclopedia includes over 4,000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. It also contains an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations. Page last updated 14 February 2001
83 orthopedic acronyms OAF
84 Physiotherapy Glossary from physio.web
85 Office of Rare Diseases: Terms and Definitions: A - E from the NIH
86 Office of Rare Diseases: Terms and Definitions: F - M from the NIH
87 Office of Rare Diseases: Terms & Definitions: N - R from the NIH
88 endometriosis glossary from thriveonline (only about 2 pages)
89 Terms for Preparing Consent Forms Stanford
90 Long-Term Care Glossary, AIU
91 AMA Insight Medical Glossary- AMA
92 Glossary of the American Medical Association? But it's really a list of accreditation, certification, licensure terms, etc. It is NOT a medical glossary in the traditional sense
93 Medical Terms- ASGE manual
94 Blue Cross/Blue Shield Glossary online
95 University of Maryland's Comprehensive Glossary of Medical Terms. Excellent.
96 Virology Glossary from Tulane Univ.
97 Encyberpedia in English, Medtarget
98 enter a keyword in the search field above, select library and hit the "Go" button... or browse the glossary terms in alphabetical order by clicking on the letterbar.
Excessive Sweating Resource a glossary; from Antiperspirants to Titanium Clips
100 Patient's guide (glossary) - each letter of the alphabet is a separate page. Canadian
101 Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology UK's MB Lab (John Lackie & Julian Dow)
start page is
102 The Internet Medical Education A Glossary for Physicians and other Health Care Providers
103 MedFact Medical Dictionary or glossary
104 Medical Encyclopedia Extensive collection of basic info on medicine & biology.
105 The BioSpace Glossary - Defining the Terms that Define Biotechnology
106 BioTech Life Sciences U of Texas, search in dictionary
107 Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology from Harcourt - includes Cardiology, Hematology, Medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Radiology, Social Sciences, Surgery, & Veterinary Medicine (see also Harcourt dictionaries in the French Language section below)
108's Medical Encyclopedia
109 National Library of Medicine, Medical Subject Headings
110 AcroMed -- a computer-generated database of biomedical acronyms and the associated long forms extracted from of Medline abstracts
111 Physician databases, written in medicalese language. Lay persons are duly warned not to “waste time” here.
112 Chronic Fatigue Glossary - Natl Centers for Infectious Diseases; it's only a few pages...
113 Dictionary of Metaphysical Healthcare Unnaturalistic Methods & Quackery
114 A comprehensive glossary of technical terms used in the mediweb. Created by Medical Online. From Acute Pain: Allodynia, and Alkaloid to Tomogram, Ulnar and Volar
115 Family Practice Handbook (Virtual Hospital) One of the most complete references on the Web
116 Frontiers in Bioscience Database links, encyclopedia and journal
117 Medical Spellcheck Online,, in English
118 ViaHealth Medical Glossary - ViaHealth Disease and Wellness Home
119 HairFacts: commercial-free hair removal facts for consumers. From Aavexx to Zoulla.
Perfusion Technology Glossary
121 A Dictionary of PRACTICAL MATERIA MEDICA By John Henry CLARKE, M.D. - Site does not tell us ANYthing about this voluminous compendium; to me, Andre, it appears to be a 19th century homeopathic dictionary
122 Diseases & Medical Terms in Old Documents by Edmund West - to help interpret older medical records and unfamiliar medical terms; from Abcess and Addison's Disease to Winter Fever and Yellow Fever. Basically, an old medical dictionary from mid 20th century?
123 occupational therapy Glossary in English, French, German & Spanish Definitions from the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Unfortunately it's in PDF format, which is rather useless.. you can't save, Save As, copy or paste anything from it.
124 free-online-medical-dictionary? ? Forget this worthless site! In spite of its name, there is no dictionary, no medical glossary here.. only spam, advertising, weight loss hype, penis enlargement... you get the picture. Don't waste your time with this web page.
125 KidsHealth Glossary of Medical Words explained in language any 5th grader can understand
126 Veterinary terms from
127 Gestures, signs, body Language nonverbal communication
128 Downloadable medical dictionary (XTerm Medical Dictionary). This is an e-dictionary.
129 Medical Dictionary from Aflatoxins to Wild Type
130 MT desk, different web page; more terminology
131 BabyCenter? Glossary from Afterbirth and alopecia areata to zygote intrafallopian transfer. Seems clear and concise to me. One page for each letter of the alphabet.
132 Surgical terms by (New Drugs/Equipment/Procedures)
133 General Terms & Definitions in Alternastive Healing from The Modern Life Guide; from Accupressure to Midwifery to Ortho-Bionomy to Zero Balancing
134 Glossary of Medical Specialties from Doctors Who's Who

135 SportsDoc Medical Dictionary from MedFacts/TeleVisualCommunications
136 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Medicine

138 Medical Dictionary
139 Medical Dictionary,
140 Specific Diseases listed alphabetically; see also
141 Glossary of Terms used in Physical Therapy from TeleVisual Communications
142 Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary online.
142? Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary online.
143 Electronic Doctor's Index of Medical Terminology, from South Africa. 26 web pages, one for each letter of the alphabet. Last updated in 1999
144 Peel gets Hip to Hep C - Glossary of Medical Terms (in layman's language)
145 A list of Harman-Conco Inc. products Unfortunately it's in PDF format, which is rather useless as far as I"m concerned.. you can't save, Save As, copy or paste anything from it. patient care products, incontinence management, medical skin care, cosmetic cotton wool, feminine hygiene, baby care, first aid, diagnostics, technical nonwovens, operating theatre products, wound management, compression and support treatment, cleansing products, pharmacy, diapers, bandages, etc.
146 Who Named It? from Aaron's sign and Aarskog's syndrome to Zuelzer?s syndrome and Zumbusch?s syndrome. is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms.
147 Definitions of Terms used in Electrosurgery; see also
148 Medical Dictionary Online from
149 NGCH FastHealth Interactive Healthcare Medical Dictionary
150 Hyperdictionary Medical Dictionary, over 100 pages like this one:

U. Directories of LINKS to Medical Dictionaries, Sites & (maybe) Glossaries

1 DMOZ - lists Patient Education glossaries
2 1Look list of 47 medical dictionaries & glossaries, & hundreds of other glossaries, too
3 Frank Dietz's: Over 1,700 excellent glossary Links, including some medical links. See also German medical links page G
4 Medical Glossaries, Dental Glossaries, & Mental Health/Psychology Glossaries, described by The Glossarist
5 Huge list of Medical Dictionaries & medical resources by - Search in over 150 different dictionaries
6 Medical & Science Dict. List - the largest site for medical & bioscience journals, associations, & databases. See - a long and well-organized list of LINKS in English only.
7 Autoimmune Diseases Online links to relevant sites
8 Medical Abbreviations Glossary
9 Medical Dictionaries, Glossaries and Terminology/Alphabetical Site Index
10 Health Care information resources, Dictionary, Medical Links
11 MedSeek - a healtcare website developer
12 MedNets List of online resources in Internal Medicine
13 Dept of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan Health System (no glossary)
14 Wright's Anesthesia and Critical Care Resources on the Internet, by AJ Wright, MLS, AHIP Department of Anesthesiology Library, School of Medicine, University of Alabama
15 Biomedical dictionaries and glossaries by Aldo Campana in Switzerland - see almost all are in English; page has not been updated since August 22, 2001
16 Eurasia Health Knowledge Network, a Multilingual Library
17 Internet for the Family Physician Some of these sites are in Italian (marked with a tiny Italian flag), most in English. many dead links?
18 Medical Dictionaries from
19 Top 100 Medical Sites Ranked by
20 Argus Clearinghouse -- rates directories based on their topic, comprehensiveness & ease of use. A good gateway for hard-to-find medical topics in English only.
21 Hardin Mega Directory of Internet Health Sources -a HUGE index to other health info & directories on the web
22 Healthy Seniors by the AARP & the Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment
23 Public Health & Health Care Administration Glossary of Terms by Yuki Durham
24 Medical Dictionaries & Glossaries from the Michigan Electronic Library
25 Emory University's Medweb, a searchable directory of a huge number of sites for health professionals; 25? See Dictionaries Listing, too.
Medical Information Dictionary - a medical database for news & general information including definitions and treatments
27 Huge list of medical online glossaries. from
28 Eurodicautom: European Commission's Translation Service (Unfortunately, it's sometimes offline, inaccessible or just won't work).
29 MedicineNet - Medical Dictionary. Comprehensible glossary of medical terms, diseases, treatments, associations &d suppliers.
30 Toxicology, pharmacology, physiology - includes many databases incl. Medline, Biosis, IPA, Toxline, Riskline.
31 ~ Medical Dictionaries and Glossaries from Medscout Corporation in Salem, OR
32 New York Emergency Room, ON-LINE MEDICAL DICTIONARIES & ENCYCLOPEDIAS. This is a medical treasure trove! try scrolling left & right across its wide pages.... it is a bit hard to navigate this page...
33 galaxy directories: Home > Medicine > Diseases and Disorders and many useful links. it is NOT free to submit a site to galaxy.. they want you to PAY for that. :-(
34 galaxy directories: Home > Medicine > Operative Surgery and many other useful links, too
35 Diccionarios ZonaMédica - a directory listing of medical dictionaries in English & Spanish (most are in English)
36 Huge number of excellent Medical Links on the worldwide web by Joplin Medical; but it also says, “Due to time restraints, this site is for sale. For more information, click here.”
37 Education: Patient Education: Glossaries from AIDS Glossary to Weird Medical Words
38 Orthopaedic Web Links. -- a free service to the orthopedic community. Last updated in December, 1997!
39 Medical Dictionaries Online. Free! By (lists only 18 medical dictionaries)
40 Finding the right word: A guide to useful online glossaries
41 Medical Dictionaries from(
42a Emergency Nursing World, Medical Links - Part 2
42b Emergency Nursing World, Medical Links - Part 3
43 MED Site Jump from
44 Recommended Down Syndrome Sites on the Internet compiled by Dr. Len Leshin, MD, FAAP
45 Medical & Health Sciences Databases - A to Z; most of databases listed here are restricted to the University of Utah community, or UALC, Utah Academic Library Consortium members
46a Huge list of DICTIONARY/REFERENCE LINKS A-H, last revised August 13, 2001? by Randy Burns
46b Medical Information Links last revised July 21, 2001? by Randy Burns
47 Selected Internet Resources: Health & Medicine from the Lansing Public Library in Lansing, Illinois
48 Doctor's Guide if you are a doctor and willing to register..
49 Publishing and Publications: Dictionaries, Medical from MedWeb Plus
50 List of Medical dictionaries; most are in English only.
51 Achoo Gateway to Healthcare: Reference Sources. Search Achoo; Search Medline (NLM), Search Merck Manual
52 BetterEditor.Org - Medical Dictionaries. In addition to medical, this functional site offers links to many other Online Dictionaries, including Science Dictionaries, Computing Dictionaries, Thesaurus Sites, Etymology Dictionaries, Acronym Translators, Rhyming Dictionaries, Multilingual Dictionaries, Medical Dictionaries, Business Dictionaries, Biographical Dictionaries, & Slang Dictionaries
53 LPIG Medical Database Under the heading Law and Politics, this web site offers a hundred links to medical info sites. A "translate" button offers machine translation of the page into a dozen languages.
54 Informació® “anitaria - Conexió® ¡ sitios con información en español, portugués, francés e inglés sobre la sanidad en general y sobre tiroides y endocrinologia
Glosarios médicos/Medicine Glossaries de I. R. Maturana
56 List of Dictionaries and Glossaries of Veterinary Science, from The Glossarist
57 Emergency Nursing World, Medical Links - Part 1
58 Martindale's Health Science Guide. It's incredibly extensive; there are links to almost anything you can imagine, not just science and medicine

V. Miscellaneous Medical info pages, Medical Search engines & web sites with No Glossary

1 Search the WebMD web site Lots & lots of info, but no glossary per se by WebMD, Inc.

? for diseases & conditions see
? for info about Drugs & herbs see
2 Lycos WebMD not same as above
3 American Medical Association but No glossary. AMA is a powerful political lobby.
4 Food & Drug Administration home page
5 Health Physics Information
6 CBS Healthwatch
7 Multisystem entities - Medical College of Wisconsin
8 HealthGate medical info site
9 Genito-urinary system - Medical College of Wisconsin
10 Medlingua Project For better communication in medicine; communication promotes trust
11 Articles on Medical Nanomaterials, Nanobiotechnology, Nanomedicine, compiled by Robert Freitas
12 Consumer and Patient Health InformationSection, or CAPHIS; includes Searchable database of consumer health libraries
13 - Global medical and health search engine, in English
14 Medical Resources On-Line IPOline
15 Histology (Australian site, U of S. Wales)
16 Complete Histology textbook from William A Beresford MA, DPhil, Professor of Anatomy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA. Easily downloadable, 605 kilobytes
17 DAN's Diving Medical Information Center DAN=Divers Alert Network.
18 Learning Assistance Program Health. in Canada
19 WebMDHealth (not a glossary) from
20 Statins, HDLs and Cancer Screening Topics by Judith Paley, MD,
21 Health and Age Novartis foundation for Gerontology
22 Sarcoidosis (sarcoid) Internet Resources - sorts through sarcoid related web pages to compile what Jay Lloyd considers to be the best sources for accurate information
23 Complementary Medicine links (but are they "complimentary?") [not a glossary]
24 Rotator Cuff Disease, Impingement. from Southern California Orthopedic Institute
25 Osteopathy - D.O. Health Network. The site CLAIMS to offer a glossary, but I explored several of its pages, searching each one for a link to the glossary, but I could not find it. 3-14-2001, André
26 Medical World Search: Medical Intelligence At Your Fingertips, Medical World Search provides an intelligent search tool which understands medical concepts and terminologies through its medical thesaurus knowledge base. But all users must register and pay a membership fee before using these search services.
27 Medical Dictionary Search Engines - Medical Dictionary Search Engines, a web tool to search for medical references. Fiorenza Zanenga said it's quite useful.
28 FreeBooks4Doctors! An excellent list of HUNDREDS of links to free medical texts online. Titles are too numerous to list here, sorry. etc. 6 pages of medical texts in English; pages for many other languages, too. apparently, the old URL was
29 American Society of Histocompatability and Immunogenetics
30 Avicenna - a resource for Physicians
31 The Urbana Atlas of Pathology: University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign. Lots of graphics
32 Alan D. Clark's ER World a hodgepodge, but includes English-French clinical dialogues/scenarios
33 The Cochrane Collaboration: Preparing, maintaining and promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions
34 Abbott Laboratories; a medical search engine and SUPPOSEDLY a glossary, too; you have to type in a term under “Glossary of terms” then click on the “Look it Up!” Button. But it does not work. When I tried to use their glossary on 6-16-2002, all I got was a box with this: Parse error in /home/sites/site53/web/search.phtml on line 18
35 Ergin Soysa's Urology Resources Page very international. No glossaries listed, but links for Publications & Materials; Resources; Patient Info; Universities and Hospitals
36 Online Medical Reference Resources from the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, Texas. Dozens of useful and informative medical links.
37 MediZine: Your total health solution - a large number of technical and informative articles on Allergies & Asthma; Alzheimer's Disease; Arthritis Therapies; Cancer Research; Cholesterol; Diabetes; Emergency; Heartburn; Impotence; Incontinence; Mental Health; Nail Fungus; Peripheral Artery Disease; Vision Health, and many other medical topics
38 Resources for medical assistants; many medical resources, Medical Spell Checker, and essential information relevant to the medical assistant profession.
39 Medical Tests Web M.D.
40 Medical dictionary at

41 Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - revised edition (2000). A.D. Smith. ISBN 0198506732

XX "" ? ... Probert (no longer online) no longer available. :-( Dead link. ↓

~ END OF mostly ENGLISH MEDICAL GLOSSARIES AND WEB PAGES -- begin Spanish language section ~

Part 2. medical web sites/glossaries/ medical information sites in SPANISH:

A. glosarios relativos a la medicina, farmacologí¡¬ y salud fí³©ca

1 Glosario de Oftamalogí¡¦#060;/A> del Dr. Demetrio Pita Salorio, Barcelona, Españ¡Š
AIDS, SIDA en españ¯¬
3 Tuberculosis/CDC] (y otras enfermedades?)
4 alergicas y asma USA
5 A1 Salud: Noticias, avances cientí¦©cos, diccionario y directorio médico, consejos sobre tratamientos de belleza, informació® ¤e eventos, áreas clí®©cas y buena alimentació® ­; THIS SUCKS! Mostly dead links.
6 Glosario de términos de Farmacoeconomí¡¦#060;/A> Spanish-English, about 16 pages
Angiologí¡ y Cirugí¡ Vascular Españ¡Š
8 Mi Doctor Web: directorio de médicos de todas las especialidades, guí¡ de padecimientos, prevenció®¬ primeros auxilios, clí®©cas y hospitales; artí£µlos, diccionario y foros de salud. - Panamá
9 Health & medicine Salud y Medicina
10 Artritis y artrosis
11 Asma y actividad fí³©ca
12 Glosario de Términos Médicos Técnicos y Populares de, reproducido con permiso de La Comisió® …uropea
13 Saludlandia: Informació® ¡ctual sobre salud infantil, femenina, masculina y de la tercera edad; tabaco, nutrició®¬ actividad fí³©ca y estética. Clique sobre Glosario para ver términos definidos
14 Diccionario de la Diabetes, in Spanish From the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
15 Diccionario médico de (pretty basic stuff)
16 Glosario de virologí¡ de Steve Dewhurst PhD. Assoc. Prof of Microbiology & Immunology, Univ of Rochester Med Ctr. Traducció® °or Néstor Núñ¥º Acevedo, MD, Gyn&Obst.
17 La Diabetes entre los Latinos. Informaciones de en españ¯¬
18 Imserso Glosario
19 MS Gateway
20 DpRex Pharmaceutical Glossary El Glosario de Terminos. English-Spanish; far more emphasis on legal & administrative than on chemical or pharmaceutical/medical info
21 Glossary of Medical Terms in Spanish? Dead Link! :-( When I tried this site in 2001, it was a dead link or hard-to-load page by Turns out the URL was wrong
22 directorio médico, guí¡ de salud, foro para pacientes, buscador temático. Noticias, especialidades y glosario de términos - México
23 DpRex Pharmaceutical terms Glossary en inglés y españ¯¬
24 discapacidad, physical infirmity, disabilidad Glosario
25 Diccionario Terminol󧩣o de Oftalmologí¡¦#060;/a>
Salud Latina: Informació® §eneral sobre enfermedades, sexualidad, salud mental, medicina alternativa y adicciones. Presenta diccionario médico, buscador, chat, foro de discusió® ¹ noticias. - México
27 . . . AVISO de André: ?this page is slow to load! then you have to click on a tiny box marked Diccionarios Médicos, then still you wait again and click on an awkward banner ‹Diccionario médico de Adeslas - Seguros de Salud› then after that page FINALLY loads, you STILL have to click again: either type in a term in the search box by ‹Término a Buscar ›; or click on one of the annoyingly tiny letters of the alphabet under either ‹Diccionario general› or ‹Diccionario Odontol󧩣o›: it's a Spanish language study in aggravation.
28 Viasalus, buscar en este diccionario (English, Spanish & Catalan)
30 Nursing / Enfermaria Jose Dacal
31 Patient Education from the Arkansas Children´s Hospital
32 AIDS from UCLA Researchers
33 Cancer Cancer Net Info NIH
34 Cancer of the Eyes, Optical Cancer
35 Human Body by Lingolex
36 Immunization Action vacunació® ƒoalition
37 Pediatrics de Roberto Murguia Pozzi
38 Pediatrics de Mario Coronado
39 Medical Terms Merck Manual in Spanish, Españ¡Š
40 Salud Latina: Informació® §eneral de medicina y ciencias de la salud; enfermedades, drogas y adicciones, diccionario, agenda médica, consultas al doctor, noticias y humor
41 CancerNet: Algunos Documentos Especí¦©cos están en Españ¯¬» otros en inglés
42 Medical Terms Heyman's Institute of Pharmacology listings in Spanish
43 Diabetes de la NIH
44 Medical Terms FUNDAMIND, in Spanish.
45 Medical Terms salud.4t in Spanish.
46 Términos comunes en el sistema de salud de estados unidos, del Dr. Rafael Rivera y de Marí¡ Cornelio y Jack Segura, Nueva York
47 Environment, reciclaje, in Spanish.
48 Farmacoeconomí¡¦#060;/A> Glosario en españ¯¬
Dejar de fumar! LUNG DISEASES
50 Fundamind, Argentina, glosario
51 Diagnostic Imaging Glossary English & Spanish. This site CLAIMS to have Portuguese, too, but it does NOT, in fact.
52 Diagnostic Imaging in English & Spanish
53 Medical Terms Enrique Valadez Gonzalez
55 Tu salud - Diccionario Espasa de Medicina: Más de 18.000 términos en este diccionario médico
56 Medical Dictionaries El Easton
57 Anatomí¡ y fisiologí¡ básica de la
58 Hormones Glossary from, in Spanish
59 Diccionario comentado del VIH/SIDA in Spanish only.
60 Diccionario medico de
61 Pequeñ¯ „iccionario Médico Etimol󧩣o de la Universidad de Salamanca, en Españ¡» Diccionario de términos médico-biol󧩣os y explicació® ¤e sus campos. Se estudian 1845 palabras.
62 Etimologí¡ de términos médicos; there are no definitions or English equivalents here. For example: Thymó³ ¨subst.): voluntad : anfitimia, ciclotimia, distimia
63 FISIONET, el portal de fisioterapia en Españ¡Š
64 Neurologia Infantil (glosario)
65 Oftalmologí¡¦#060;/A>(diccionario)
67 pediátrica para Padres
68 Project Inform - en espa񯬦#060;/A> con glosario?
Radiol󧩣a, Dosimetrí¡ Protecció® ¦#060;/A>de MediRad
Hipocrates Biblioteca Médica
71 Reproline, Linea de Salud
72 Salud Hoy: a Glossary in Spanish
73 Salud Latina diccionario
74 sleep disorders/trastornos del sueñ¯¦£060;/A>, un diccionario (Españ¡©
Discovery Health, el canal de la salud. Planeta Médico; Medicina en el Tiempo; embarazo; nutrició®» Hombres; Mujeres; el Cuerpo Humano
76 Stedmans Search, pharma
77 Tos, coughing
78 Tuberculosis from in Spanish
79 Universidad de Salamanca, Spain Diccionario médico
80 Diccionarios y Glosarios de Biologí¡¦#060;/A> last updated in 1998!
IFCC - diccionario inglés-españ¯¬¦#060;/A> de ciencias de laboratorio clí®©co;
o ,
Laboratorio Clí®©co; Inglés-Españ¯¬¦#060;/A>, diccionario
Diccionario Españ¯¬­Ingés de Laboratorio Clí®©co
buena SALUD, un dicionario
85 disease, drugs, pathology, treatment, medical. source: Manes (Argentine site) provides a list of diseases & names of the drugs used to combat each disease, with explanation of the theurapeutic benefits. Impressive!
86 glosario sobre cáncer y cirurgia reparadora
87 Methodist Health therapy in English & Spanish
88 glosario de investigació® £lí®©ca Terminos utilizados en la investigació® £lí®©ca
89 Glosario de términos naturistas y farmacéuticos de Pronat Distribuidora, SA. de México
90 Diccionario médico de Teknon, en Españ¡¦£060;/A> EN INGLéS!? weird, it's all in English! No hay nada en españ¯¬ aquí®¦#060;/font>
Enlaces de sobre las ciencias y la salud: la segunda parte está en
92 Glosario de la Docencia Nacional Cruz Roja Colombiana, (entradas de Alergia, Alveolo y Amputació®¬ hasta Visceral, zoonisis y zumbido; de la Cruz Roja Colombiana en Santafé de Bogotá; Hay tb un Manual De Primeros Auxilios
93 Trastornos Digestivos Página Principal de las Enfermedades del Aparato Digestivo
94 Diccionário Basico de Psoriasis de Ignasi Tort / Acció ³oriasi /
95 Diccionario Comentado del VIH/SIDA (AIDS)
96 archivo de artí£µlos sobre la infectologí¡¦#060;/A>
artí£µlos informativos sobre la Gastroenterologí¡ de Bibliomed (con Buscador del sitio amplio)
98 Canal Salud: Glosario Medico You have to scroll down the main page & click on the word Glosario, under the enigmatic heading PyR. Flashing banners here seem to be visually designed to annoy and exasperate users.
99 Entorno médico Indice de Enfermedades,
100 odontological & medical glossary. Monolingual Spanish; es un glosario odontol󧩣o
101 FreeBooks4Doctors! An excellent list of links to more than a dozen free Spanish-language medical texts online. Los tí´µlos oferecidos aquí ³on los siguientes: Apuntes de Medicina Intensiva; las Diagnostic Dolor Toracico; Atlas Interactivo de Urologí¡» Complicaciones Infecciosas en el Postoperatorio de Cirugí¡ Abdominal; Conceptos Básicos en Estadí³´ica; Guí¡ de Práctica Clí®©ca Basada en la Evidencia; Farmacologí¡ Médica; Guí¡ Básica para el Tratamiento del Paciente quemado; Guia basica para el Tratamiento en el Paciente Quemado; Guí¡ de Emergencias de las Quemaduras; Hipertensió® rterial Guia de Tratamiento; Incremento Matutino de la Presió® rterial; Organizació® anamericana de la Salud: La Salud En Las Américas; Lecciones de Anatomia Patol󧩣a; Manual de ética; Manual de Pediatrí¡» Manual de Redacció®ŠCientí¦©ca; Manual Merck; Medicina Basada en la Evidencia; Patologí¡ General; Pauta para la vigilancia de las infecciones de transmisió® ³exual; Organizació® anamericana de la Salud: Perfiles Básicos de Salud de Paí³¥s en Las Américas; Reconocimiento y Manejo de los Envenenamientos por Pesticidas; Sistema Tutor en Electrocardiografí¡» Tratado de Urgencias, Emergencias y Cuidados Criticos. These are medical TEXTS, not glossaries. 102 English-Spanish Medical Dictionary from the year 1926 (Diccionario Médico Inglés-Españ¯¬©. A 76-year old medical dictionary; these are IMAGES of all the pages scanned. They are all on the same very long page, which takes forever to load all the graphics - scanned pages. No text, no hypertext.
103; Not specifically Medical; many resources in six languages, but you have to fill out an annoying registration form and receive a KEY by email in order to be allowed ongoing access
104 Diccionario Temático de Telemedicina e Internet; tecnologí¡ de avanzada al servicio de su centro de diagnó³´©co por imágenes; VCG Imagen SRL, (Argentina). This is far more an Internet and high-tech glossary than a medical glossary. In fact,I could not find any medical terms in it.
105 Articles on health & medicine, for kids, in Spanish for KidsHealth
106 Methodist Health on Therapy, in Spanish
107 Webs Quirúrgicos en españ¯¬¦#060;/A> de CIRUGEST, un servicio de informació® §ratuí´¯ en españ¯¬ sobre la Cirugí¡ General y del Aparato Digestivo
The Virtual Medical Center. Anatomí¡¬ Genética, Neuroanatomí¡¬ Embriologí¡¬ Glosario médico, literatura, técnicas de conservació® ¤e 󲧡nos y tejidos.
glosario médico de, incluye: cirugí¡ plástica; ginecologia; nutrició®» urologia; cirugí¡ plástica
Diccionario de Términos y Diccionario Odontol󧩣o: slow, awkward, lacking in vocabulary, and generally inadequate, in our humble opinion
111 English-Spanish glossary on Evidence-Based Medicine (Medicina Basada en la Evidencia)
112 6 Medicare Glossary en espa񯬦#060;/a>,un
Glosario de obstetricia y ginecologia por Néstor Núñ¥º Acevedo, MD Gyn&Obst
114 Spanish information from cancerweb, but I could not find the actual dictionary
OncoTerm: Sistema Biling?Informació® ¹ Recursos Oncol󧩣os; Grupo de Investigació® ncoTerm (en inglés)
116 Glosario de SEGUROS; very short; mostly different kinds of insurance
117 glosario médico en castellano de ?FreeNews?
118 Spanish-English Medical Glossary by Julio Barrio
119 Glosarios y otros recursos by the American Translators Association
120 Medciclopedia: un diccionario de t鲭inos m餩cos, alfab鴩co,
121 Diccionario de la Diabetes: se definen vocablos que con frecuencia se emplean al hablar o al escribir sobre la diabetes
122 Glosario de Suturas
, a subset of the Medciclopedia
Glosario - Terminació® ¤e Embarazo Spanish & French? This was a DEAD LINK on March 17, 2003
B. Glosarios y sitios sobre asuntos genéticos, la citogenética y el genoma
Laborator de Genética: glosario de términos, de abraquie y acefalia hasta zigoto/cigoto.
2. Diccionario de Genotoxicología en español, francés y inglés de Mary Fuentes Morrison, Ana Marí¡ y Pandolfi Burzio, Universidad de Concepción . ? .
3. página compreensiva sobre as doenças genéticas (en portugués y un poco en inglés tb); haga clic en "Glossário"
4. Glosario de Genotoxicologia de la Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Humanidades y Arte, Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros
5. El DNA va a la escuela, de Marcia Lachtermacher-Triunfol, PhD en Genética Humana obtenido en programa de colaboració® ¥ntre Johns Hopkins University y Universidade Federal Fluminense.
6. Glosario Técnico en españ¯¬
7. Glosario de Ingenierí¡ genéticainglés-español-­francés; English-Spanish-French
8. Laboratorio Genético - Glosario de Términos
X Ingenierí¡ Genética en Españ¯¬ DEAD LINK as of 12-31-2001, per André

C. Glosarios y sitios relativos a la salud mental, psicologí¡¬ psiquiatria, ciencias sociales y disturbios emocionales

1. Ví®£ulos En Españ¯¬ sobre la salud mental from The Center for Mental Health Services
2. Neurociencias y salud mental de la INSM en Españ¡Š
3. Glossary of Social Security Terminology English-Spanish -- Inglés-Españ¯¬® Glosario de Terminologí¡ de la Seguridad Social
4. Problemas Emocionales (Emotional Disturbance); NICHCY
5. El Retraso Mental (Mental Retardation); NICHCY
6. Ví®£ulos En Españ¯¬ del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Estados Unidos, Administratió ¤¥ Servicios de Salud Mental y Abuso de Sustancias Centro de Servicios de Salud
7 Glosario Enciclopédico NSM del 2001 Instituto de Neurociencias y Salud Mental.
8. el Tesauro ISOC de Psicologia: Psychology Glossary in Spanish only.
9. Manual diagnó³´©co y estadí³´ico de los trastornos mentales, cuarta edició® ¨DSM-IV), es el sistema de diagnó³´©co psiquiá´²ico que se utiliza actualmente en Estados Unidos

D. Hojas Informativas de la NICHCY Sobre Discapacidades
1 El Autismo/PDD (Autism/PDD)
Desorden Deficitario de la Atenci󮦣060;/A> (ADHD Fact Sheet)
Desorden Deficitario de la Atenci󮦣060;/A> (ADHD Briefing Paper)
La Epilepsia (Epilepsy)
4 La Espina Bí¦©da (Spina Bifida)
5 Impedimentos Visuales (Visual Impairments)
6 Lesió® ƒerebral (Traumatic Brain Injury)
7 La Parálisis Cerebral (Cerebral Palsy)
8 Problemas de Aprendizaje (Learning Disabilities)
9 El Sí®¤rome de Down (Down Syndrome)
10 La Sordera y la Pérdida de la Capacidad Auditiva (Deafness and Hearing Loss)
11 Trastornos del Habla y Lenguaje (Speech Impairments)
12 Publicaciones en Espa񯬦#060;/A> de NICHCY
Catálogo de Publicaciones en Españ¯¬ de la NICHCY

E. sitios médicos cardio-pulmonares españ¯¬» informaciones sobre pulmones y corazó®Š
1 Lungs, pulmones from
2 Lungs, pulmones saludables, from
3 Lungs, enfermedades pulmonares from
4 Pulmones y neumologia de
5 Lungs, neumoní¡¦#060;/A> from in Spanish
Lung Cancer from, in Spanish
7 Lungs, Bronquitis cró®©£a from

F. Asuntos farmaceuticos y bioquimicos,
drogas y fármacos, etc.
1 La Asociació® °ara la informació®Šsobre fármacos (DIA). El objetivo de la DIA es conformar un foro neutral a nivel global para el intercambio y la difusió® ¤e informació® ³obre el descubrimiento, desarrollo, evaluació® ¹ utilizació® ¤e medicinas y tecnologí¡³ relacionadas con la atenció® ¤e la salud
2 Para buscar informació® ³obre medicamentos en el í®¤ice de ingredientes activos; with indices by laboratory, therapeutic use, active ingredient, and alphabetical de y
3 Indice Por Acció® †armacol󧩣a de Manes (Argentina)
4 Plantas Curativas, primera parte, A-D; E-L (eczema y edema hasta lucació® ¹ llaga); tercera parte, M-Z (malaria hasta zumo).
5 Bio-Glosario, elaborado por ángel Herráez (Depto. de Bioquí­©ca y Biologí¡ Molecular, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares) y Gonzalo Claros (Depto. de Biologí¡ Molecular y Bioquí­©ca, Universidad de Málaga). Junto al término en inglés ofrecen una o más traducciones recomendadas al españ¯¬
6 Pequeñ¯ ¤iccionaro on line de las plantas medicinales. This site is greatly compromised by commerical spam that fills up your screen as soon as you click on anything. It's very annoying: every time you click on anything, another spam jumps out at you.
7 Diccionario de Medicamentos en actualizació® °ermanente por el Dr. ?gel Guerra. Una selecció® ¤e fá²­acos para el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA y las Infecciones y Neoplasias Oportunistas
8 Medicamentos de la 'A' a la 'Z'

G. Otros sitios médicos en españ¯¬¬ estos parecen no tener glosarios ni diccionarios
1 about orthopedics in Spanish; many links to Spanish & English language pages
2 Radioterapia Externa, Radiation therapy,
3 a encliclopedia RAFE.COM.BR a letra V
4 Spanish Language Patient Information from Beloit Memorial Hospital
5 Speech pathology/ communication/audiology in Spanish
6 en espa񯬦#060;/a>,
Noticias del cuidado médico del CNN en españ¯¬¦#060;/a>
8 la guí¡ completa de la salud
9 Centros Para el Control y la Prevenció® ¤e Enfermedades
10 Salud Latina
11 Directorio de recursos de la biblioteca nacional de la medicina
12 Noticias de la salud de
13 Medline en espa񯬦#060;/a>
15 Programa Educativo De la Diabetes Nacional
16 Institutos Nacionales de la Salud
17 humo de segunda mano, proteja su familia
18 en españ¯¬
19 Buscar en Medline com PubMed Pero ¿Qué es PubMed?
El sistema de b?da PubMed es un proyecto desarrollado por la National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) en la National Library of Medicine (NLM). Permite el acceso a bases de datos bibliográficas compiladas por la NLM: MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE y AIDS. MEDLINE es la base de datos más importante de la NLM abarcando los campos de la medicina, enfermerí¡¬ odontologí¡¬ veterinaria, salud p?a y ciencia preclí®©cas.
20 Cirugí¡ General: Heridas y Cicatrizaci󮦣060;/A>, no es glosario, es un articulo de los Drs. Victoria Valer Tito y Fernan Repetto Trujillo
Medical News Noticias médicas de en españ¯¬
22 recursos relativos a la salud: periodicos, materiales, listas, noticias, listas, discussiones, etc, very POORLY translated into Spanish by Babel Fish. Ellos necesitan un traductor verdadero....
23 La pagina del idioma españ¯¬ -- diccionarios en castellano
24 términos comunes en el sistema de salud de Estados Unidos - actualizació®Š
25 informació® ³obre cancer del seno,Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
26 Segundas opiniones en Centro Médico Virtual. No hay glosario.
27 curso de ECG de MedSpain (una séria de 32 lecciones)
28 HS library,
29 Emergencia en Imagenes, Emerigmagen; pero no hay ning?osario aquíŠ
30 Asociació® ¤e la Distrofia Muscular (MDA) informació® ¡cerca de las enfermedades neuromusculares incluidas en el programa de la MDA, incluso publicaciones, las noticias más recientes sobre la investigació®¬ salas de chateo, informació® °ara niñ¯³ y más - todo en españ¯¬® Spanish pages of Muscular Dystrophy Association.
31 Dermatologí¡ en Internet: Imágenes y Enlaces sobre Dermatologí¡» Anatomí¡¬ fisiologí¡ y enfermedades de la piel; Uñ¡³ y onicomicosis; Alopecia y la caí¤¡ del cabello; Psoriasis; Acné; Dermatitis y otras enfermedades cutáneas, enfermedades del tejido conectivo, y Neoplasias de la Piel
32 Centros Para el Control y la Prevencion de Enfermedades - (Centers for Disease Control)
33 Health Encyclopedia in English & Spanish
34 Cuide la espalda, Escuela de espalda
35 Cursos a distancia: Glaucoma, Informática Médica, Gastroenterologí¡® De
36 DoymaNet, Barcelona, Spain. But NO GLOSSARY in any language
37 Especialidades, de (no hay glosario)
38 Asma le quita la respiraci󮦣060;/A>
healthfinder® — su guí¡ a la informació® £onfiable de la salud from
40 Asma puede controlarse USA site
41 CANTV.NET un guia web
43 Consenso's medical page from
44 contaminació® ¤el aire
45 Cryptosporidiosis information in Spanish
46 El colesterol: lo bueno y lo malo. De Victoria Tudela, vease
47 Médicos del Mundo, Españ¡® (no hay ning?osario)
48 La Naturaleza, no es glosario
49 Portales, Foros de Discusió®¬ B?das Bibliográficas, Especialidades, Recursos Tecnol󧩣os Hospitales en la Web, Telemedicina, Sitio desarrollado por Sistemas Relsys, Argentina
50 endoscó°©£a, lesiones endoscó°©£as. No es glosario.
51 Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cró®©£a de Allergan y del Hospital Clí®©co y Provincial, Universidad de Barcelona, Españ¡®
52 Forget this one: it's called, and it does have thousands of links but it HIDES the URLs of each site from you! I also found found most of these links just DON'T WORK. Perd󮡭e, pero no me parece que tenga valor. Son ma񯳯s.
Enfisema page from
53 Dr. Salud, sobre Infarto Cerebral y otros asuntos
54 Diagnostic Imaging --- America Latina la Tomografí¡ Computada
55 las estructuras oseas del pie y las fracturas del pie
56 Diagnostic Imaging in English & Spanish (same site as 57 above)
57 humo de segunda mano (second hand smoke)
58 Hispanic Health Care Status online course, Baylor College of Medicine
59 Medical Sites de Juan M. Gil
60 lecturas recomendadas, temas de interés
61 Monitoreo atmosférico (Peru)
62 National Jewish - en españ¯¬ (not a glossary)
63 Free Medical Journals in Spanish, English and Portuguese
64 tu medico
65 Profesionales de (no tiene glosario)
66 Spanish Medical Information sources on the Internet
67 Empresas de (no glossary here, either)
68 Medicina basada en la evidencia de (no hay glosario)
69 Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos y Urgencias hace falta buscar documentos que contengan palabras o combinaciones de palabras especí¦©cas... Seria lindo ver un glosario, pers no es asíŠ
70 > World > Españ¯¬ > Salud > Medicina:Alergologí¡» Ginecoobstetricia; Anestesiologí¡» Neurologí¡» Cardiologí¡» Odontologí¡» Cirugí¡» Oftalmologí¡» Ortopedia; Dermatologí¡» Otorrinolaringologí¡» Endocrinologí¡» Pediatrí¡» Fisiatrí¡» Podologí¡» Flebologí¡» Psiquiatrí¡» Forense; Gastroenterologí¡» Traumatologí¡» Genética; Urologí¡» Geriatrí¡
71 Medicina y Salud: Informació® °ara Médicos y Personal sanitario. Hundreds of excellent links in Spanish, mostly in Spain
72 Environment, ecologí¡¦#060;/A> de Pero no es glosario.
Enlaces de Interés en REUMATOLOGÍ Publicado por Doyma SA, con patrocinio de Bristol Myers Squibb
74 La Cruz Roja Espa񯬡; The Red Cross of Spain. this page would NOT load for me, April 2002
75 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia en Españ¯¬
76 In spite of the URL of this site: (, I could not find a medical dictionary at this site, but there is an INSURANCE Dictionary in Spanish if you click on "DICCIONARIO ASEGURADOR". ?No tiene nada de diccionario medico!
77 Un grupo de cientí¦©cos acaban de anunciar que se lanzan a la aventura de desafiar al actual sistema de publicació® £ientí¦©ca y al monopolio de las revistas especializadas creando la Biblioteca P?a de las Ciencias (PLoS, sus siglas en inglés). ...
78 Diccionario de enfermedades raras del Centro de Investigació® ³obre el Sí®¤rome de Aceite T󸩣o y Enfermedades Raras (CISATER)
79 Herborista La Naturaleza, nutrició®¬ dietética, régimen; las Hierbas, Tratar dolencias con las Plantas Medicinales, Recetas; Pequeñ¡ ‡uí¡ de las Hierbas de La Naturaleza
80 Los Hechos Sobre Histiocitosis de Langerhans C鬵la (se conocí¡ previamente como histiocytosis-X)
81 DiarioM餩 ?ea Cientí¦©ca, noticias de Cardiologí¡¬ Infecciosas, Microbiologí¡¬ Neumologí¡¬ Neurologí¡¬ Oftalmologí¡¬ Oncologí¡¬ Psiquiatrí¡¬ y Urologí¡
82 Spanish-English Medical Translator with phrases in both languages. Topics include: Advanced Medical Directives; Anatomy; Chest Pain; Colors; Consents; Discharge Instructions; Emergency Room Trauma; Family Members; Gastroenterology; Geriatrics; Greetings; Hematology & Oncology; History and Physical Exam; Holidays; Infectious Diseases; Insurance; Intensive Care; Laboratory Tests; Neurology; Numbers; Nursing; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Orthopedics; Patient Symptoms; Pediatrics; Psychiatry; Registration; Surgery; Time Reference; and Triage;

G. Glosarios sobre el medio ambiente etologí¡¬ econoglia y estadí³´ica
1 Environment, Desarrollo Sostenible; Spanish only
2 Glosario de la Sociedad Españ¯¬¡ de Etologí¡¦#060;/A> / Glossary of the Spanish Society of Ethology: Spanish translation of common ethological terms
Environment, Ambiente, de en Argentina
4 Tribunamédica Glosario de términos estadí³´icos en ingés y españ¯¬º algunos términos usados en los estudios de investigació® ¹ en la clasificació® ¤e los trabajos cientí¦©cos de Tribuna Médica. Hay un Glosario Inglés - Españ¯¬ y un Glosario Españ¯¬ - Inglés

Part 3. Online medical glossaries and info sites in PORTUGUESE:

A. Online medical glossaries & dictionaries in Portuguese
1. a BoaSa?060;/A> - to use the medical dictionary, choose a letter & click on "BUSCAR" under "DICIONáRIO MéDICO.
DicionᲩo Médico da UOL Bibliteca boa SAUDE
3. epidemiology do governo brasileiro
4. Dicionário Cardiol󧩣o de
5. glossário do câncer, em portuguê³ AIDS Glossary

6. Glossário Médico de Golden Cross no Brasil. it's very limited. Pra dicas, olhe tb
7. a Cirurgia reparadoara (Surgery)
8. Dicionário de Psiquiatria (psychiatry glossary in Portuguese only)
9. Dicionário de Psiquiatria, Dicionário PsyqWeb
10. Dicionário de termos da hemodinâmica; Cardiology, Angioplasty, Aneurism, etc. in Brazilian Portuguese; da Clí®©ca de Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia Intervencionista do Hospital Santa L? Brasí¬©a
11. Alerta Médico. Tem seçµ¥s de sexualidade, estética e boa forma, biotecnologia, gravidez e sa?ental. O site traz ainda ví¤¥os explicativos de doen硳.
12. DiconᲩo Rossetti de Quí­©ca, terravista, Portugal
glossᲩo gen괩co e do pri㯮 Short but concise.
14. Glossário de Biomec⮩ca de Tiago Barboso, Instituto Politécnico de Braganç¡® is a DEAD link
15. Glossário informativo sobre infec磯. Not large, but it looks very good in André's opinion. From Abcessos, Ambulat󲩯 & Antibió´©£o to Vancomicina and Virus.
16. Glossário de Imaginologia Online de Abscesso e Angiografia até Urografia Excretora e Vasos..
17. Fiocruz Glossário de Doen硳 e Accessorio de Imprensa: Pequenos glossários ? inclusive: antraz, bilharziose, chagas, colera, coqueluche, crupe, dengue, esquistossomose, febreamar, lariose, hanseniase, leishmanioses, leptospirose, malaria, meningites, peste, pneumonia, tetano, tifoide, tuberculose, variola, verminoses
18. Dicionário Médico de Medix Há de digitar o termo procurado e clicar no bot㯠OK.
19. Health insurance glossary, managed health care; in Portuguese only
20. Glossário de biotecnologia do Conselho de Informaçµ¥s sobre Biotecnologia; de Algod㯠geneticamente modificado e Arroz dourado até Ví²µs. (about six pages)
21. Pharmaceutical Lexicon from, UK: medical & pharmaceutical acronyms and abbreviations from their database of over 48,000 entries"> Pharmaceutical Lexicon from, UK: medical & pharmaceutical acronyms and abbreviations from their database of over 48,000 entries"> O Papel do Médico Dicionário médico de SIGLAS (iniciais), ACRÓŽIMOS (extremidades de palavras) e ABREVIATURAS
22. Tipos de Medicamentos com a letra B from Banco de Fármacos
23. Tipos de Medicamentos com a letra C do Banco de Fármacos
24. Tipos de Medicamentos com a letra D do Banco de Fármacos
25. Tipos de Medicamentos com a letra F do Banco de Fármacos com a Letra M, etc.
26. Patologia, Arte Geral; Excelentes informa絥s sobre: Altera絥s Circulat󲩡s; Hist󲩡 da Patologia; Morte celular e Necrose; Conceito de Sa? Doen硻 Inflama磯; Tipos de Agress㯻 Repara磯; Degenera絥s e Infiltra絥s; Altera絥s no crescimento e desenvolvimento; Calcifica絥s Patol󧩣as; Neoplasias; Pigmenta絥s patol󧩣as
27. Dicionário médico para leigos - Hospital das Clí®©cas da FMUSP,
28. Dicionário Médico - Hospital das Clí®©cas da FMUSP
29. Dicionário médico para leigos - Hospital das Clí®©cas da FMUSP
30. Dicionário médico do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - Livro Branco
31 Pequeno glossário detalhado de drogas: informa磯 sobre a heroina, 󰩯, heroina, LSD, cocaí®¡, maconha e outras drogas
32. Glossário médico, começ¡®do com Alergia infantil e Alergologia; acabando com Ureterolitotripsia e Urologia; de Cerqueiro Seguros
33. Pequeno glossário médico, começ¡®do com Aconselamento genético e acabando com Vertigem e Zumbido
34. GlossᲩo de diabetes da Associa磯 Protectora dos Diabéticos de Portugal
35. Doen硳 sexualmente transmissí¶¥is DST
36. odontologia - inglés, españ¯¬ y portugués (trilingual dentistry glossary)
37. Pesquisa Assistꮣia Médico-SanitᲩa 1999, um glossᲩo administrativo
38. GlossᲩo de termos médicos; enquanto s㯠só ²·8 termos; de Heitor Gomes
39. GlossᲩo de Termos Leigos para Elabora磯 do Consentimento Informado, adapted from the Glossary of Lay Terms for Use in Preparing Consent Forms, elaborado pela Universidade de Stanford/EEUU, em setembro de 1994.
40. GlossᲩo para Pais de Autistas, de
41. GlossᲩo de Mercy Health System, Miami. Very short. Not updated since 1998; o primeiro verbete é Co-seguro, o ?o é Médico Principal (PCP)
42. DicionᲩo Médico DrMundi, em portuguê³ e inglê³
43. Dicionário sobre plantas medicinais from
44. immunology, auto immune diseases, etc. from Aventis Behring, Brazil. Seems to be the letter "A" ONLY?? But no indication of how to access the rest of the alphabet
45. GlossᲩo do vocabulᲩo natural, from Abordagem integrativa; Abortivo; Acupress㯻 Acupunctura, Aditivo, Adstringente, & Aer󢩣o, to Vegetalista, Vegetarianismo, ViscoWakame, Xarope; & Yang/Yin
46. DicionᲩo PsiqWeb, um glossᲩo de psiquiatria em portuguê³
47. Glossário de Biologia Molecular e Celular de Carlos Magno Greghi
48. Glosario de la micologia, por José „elgado Aguilera, Juliá® Delgado Cecilia y Mario Luis Delgado Muriel `~~~~~~~~~~~

B. medical sites & in Portuguese with NO glossary

(sites médicos que n㯠tê­ glossário)

2. Recursos na Fisiatria
3. Recursos na gastroenterologia
4. Dicionário de psiquiatria em portuguê³
5. a encliclopedia RAFE.COM.BR, a letra A
6. Funda磯 Nacional de Sa?060;/A>:Brazilian government's medical site on epidemiology, medicine, epidemics. Unfortunately it is in PDF format.. :-(
Free Medical Journals in Portuguese and Spanish
8. inclusive os seguintes assuntos: doen硳 infecciosas e parasitárias; doen硳 end󣲩nas, da nutri磯, do metabolismo e imunitários; doen硳 do sangue e dos 󲧣os hematopoéticos; doen硳 do sistema nervoso e dos 󲧣os dos sentidos; doenç¡ de alzheimer; doen硳 do aparelho circulat󲩯; doen硳 do aparelho respirat󲩯, complicaçµ¥s da gravidez e do puerpério; doen硳 da pele e do tecido subcutꮥo; doen硳 do aparelho digestivo; doen硳 do aparelho geniturinário; sintomas, sinais e afecçµ¥s mal definidas,les?e envenenamentos; doen硳 do sistema osteomuscular e do tecido conjuntivo, anomalias congꮩtas
9. Merck, Sharpe & Dohme Brazil, em portugu곦#060;/A>, mas parece n㯠ter nenhum glossário... há uma coisinha in?chamado «Busca» o pior é que há formulario online «Dê ³ua opini㯮» Mas tentando encher e enviar isto dá só £¨atea磯: «Um ou mais campos obrigat󲩯s n㯠foram preenchidos. Por favor, usa o bot㯠back do seu browser e tente novamente.» E minha resposta à °ergunta, [O que você ¡chou do novo site de Merck Sharp & Dohme?]: it's worthless!!! Don't bother with this site.
Teste Genético para Fibrose Cí³´ica da CRIESP (Central de Radioimunoiensaio de S㯠Paulo)
11. list of Medical & Tech dictionaries - (headings are & a few of the data sets are in Portuguese); most resources listed are in English
12. Guiazoom Sa?Nutri磯, primeiros-socorros e homeopatia
13. Portal administrado por médicos argentinos e veiculado para toda a América Latina. with Spanish and Portuguese pages
14. SOS Doutor: informa磯 sobre doen硳, artigos e notí£©as sobre a área médica e entrevistas com profissionais da sa?
15. Sa?eb: sobre medicina tradicional e alternativa, em linguagem bem simples. O site também traz uma lista de clí®©cas e profissionais em cada estado brasileiro, além de notí£©as, fó²µ®s e ví¤¥os de cirurgias.
16. Sa?a Internet: Nutri磯, sexualidade, medicina alternativa e doen硳 da mulher s㯠algumas das atraçµ¥s do cardápio de reportagens deste site. Além disso, ele oferece notí£©as, dicas de preven磯 e tira-d?s por e-mail.
17. Health Link: mulher, crian硳, terceira idade, comportamento, terapias alternativas etc.; ou consulte os especialistas de plant㯮
18. Links: Mecanismos de procura e catálogos médicos de
19. em portugu곬 para o Brasil, várias páginas
20. Atlas Eletrônico de Histologia; elaborado por Daniel de Moraes Branco e Roberto Lodeiro M? acadê­©cos da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Contem as seguintes lâminas: Mitose (raiz de cebola); Mitocôndria (rim); Zona de Golgi (Epidí¤©mo); Esôfago e Piloro; Ergastoplasma (pâncreas); Rim e Fí§¡do; Estômago Pas com Hematoxilina; Mast󣩴os Fucsina-Resorcina; Histi󣩴os (pele injetada); Cartilagem elástica; Osso Compacto Desgastado; Epí¦©se ó³³¥a; Estômago; Duodeno Gânglio Linfático; Ba篻 Lí®§ua etc.
21. Parasitologia em portugu곦#060;/A>: Platelmintos, Aschelmintos
Atlas Eletrônico de Parasitologia As espécies est㯠organizadas em Reino, Filo, Classe, Ordem/(Subordem, Subo.), Famí¬©a (Superfamí¬©a, SF ) e Espécie.
23. Enciclopédia Rafe oferece aqui um grande n? de definiçµ¥s para termos técnicos utilizados por profissionais de sa?brangendo anatomia, doen硳, medicamentos e funçµ¥s do organismo humano. Excellent!
24. Medicina baseada em evidꮣias. Atualizado: 06-Sep-2001
25. Informa磯 Médica: Dicionário médico em portuguê³ de (Portugal)
26. Web site of a company headquartered in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, that manufactures insulin, Metformin, and other products for diabetes
27. Intramed (A Intranet da Medicina) -
28. Medic Mail ? -- n㯠tem glossário...
29. Guia Direto; um Portal Médico de abuso de substancias t󸩣as até Veterinária
30. informçµ¥s médicas, educa磯 médica, é ?se cadastrar aqui no Bibliomed.
31. artí§¯s informativos sobre a infectologia de Bibliomed
32. artí§¯s informativos sobre a neumonologia de Bibliomed
33. Um Livro: Teoria Miogꮩca do Enfarte Miocárdico; Novos Conceitos de Fisiopatologia e Terapêµ´ica. De um Professor Honorário da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade da Paraí¢¡. Ele é tb Diretor Executivo do Instituto de Combate ao Enfarte do Miocárdio.
34. Glossário de Termos utilizados em UTI - há de clicar no <Dicionário de Termos UTI> sob
«Para o familiar»
35. A Enciclopédia Rafe: um grande n? de definiçµ¥s para termos técnicos utilizados por profissionais de sa?brangendo anatomia, doen硳, medicamentos e funçµ¥s do organismo humano.
36. Hospital Santa L?#060;/>, Medicina de ponta. Not a glossary per se but a lot of good medical and clinical information in Portuguese.
AMB - Associa磯 Médica Brasileira - n㯠há glossário. You have to register to use it. But when I tried to register (to get to their medical chat in Portuguese), it would not recognize any non-Brazilian address or CRM (o que é CRM?) and it crashed. :-( Worthless. It seems you can only register if you're a doctor in Brazil. All I got upon my repeated attempts to register was: “Warning: Failed opening 'cadastro_erro.php3' for inclusion in /www/home/ on line 44 “
38. A Coordina磯 Nacional de DST e de Aids é um programa do Ministério da Sa?ligado à “ecretaria de Polí´©cas de Sa?que atua nas mais diversas áreas como preven磯, assistꮣia, pesquisa e direitos humanos. Aqui n㯠há glossário mas há uma biblioteca virtual em Aids que oferece um vasto material para consulta e leitura, oferecendo a oportunidade de pesquisar a rede de informaçµ¥s em HIV/aids e sa?p?a disponí¶¥l na literatura aqui relacionada.“ English, Spanish and Portuguese documents available for download; infelizmente, muitos s㯠em formate PDF.
39. informa硯 sobre as drogas de "Para os Adolescentes"
40. Para os Adolescentes: sobre sexualidade, drogas, gravidez, etc.
41. ANVISA - Agꮣia Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. There is a LOT of information available here in English, Spanish and Portuguese
42. Bulafácil: todas as bulas de medicamentos.. . fácil
43. CID-10: Classifica磯 Estatí³´ica Internacional de Doen硳 e Problemas Relacionados ?Sa?060;/A> Volume I da Classifica磯; Download de Arquivos; Hist󲩣o das vers? Programa de pesquisa na CID-10; Auto-instru磯 para codifica磯 da CID-10 em morbidade; Informaçµ¥s sobre a publica磯
O DNA vai à ¥scola: Gene-papo. Estudando Genética: uma página de links que abordam diferentes conceitos de genética.
45. Como acabar com a violꮣia contra as mulheres, das mais recentes publicaçµ¥s preparadas pela Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, da Universidade Johns Hopkins, e publicadas na série Population Reports.
46. Hospital Digital: um Site mantido por WebLabs Tecnologia Ltda. In spite of the URL (, I could not find any glossary here in any language
47. Cidade Médica Virtual com as p᧩nas seguintes: Alimenta磯 e Sa?nLine; Motricidade OnLine; Psicologia Online; Médicos na Internet; Medical Net; Net Doctor; Revistas Médicas; Sexualidades Excesso de Peso Online; Sa?lobal; Sa?a Internet; Sa?ental; Sa?ral Roteiro Distrital De Farmᣩas; Portal Informativo; Sa?eminina; medicina tradicional chinesa homeopatia; acunpunctura; fitoterapia
48. Alguns links relacionados à ¡rea médica.
49. p᧩na dum estudante de medicina do 4? ano da Escola Bahiana de Medicina contem apenas links de outras p᧩nas nacionais e internacionais

Part 4. medical web sites & glossaries in FRENCH:

A. Glossaires, Lexiques et Dictionnaires médicaux en franç¡©s

1. Glossaire d'Anatomie Pathologique de l'Association Franç¡©se des Enseignants en Cytologie et en Anatomie Pathologiques; on 12-29-01 this seemed to be a dead link. But I loaded the Glossaire d'Anatomie Pathologique with no problem on 06-01-2002. DEAD LINK?
2. Astrium Glossaire du site
3. Répertoire des bibliothè±µes médicales francophones (Rouen)
4. Répertoire de dictionnaires médicaux: sites francophones
5. Doctí³³imo Glossaire Santé
6. Doctí³³imo Glossaire Santé (different URL)
7. Parasitologie, un Glossaire
8. Dictionnaire de la réadaptation: prè³ de 4.000 entrées, 250 articles Rehabilitation, you have to type in a word under "Recherche"
9. Lexique de termes Medicaux ?
dificile à £harger mais assez bon et valable, je dirai....

10. Lexique QUESTCEKETA de termes Medicaux, la lettre "E"
11. French-English health care glossary, from Canadian IMS Health
12. Dictionnaires et glossaires en santé - Caducé - dossiers santé - Les dictionnaires médicaux - dictionnaires médicaux généraux; - dictionnaires médicaux par spécialités; - dictionnaires des médicaments; - nomenclatures des maladies; - les dictionnaires généraux
13. le Lexique Médical Courant Clinique du Parc Saint-Lazare
14. Département des Sciences de la Vie (Life Sciences Glossary). un "glossaire en perpétuelle évolution, ne peut-ê´²e exhaustif"
15. Mots-clés hors-contexte (Key Words out of Context); MCHC
16. Glossaire médical de l'Université de Québec
17. dictionnaire médical qui regroupe 30.000 termes utilisés dans la médecine actuelle. Un dico médical qui repose sur le Dictionnaire Médical Masson. Mais Atmedica est un site réservé aux professionnels du secteur de la santé. `:-( c'est pas rigolo comme ç¡®.... Et nous autres traducteurs alors????? In my opinion, this site is poorly organized; the search feature “Recherche part Titre” does not work at all, and you have to wade through hundreds of pages manually just to find out if the term you seek is listed. I did about 30 queries, and each time, all I got was “Le terme 'GTP' n'a pas été trouvé. Termes contenant 'GTP' Aucune réponse.” On est donc obligé d'employer le “Recherche par ordre alphabétique”, ce qui est, à ­on opinion, épouvantable. Terrible.
18. Masson medical dictionary includes 30,000 entries. Short definitions are linked with translation of the medical term in English. Enter only one key word for the subject you seek, in English or French
19. Dictionnaire Medical Bilingue: d'Atmedica regroupe 30.000 termes utilisés dans tous les domaines de la médecine actuelle
20. Université de Rennes, un dico
21. Lexique Snip. Il faut cliquer sur “Lexique”. Mostly terms from French & European medical bureaucracy
22. Globalmédic Canada
23. plastic & reconstructive surgery (OJPRS) journal officiel de l'institute of craniofacial & plastic surgery - Université de Campinas, BRAZIL
24. Medical translators home page
25. Lexique médical, Médecine et Santé
glossaire ESB c'est quoi, ç¡¿
27. Un répertoire des maladies de
28. La Référence en savoir médical et paramédical, Masson.
On y offre surtout
des dicos médicaux à ¶endre, c.த. des livres. Y inclus: Anatomie; Biochimie, Chimie; Biologie; Biophysique, Physique; Embryologie; Génétique; Histologie, Cytologie, Anatomie pathologique; Immunologie; Informatique, Mathématiques, Statistiques; Physiologie, Physiopathologie; Psychologie; Sciences humaines et sociales; Sémiologie médicale
29. Terminologie du génie génétique de l'Université René Descartes
30. Terminologie du génie génétique, Lexique Anglais-Franç¡©s
31. Lexique Esanté
32. medical equipment, medical devices glossary, in English & French
33. medical equipment & devices, English-French, il y a plusieurs de ces pages..
34. Dockitsoft English-French Medical Dictionary - 23 web pages
35. Le grand dictionnaire terminologique; English, French; de l'Office de la langue franç¡©se (Québec, Canada). Works OK about 95% of the time; but 5% of the time, you get annoying messages in very large, bold letters, like this: «Cannot contact servlet runner at localhost:6802»
36. Dictionnaire de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique, de l'Hôpital Universitaire de Gen趥
37. Dictionnaire de Bactériologie Vétérinaire
38. Glossaire de bactériologie de l'équipe du Laboratoire de Bactériologie du Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud et de la Faculté de médecine Lyon-Sud
39. Vulgaris Medical. L'objectif de ce site est simple: rendre la connaissance médicale accessible à ´ous (c'est-à­¤ire compréhensible et concentrée sur un seul site). See also
40. Le Laboratoire entretient ce glossaire from, en franç¡©s
41. Glossaire de termes. Le Bureau de la santé et l'inforoute parraine ce site d'information sur les technologies de l'information et des communications dans le domaine de la santé
42. An alphabetical list of medical (& veterinary) science abbreviations and acronyms in English and French
43. Lexique de dermatologie de Vichy Laboratoires - existe aussi en hollandais et en allemand
44. Dictionnaire Franç¡©s - Anglais de Dermatologie et Symptomes Cutanés English - French Dictionary of Dermatology and Cutaneous Symptoms
45. Glossaire de cardiologie Fédération Franç¡©se de Cardiologie) Choisissez et cliquez sur une lettre pour visualiser les définitions correspondantes
46. Lexique d'urologie Uro lexique
47. Maroc Santé - Références Médicales - Dictionnaires
48. Globalmedic, Dictionnaire des termes médicaux du site AltaVista.
49. Dictionnaire de gynécologie et d'obstétrique du Département de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique Hôpital Universitaire de Gen趥.
50. Dictionnaire des termes utilisés en phlébologie du site qui traite en profondeur la phlébologie.
51. Dictionnaire de Bactériologie Vétérinaire
52. Lexique dermo-cosmétologique de
53. Dictionnaire de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique de Aldo Campana en Suisse; voire
I am looking for the foreign terms in order to be able to spell check the foreign titles. The source documents are very poor and there are a lot of typographic errors, 54. Terminologie du génie génétique: index alphabétique des termes étrangers à ²emplacer
55. Evidence-Based Medicine : sites francophones; is ce glossaire est minimal
56. Glossaire bilingue des termes de la protection sociale - it's a PDF file you must download), En deux volumes
57. Glossaire égide de l'Enseignement Supérieure, (données collectées par l'Office national d'information sur les enseignements et les professions)
58. Adolescence et Toxicomanie: un glossaire du site Internet afin de vous sensibiliser à °ropos des habitudes de consommation de drogues chez les adolescents
59. Catalogue de rem褥s homéopathiques; lexique Franç¡©s-Latin des rem褥s homéopathiques de la nomenclature franç¡©se
60. concepts utilisés dans le monde de la santé, que ce soit en matiè²¥ d'économie, de démographie, d'épidémiologie, de sociologie, de management, de gestion ou encore de finances
61. Court Glossaire des termes techniques du "Guide du consommateur". Entre autres: Accident; Adultes; Ambulatoire (Prestations et soins); Assurance de base; Assurances complémentaires; Assurances complémentaires (catégories d'assurances complémentaires); Assurance obligatoire de soins; Bonus; Caisse maladie; Catégories d'assurances complémentaires; Choix du fournisseur de prestations; Conditions de résiliation; Dents (soins dentaires); Deuxiè­¥ avis médical; Organisation de maintient de la santé; Hospitalisation
62. Assurance maladie: Glossaire des termes techniques: c'est 100% le mê­¥ glossaire que le précédent, 61 au dessus!
63. Ressources communautaires: French-English health care glossary, from IMS Health Canada
64. La Maladie de Crohn... Informations pour les patients et leurs familles: Lexique des termes médicaux
65. glossaire du Programme de Médicalisation des Systè­¥s d'Information hospitaliers.
66. Glossaire Santé, Ag2r et vous. L'assureur de la santé et des risques de la vie.... Clumsy, cluttered pages, slow to load.
67. L'échographie - Index alphabétique en franç¡©s et allemand aussi; de Eliane Schuetze
68. Dictionnaire Santé de la Fondation des maladie du coeur du Canada. Version en franç¡©s. Voyez aussi la version en anglais. Here, a problem with screen fonts and accented characters mars an otherwise excellent source: on my screen it reads: "Activiti sexuelle aprhs un accident vasculaire ciribral ... " [sic] This makes it almost unreadable: "les diptts de plaque s'accumulent ..."
69. Glossaire de la xénotransplantation et l'allotransplantation, Conseil de l'Europe.
70. Glossaire de biochimie de Marcel Lalanne - French only. Département de biochimie, Faculté de médecine, Université Laval, Québec, QC
71. Dictionnaire de Genotoxicologie, franç¡©s-espagnol Diccionario de Genotoxicologí¡¬ FR-ES
73. Les RNO sur EPIDAURE de Acné et Aérateurs transtympaniques jusqu'?Vaso-actifs et Veinotropes
74. Le grand dictionnaire terminologique: un ouvrage de référence unique rassemblant un fonds terminologique d'envergure de 3 millions de termes franç¡©s et anglais dans 200 domaines d'activité
75. terminologie génétique multilingue du CILF, Paris Base de Terminologie
76. bacteriology, nomenclature, veterinary science, un dico
77. Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) - (dictionnaire médical des activités de réglementation) by Health Canada
78. Livres et journaux médicaux: y inclus: les maladies mitochondriales, l'imagerie thoracique, IRM des malformations cardiovasculaires, l'annuaire des laboratoires d'analyses de biologie medicale; les Guides Medi/Bio. None are online, none are free.
79. Lexique des rem褥s homéopathiques de la nomenclature franç¡©se due Docteur Robert Séror; Franç¡©s > Latin
see also
80. Dictionnaire de la réadaptation; Site muni d'un moteur de recherche de l'université de Rennes.
81. Dicorama est à ¬a fois un annuaire des dictionnaires et un moteur de recherche vous permettant de chercher un terme dans plus de 670 dictionnaires. (2.891.019 termes indexés)
82. Ressources linguistiques: Santé et médecine Planè´¥ Québec
83. Les Ressources Linguistiques: Santé et médecine; links to a dozen French-language medical online glossaries are found here. Y inclus: Lexique des termes médicaux; Petit lexique de termes médicaux; Glossaire de l'Internet de Santé-Canada; Petit lexique de termes médicaux; Lexique de la sclérodermie; Lexique de dermatologie; Lexique Franç¡©s-Latin des rem褥s homéopathiques; Lexique des Troubles du comportement alimentaire; Lexique de l'oeil et de la vision; Lexique de l'optique; Glossaire du Sida; Glossaire de la surdité; Glossaire de l'autisme; Termes reliés aux spas, stations balnéaires et cliniques; Lexique des termes sexologiques; Petit Glossaire de Psychologie; Un superbe glossaire sur l'informatique médicale; Le dictionnaire médical Atmedica 30,000 termes; Le glossaire des chirurgiens-dentistes; Lexique :mots et sigles usuels sur le handicap; Glossaire de l'alzheimer; Glossaire pharmaceutique; Vulgarisme médical; Lexique du thermalisme; Glossaire du PMSI ( médical); Glossaire de l'OMS. This page does not appear to have been updated since January, 2001
84. Glossaire de psychologie; une seule page: psychology terms en franç¡©s (no English)
85. Biométrie et Organométrie, un dossier créé par Dr. Aly Abbara.; Covers fetal biometrics, gynecology, obstetrics
86. Glossaire SIDA ...ce glossaire n'a aucune vocation à ªtre un dictionnaire ou une encyclopédie médicale. Nous voulons qu'il soit un objet de vulgarisation et d'explication de certains termes, dans le contexte de la maladie à –IH, s'adressant à ¶ous, séropositifs.
87. Lexique médical: Bases des termes médicaux Réseaux Hôpital Remisy-Ressy
88. CSST Lexique de la Service du répertoire toxicologique, Canada. See for explanation in English of this web site.
89. Recherche d'un médicament. Cette page (de Vidal) vous permet d'accéder ?des fiches d'informations concises sur les médicaments
90. Petit lexique de termes médicaux de la BIAM: il ne comporte que 1.700 termes
91. Ce Glossaire du vous permettra d'assimiler du vocabulaire "médical" ou "scientifique", et de mieux "décoder" certains articles de presse.
92. pharmacopées du monde, de la société franç¡©se d'Ethnopharmacologie. “Les plantes médicinales, considérées comme des médicaments, appartiennent au monopole pharmaceutique et leur vente doit s'effectuer en pharmacie.”
93 Ressources en biochimie. y inclus: Molécules informationnelles; structure biologiques; biologie moléculaire; la biologie génique
94 Lexique, Déficiences motrices et situations de handicap", aspects sociaux, psychologiques, médicaux, techniques et législatifs
9X mort. Two Dead Links, won't load, pages cannot be found..Ditto for
que vaut-il si la page n'existe plus?

Glossaire Pied Bot

96 glossaire de la vache folle>/A> vous permettra d'assimiler du vocabulaire "médical" ou "scientifique" permettant de "décoder" certains articles de presse.
Glossaire scientifique et médical de la Fondation Recherce Médicale, Paris
98 Supposedly, Encyclopédie des Termes Médicaux - GlobalMedic But it is a Dud! All I got December 2002) is "SecureIIS Application Firewall Security Alert". On ne peut pas y accéder.
99 liens aux Dictionnaires et lexiques médicaux de la FNAMGPM au Maroc
100 Dictionnaire des abréviations médicales - Thanh-Liem HUYNH
101 Glossaire d', du Dictionnaire d'Alcoologie. It is in French; only 30% of the entries give equivalent in English
102 Glossaire de terme médicaux utilisées dans le site
103 Glossaire Médical du Centre de Documentation Multimédia en Droit Médical
104 Glossaire Médical Aventis Behring, Canada
105 Glossaire d'assurance, de Rentenanstalt/Swiss Life
106 Glossaire Family Santé: un cabinet conseil spécialisé en complémentaire et surcomplé­¥ntaire santé® Il s'adresse aux salari鳬 aux Travailleurs non salarié³ (TNS) et aux exploitants agricoles.
107 Glossaire Medcost Pour rechercher une d馩nition dans le glossaire, il faut tapez un terme dans le champ.
108 Glossaire Hello B颦amp;eacutee;" Derniè²¥ mise à ªour: 19 juin, 2000
109 French-English Medical Glossary by mascd, Canada
110 Glossaire de la M鳯th鲡pie; d馩nitions encyclop餩ques et historiques. Y inclus: Actinoth鲡pie; Acupuncture; A鲯th鲡pie; Algoth鲡pie; Aromath鲡pie; Auriculoth鲡pie; Bio-feedback; Biodanza?; Biosynergie-Biosynerg鴩que; Bioth鲡pie; Chiropractie; MF Balancing Technique?; Gestalt; Hom鯰athie; Hypnose; Ericksonienne; Ing鮩erie des Croyances de Bases; Massage; M餩tation; M鳯th鲡pie; etc.
111 Lexique de l'Unité ¤e Recherche cliniuqe de l'Est (URC-Est)
112 Infopedi glossaire de termes m餩caux

B. Dictionnaires spécialisés médicaux de Harcourt en franç¡©s

1 Anatomie, 2 Immunologie, 3 Bactériologie, 4 Médecine générale, 5 Biochimie,
6 Microbiologie, 7 Biologie, 8 Mycologie, 9 Biologie cellulaire,
10 Neurologie, 11 Biologie du développement, 12 Nutrition,
13 Biologie moléculaire,
14 Oncologie, 15 Chirurgie, 16 Pathologie, 17 Cardiologie 18 Pharmacologie, 19 Endocrinologie,
20 Physiologie, 21 Enzymologie, 22 Radiologie, 23 Génétique, 24 Systématique,
25 Hématologie, 26 Toxicologie, 27 Histologie, et encore 28 Virologie.

C. Sites intéressants et renseignements médicaux en franç¡©s (sans glossaires)
La Société Franç¡©se de Radiologie (nul glossaire)
2. Journal de parodontologie & d'implantation orale
3. Journal Franç¡©s d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie
4. Homéopathe International
5. Reproline; kézaco?
6. Sharelook France: Médecine, recherches, pharmacies, Médecine spécialisée, Techniques médicales, etc.
7. Un traité de l'azoospermie Voir également spermatozoïde, sperme, vésicule séminale, prostate, appareil génital masculin, canal déférent, épididyme, orchiépididymite, Klinefelter, cryptorchidie, mucoviscidose.
8. Glossaire, “Vaincre la Mucoviscidose” un glossaire trè³ court
9. Un traité de l'hypoglycémie; (voir également diabè´¥, pancréas, glucagonome, sulfonyluré, hypoglycémiant, insuline, cortisol).
10. Pour effectuer une recherche sur Medline en Franç¡©s
11. Un site réalisé par un groupe de radiologues de Nice, France, pour répondre aux nombreuses questions que posent les patients. Y inclus: radiographie, échographie, scanner, IRM, et angiographie
12. Laboratoire d'Analyses L@MARK. Présentation du laboratoire Lamarck. Localisation, description, visite, histoire, NUL dictionnaire des analyses, nomenclature des actes de biologie.
13. MedHunt: Fureteur de documents médicaux, de Health on the Net Foundation,, en Suisse. Voire
14. WHO Technical Terminology; Various medical specialties en anglais, un peu aussi en franç¡©s
15. Aventis, en franç¡©s, allemand et anglais...
16. Glosstar, Aventis Pasteur's bilingual French/English dictionary, containing more than 4,000 terms related to vaccinology, vaccines, immunology, genetics, quality control (vaccines), statistics, & clinical development.
17. Anatomie du corps humain, illustrations et explications
18. Allergique? Asthmatique? N'hésitez pas: Allergonet. Seems to be a very informative web site on all sorts of allergies.
19. Informations générales: Vos yeux et votre vision. Y inclus, entres autres: Votre optométriste de famille, Les lentilles de contact, Les maladies des yeux, La vision des bébés, des enfants, Les rayons ultra-violets: que sont-ils et comment se protéger?, La vision et l'automobile, La vision des aînés
20. Site sure la rééducation des déficients visuels; Y inclus: La cécité; Les malvoyances; Le CRFAM de Marly-le-Roi; La rééducation; La population accueillie; Autres lieux de rééducation; Les professionnels; Les revues spécialisées
21. Le journal d'information sur les medicaments. Ce Journal d'Information sur les Médicaments est la publication officielle du DIA, la "Drug Information Association".
22. Sites franç¡©s - Portails santé, annuaires, répertoires, terminologie en santé. Economie de la santé - sites utiles.
23. Liens utiles médicaux et sur la santé. Voire
24. Autres sites - santé à ¤écouvrir: site québecqois de liens. Inutile d'essayer leur truc ‘Ajouter votre site’, puisque ç¡ déconne chaque fois.. La bê´©se agaç¡®te spécifique: Can't open per script "e:\inetpub\\cgi-bin\": No such file or directory
24. Guide du Mieux-Ê´re: Santé - Psychotérapies - Estre Soi; . Le contenu du site est remis ?jour progressivement
25. Glossaires, dicos... L'@nnuaire Sécu: “Le plein de glossaires et lexiques. Quant aux dicos et encyclopédies, le Web promet plus qu'il ne tient. Déception, tout n'est pas gratuit.”
25. Rérérences médicales opposables - RMO - Guide électronique de leur usage
26. Vaincre la Mucoviscosidose, un Glossaire et informations sur la Mucoviscidose, sa Transmission, les Symptômes, le Dépistage et la Conduite ?adopter face ?cette maladie
27. Droit médical et droit de la santé: Liste sélective de sources d'information : encyclopédie, NUL dictionnaire, ouvrages généraux et spécialisés, législation, jurisprudence, périodiques.
28. Dossier Médecine L'Encyclopédie de L'Agora - but if you click on "Glossaire multilingue", you get nothing, it is a dead link. :-(
Outils Linguistiques , liens aux dictionnaires en plusieurs langues
31 32. Dictionnaire du Cancer; Les Cancers de A à š, rédigé en collaboration avec une centaine de spécialistes de la Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer. Information rigoureuse sur les cancers, leur histoire, leurs causes, & leurs traitements.
33. FemiWeb: L'information santé rédigée par des praticiens. FemiWeb, une parcelle de l'univers de la femme et l'enfant Informer et rassurer?
Les diff鲥ntes phases de l'accouchement, de "Hello B颩"
35. Information Medicale et Moteur de Recherche sur le site Esculape

D. Listes de glossaires/dicos médicaux et annuaires d'informations médicales

1. French Medical Dictionaries List from DEAD LINK in April 2003
2. FreeBooks4Doctors! An excellent list of free French-language medical texts online. Les titres que y sont offerts sont les suivants: ANAES: l'Agence Nationale d'Accréditation et d'Evaluation en Santé Publications); Anatomie et Cytologie Pathologiques; Antibiothérapie; Bases Bactériologiques; Apprendre à ‰nformer les Malades Atteints de Pathologies Graves; Biologie Moléculaire; Biostatistique; Cahier d'Urologie; Cancérologie; Cardiologie; Cellules sanguines; Corpus de Gériatrie; Corpus Médical; Cours d'Urologie; Endocrinologie; Fi趲e jaune; Guide de l'Image Numérique Médicale; Hépatogastro-Entérologie; Histologie Fonctionnelle des Organes; Iconocerf, Banque d'Images Numériques; La lecture critique des essais cliniques; Petit manuel de lecture critique; Les Bases Techniques de l'Imagerie en Médecine Nucléaire; Les Standards, Options et Recommandations en Cancérologie; Méthodologie des Essais Thérapeutiques; Manuel National d'Orthopédie Pédiatrique; Manuel National de Chirurgie Pédiatrique Viscérale; Medecine et Santé au Travail; Minimum Vital des connaissances médicales; Neurologie Lyon-Nord; la Nutrition; O.R.L. et Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale; Principes Fondamentaux de Gastro-Entérologie; Rapport sur la Santé dans le Monde 2001; la santé mentale: Nouvelle conception, nouveaux espoirs; Rhumatologie; la Séméiologie Radiologique; la Transfusion Sanguine
3. liste de dictionnaires médicaux de chu-Rouen
4. Dictionnaires et glossaires médicaux électroniques, liste de l'Université de Montréal, 19 juin 2002. Almost ALL glossaries listed here are monolingual French or monolingual English.
5. Liste Complete de Denise Lussier: un répertoire de liens en soins infirmiers et médicaux. En opération depuis octobre 1996, le site est réguliè²¥ment mis à ªour sur une base mensuelle.
7. S鬥ction th魡tique de sites Web: M餥cine - Biom餥cine. LINKS

E. Glossaires biologiques et Sciences de la vie; Biologie Moléculaire; Génétique; Biologie Cellulaire; Génie Génétique; Biochimie; Entomologie; Microbiologie Médicale
1. Glossaires biologiques en franç¡©s, y inclus: Botanique; Glossaire du bois; Glossaire apicole; Glossaire de l'eau; Glossaire des zones humides, Milieux aquatiques, pollution, Ecologie; Biologie; Végétale;
2. La Bioinformatique, Annexe avec Glossaire: Biotechnologies et Bioinformatique, et aussi Dictionnaires : Génétique - Biologie - Bioinformatique. Franç¡©s-Anglais. From acide aminé to vecteur de clonage.
3 un glossaire de la génétique moleculaire - la génie génetique. Glossaire en franç¡©s et anglais; les définitions sont en franç¡©s.
4. Entomology: Petit dictionnaire trilingue : franç¡©s, anglais, allemand; les noms communs d'insectes (not medical!). Il y a aussi un glossaire progressif d'entomologie à ¨ttp://, par Jacques d'Aguilar et Alain Fraval
5. un glossaire de la génétique moleculaire - la génie génetique. Glossary in French and English; definitions are in French.
6. Glossaire de microbiologie médicale, bacteriologie-virologie-hygiene hospitaliè²¥
7. : une sélection de prè³ de 500 termes jugés importants pour rédiger les réponses aux sujets du bac SVT donnés ces derniè²¥s années.

Part 5. German language medical sites & glossaries

A. Sites with both German & English, at least; und vielleicht noch weitere Sprachen

1. Das Roche Lexikon Medizin
Auflage online mit ?00.000 suchbaren Eintr䧥n, ?0.000 Englischen Fachbegriffen, ?.000 Abbildungen und Tabellen.
2. Glossar Englisch-Deutsch Integer
3. Knoll Deutschland Medlingua Project, in German, English, Italian, Spanish & French (a new medical interview system)
4. Medizinische Fachausdr? Englisch
5. W?rbuch zum deutschen Gesundheitsmarkt; Dictionary of the German Health Care Market auf Englisch und Deutsch
7. B? Urban & Fischer: Pflege Heute Forum 2001, Fachw?rbuch Medizin Englisch-Deutsch; Lexikon Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie; Medizinische Psychologie; Roche Lexikon Medizin; Hexal Taschenlexikon Medizin.
8. Dermatologiew?chatz von Vichy Laboratoires
9. Medicine in Germany - Medizin in Deutschland
10. Medizinische Fachausdr? English-Deutsch English-German & definitions in German.
11. Dermatologischer Diagnosenkatalog mit ICD-9 und ICD-10 Schl? Catalogue of Dermatological Diagnoses, including ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes, pages in German, with an English version of each available. University of Kiel in Germany.
12. Zahn䲺tliches Lexikon (illustrated dental dictionary) Author: Dr. Klaus de Cassan
13. Zahn䲺tliches Lexikon from IPR - Interoral Pressuredependent Registration
14. German <-> English Dictionary A simple dictionary based of about 130,000 entries
16. Basic Medical Vocabulary - Diseases and Medications, English-German. Hyde Flippo
17. Das Roche Lexikon Medizin
18. Dermatology Glossary, info on plastic surgery, nutrition, chemical peeling, skin problems. German & English. Dr. Kueng's Allgemeine Dermatologie, interventionelle & korrektive Dermatologie, Lasermedizin.
19. Roche Lexikon Medizin Ein umfassende Informationsbasis zu Medizin und Gesundheit; Deutsch und Englisch
20. Dermatology Glossary, plastic surgery, nutrition, chemical peeling, etc.
21. Deutsches Institut f?izinische Dokumentation und Information: Im Gesch䦴sbereich des Bundesministeriums f?undheit Im Dienste der Gesundheit und des gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutzes (English and German)
22. Medknowledge: Suchkatalog f?izin, Medizinische W?rb? Nachschlagewerke f?izin
23. Hä­¡tologie-atlas/Atlas of Hematology; Innere Klinik - Tumorforschung.
Akute myeloische Leukä­©e; Infektionen, Parasitosen Vitaminmangelerkrankungen; Morbus Hodgkin; Solide Tumore in Knochenmark; Niedrig maligne Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome und Multiple Myelome; Hochmaligne Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome und Akute lymphatische Leukä­©en Myeloproliferatives Syndrom; Myelodysplastisches Syndrom; Chronische myeloische Leukä­©e; Anä­©en und Hä­¯globinopathien; Normalbefunde/Normvarianten

24. German-English Medical Glossary by Jeannie Graham, Kalimeh, UK. I typed in the word "viral" and the glossary gave me only BT - blue tongue!
25. my Medical Care Center No glossary
that I could see, but it does have articles like these: “Kaffee nicht schuld an Bluthochdruck;” “Tomaten sch?vor Prostatakrebs”; “Lachen macht selbstsicher und stark”
26. Glucosamine site in German, from the Netherlands: Glucosamin kann einer weiteren Gelenkabnutzung entgegenwirken

B. German language ONLY web sites (no English)

Nur auf Deutsch:
1. German Medical Glossary from Switzerland
2. Medizin-Forum/Suchm?chkeiten Umfangreiches Angebot an Suchm?chkeiten nach medizinischen Quellen in Datenbanken und Archiven.
3. Gesundheits Brockhaus: Die Antword auf alle medizinische Fragen; Sehe,2787,A,00.html
4. Wortschatz von der Deutsche Hä­¯philie Gesellschaft: the Glossary is short, but explanations are long & detailed
5. Glossar medizinischer Begriffe (Deutsch) - Glossary of medical terms (There is little or nothing in English here)
6. Naturopathy-Glossary auf Deutsch, Augendiagnostik
7. Medical Terminology. Haupt-Quellen, Kodiersoftware, Online-Zugang, und weitere quellen; Josef Ingenerf
9. B? Urban & Fischer: Klinikleitfaden Innere Medizinm von J. Braun und A. Dormann. I guess they don't have first names....
10. the Beilstein Dictionary of Organic Chemistry German & English; excellent! from the Swain Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library.
11. Leitlinien-Medezin Deutschland
10. B? Urban & Fischer: Richtlinien f?nkenhaushygiene und Infektionspr䶥ntion; Leitlinien Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin; MiQ – Gesamtwerk
12. L.O.G.O.S interdisziplin䲬 Zeitschrift
13. das Roche Lexikon Medizin online but they want to SELL it?. isn't it free?
14. Roche Lexikon Medizin, 4.Auflage; online search for terms
15. Osteopathische Medizin, Zeitschrift. German Periodical on Osteopathic Medicine
16. Sobotta B? Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen; Sobotta-Paket Anatomie des Menschen; Sobotta interaktiv - Nerven und Sinne; Sobotta interaktiv - Bewegungsapparat. Das sind medischer B?zu verkaufen, gelt?
17. Naturheilpraxis heute: 1 Der Beruf des Heilpraktikers; 2 Gesetzeskunde; 3 Organisation des menschlichen K?rs; 4 Allgemeine Krankheitslehre; 5 Anamnese, k?rliche und apparative Untersuchungen; 6 Therapeutische Methoden in der Naturheilpraxis; 7 Hygiene; 8 Injektion, Infusion und Blutentnahme; 9 Bewegungsapparat; 10 Herz; 11 Kreislauf und Blutgef䟥; 12 Atemwege; 13 Verdauungstrakt; 14 Leber, Gallenwege und Bauchspeicheldr?5 Stoffwechsel und Ern䨲ung; 16 Nieren und ableitende Organe; 17 Geschlechtsorgane; 18 Haut und Hautanhangsgebilde; 19 Hormonsystem; 20 Blut; 21 Lymphsystem; 22 Immunologie und Allergien; 23 Nervensystem; 24 Augen, Nase und Ohren; 25 Infektionskrankheiten; 26 Psychologie und Psychiatrie; 27 Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Stillzeit; 28 Kinder; 29 Alte Menschen; 30 Notf䬬e; 31 Labor; 32 Anhang; 33 Infektionsschutzgesetz
18. Die "Drug Information Association"(DIA) ist eine gemeinn? wissenschaftliche Organisation mit ?0.000 Mitgliedern aus den Bereichen internationale pharmazeutische Industrie, Aufsichtsbeh?n und Wissenschaft. Das "Drug Information Journal" ist die offizielle Publikation der DIA.
19. Medizinische Fachausdr? deutsch (German only, with definitions)
20. Heilpflanzen-Lexikon - Heilpflanzen und Heilkräµ´er
Sharelook Deutsch, Medizin Fachgebiete
22. Grundlagen der Humangenetik incl. Zellzyklus; Meiose; Gametogenese; Lyon-Hypothese, X-Chromatin, Y-Chromatin; Darstellung der Chromosomen; Mutationen; Numerische Chromosomenaberrationen; Strukturelle Chromosomenaberrationen
23. WWW-Leitseite der AWMF - 134 wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaften aus allen Bereichen der Medizin zusammengeschlossen.
24. W?rbuch der elektronische Datenverarbeitung-Begriffe in der Medizin von Gunther Eysenbach, Uni Heidelberg, Medizinische Fakultä´
25. MS-Standard: Medical Terms regarding Multiple Sclerosis; Informationen f?-Patientinnen
26. NeurodermIS Glossary auf Deutsch
27. Das groߥ Medikamentenverzeichnis: Arzneimittel, einfach erkl䲴: die umfangreiche Datenbank,
28. Erkrankungen im ܢerblick: Von A wie Asthma bis Z wie Zeckenstich finden Sie hier aktuelle Informationen zu mehr als 300 Erkrankungen
29. Medizinindex Deutschland von IJzteverzeichnis/Praxis-Homepages; Akupunktur; Allergologie und Allgemeinmedizin bis Zahnmedizin und Zeitschriften
30. MedizInfo: Allergien; Alternativen; Augenheilkunde; Bluthochdruck; Bronchitis; Dekubitus; Diabetes; Endokrinologie; Erk䬴ung; Ern䨲ung; Gastrologie; Haut & Haar; Hormone; Immunsystem; Kardiologie; Kinder; Kopf und Seele; Kopfschmerz; Magen-Darm; Migr䮥; Ohren; Osteoporose; Pflege/REHA; Psychotherapie; Rheuma; R?eiden; Schlaganfall; Schmerzlos; Sucht; Umweltmed; Wechseljahre; Wundtherapie; Zahnmedizin
31. Medknowledge: Suchkatalog f?izin / Medicine in Germany
32. Glossar ?ormone, Menopause, Hormonersatz-Therapie, Hysterektomie, Klimakterium, Wechseljahre, uzw. Key words start with Androgene, Anä­©e, & Antiandrogene through Zwischenblutung, Zytostatika, und Zytodiagnostik.
33. FreeBooks4Doctors! An excellent An excellent list of links to nearly a dozen free German-language medical texts online.
34. Informationen zu Begriffen aus der Herzmedizin, Gemeinschaftspraxis Kardiologie D?orf. From Ablation to Vorhofflimmern.
35. from SAURERbrothers - Medical dictionary in German only but seems quite good
36. Kommhelp: F?rung kommunikativer M?chkeiten Behinderter
37. Interessante Links f?izinstudenten: Medizinische Suchmaschinen und auch Interessante Links, nicht nur f?dizinstudenten; Medizin und Computer; Neue Lernmedien; Atlanten
38. German Dentistry Dictionary by Dr. Klaus de Cassan: “das Lexikon - Die Blibliothek rund um den Zahn”
39. Allgemeines Krankenhaus Barmbek Geburtshilflich-Gyn䫯logische Abteilung; Neonatologie; Pr䮡tale Diagnostik und Therapie; Humangenetische Untersuchung und Beratung; Neurologie; Onkologie; An䳴hesiologie; Augenabteilung; Orthop䤩e; Urologie; Zahn- Mund-Kieferheilkunde; Apotheke; Laboratoriums- medizin; Mikrobiologie und Krankenhaushygiene; Pathologie; R?eninstitut
40. Deutsches Medizin-Forum: verschiedene deutschsprachige Diskussionsforen
Glossar der Ö³terreichisches Wachkoma Gesellschaft you have to click on “Fachbegriffe”
42. German dictionary of medical informatics, by Gunther Eysenbach; last updated 12-Jul-1999 W?rbuch der EDV-Begriffe in der Medizin
43. das Krebsw?rbuch
44. das Glossar MUCOS Pharma GmbH & Co.
45. Maya Jurt's German-English Medical Glossary
46. German Language Medical Glossary from M?r Informationssystem Drogen Alkohol Medikamente Eß³t?gen Sucht (MIDAMES)
47. German-only glossary o neurology, psychology, psychiatry, Psychotropic drugs, & physiology, by Karl C. Mayer, a specialist in Neurology, Psychiatry, Therapeutical Medicine, Psychoanalysis. This is not really a glossary in the traditional sense, because each item is a link to a web page or site that had information on that topic. Many of these links are in English.

For current listing of additionalGerman medical dictionaries, see current version of this page at


1. French-German-English site on Health Finance & Health Insurance- a big trilingual table
see also
2. Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols Dutch-English, French-English, German-English. By Alison Gaunt
3. Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations, Dutch, French, and German. By Alison Gaunt
4. English/Afrikaans Epidemiology Dictionary from South Africa
5. Dr Recommend: your professional guide through the Medical Internet in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French & German.
6. idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (Kidney disease) in English, Dutch, German & French from The Parents' Place
7. Multilingual Site by, with pages in English, German, French, Italian & Spanish, with resources for doctors, dentists, nurses, medical students & patients
8 European Alzheimer's associations, in many languages
9 huge numbers of specialty, language and multilingual dictionaries from
10. Terminologiedatenbank from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. It has German, English, Italian, Spanish, and French; it is not ONLY medical but does includes medical terms; however its query method seems rigid & unforgiving; every unsuccessful query (unfortunatley, ALL French & English two-word queries I tried were unsuccessful, and many of the simple one-word queries, too) gives you this stern admonition: <Your query produced no result. You should reformulate> Even queries for simple words like advocate, synthetic and intercranial gave no hits.
11. CliniWeb International, an index and table of contents to clinical information on the World Wide Web. It allows search terms to be entered in English, German, French, Spanish, or Portuguese, and has direct links to MEDLINE searches via the PubMed system
12. List of European medical online glossaries in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, etc.
13. Reizdarm ? IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME ? Intestin irritable; from IBS Suisse, in German, French & Italian (no glossary)
14. WHO Terminology Information System (WHOTERM) Subject: Health for All (English, French & Spanish)
15. DeCS Health Sciences Descriptors Lets you search for medical terms in English, Portuguese and Spanish; displays up to 40 records per page of search results. Alas, key words are shown in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS! That way, you cannot tell if MRNA DIFFERENTIAL DISPLAY should be mRNA differential display. Also, it allows one-word searches ONLY.
16. Medical Terms, a Multilingual Glossary from Europe; very useful once you learn how to formulate and focus your searches. British spelling.
17. Terms: health demographics, reproductive science, medical, fertility English, French & Spanish; Diccionario de términos demográficos y relativo a la salud reproductiva. Dictionary of Demographic and Reproductive Health Terminology
18. Scleroderma from A to Z, info in TEN languages!
19. Apoptose und kardiale Erkrankung, in Dr. Bernhard Maisch's article entitled "Woran gehen Herzmuskelzellen zugrunde? - Nekrose, Onkose und Apoptose"
20. diccionario de t鲭inos epidemiol󧩣os. Unfortunately it's in PDF format.
21. ECHO Spanish-English-Latin Plant Dictionary by Jeffrey R Nash/ACDI
22. Dictionary of nature in four languages, English, French, Spanish and German. Few if any medical words
23. Tesauro alfabético conceptual, español-inglés-aleman y francés/A> A technical dictionary in Spanish, English, German and French. Un dico technique en espagnol, anglais, alemand et français. Not specifically a medical dictionary.
24. a
terminologia dentale dental terminology dictionary in English, Spanish, German and Italian. Very impressive.
25. a Language Dictionaries and Translators from Word2Word - DOZENS of languages, not medical

For current listing of additional medical dictionaries, see current version of this page at

Part 7. Dutch / Nederlandstalige sites & glossaries. A few dead links? sorry. Ik zou graag van jullie weten, welke links niet werken..

1. GGD en Collectieve Preventie van K.B. Yap en Adrey Caljé in Nederland
2. Dutch-English online Medical glossary, only 1,840 one-word terms. Je moet op Woordenboek klikken, oftewel Zoek
3. Dutch-English Dictionary on Organic Chemistry
4. Gezondheid en Ziekte: Medische links. It's a Dutch medical LINKS, but many of the sites indicated are in English
5. de leidraad in het medisch doolhof - MedischeStart - ontzettend veel links, ook dode links
6. Medisch Laboratoriumtests Toegelicht, ziektebeelden en tests,
7. Diagnostiek, MedischeStart zoekpagina
8. ConsuMed: onafhankelijke informatie over 6.320 medicijnen in Nederland en België® De medicijnen zijn gekoppeld aan 1.629 ziekten of klachten.
9. EMG (elektromyografie) van het Academisch Ziekenhuis Nijmegen
10. Onderzoeken, door Marianne Timmermans Botscan/Botscintiegrafie; Echografie; Lumbaalpunctie; Caudografie/Myelografie; Elektromyelografie; MRI; CT- scan; Epidurale venografie; R?enfoto's; Discografie; Gips (kunstof) corset; Wortel/zenuwblokkade
11. Geneeskunde.Com Antibiotica-Gids. Richtlijnen voor het gebruik van Antimicrobiële Middelen
12. Geneeskunde.Com Gewrichten. Osteoarticulaire infecties, zoals Acute bacteriële arthritis en osteomyelitis. Van Geneeskunde.Com
13. Urineweginfecties. Van Geneeskunde.Com
14. Neurologische infecties. Van Geneeskunde.Com 15. Mycosen. Van Geneeskunde.Com
16. De standaard antivirale therapie bij AIDS is combinatietherapie, bevattende in ieder geval zidovudine (AZT). On antibiotics used to treat AIDS.
17. Kanker info; geen woordenschat maar ze hebben wel de volgende: Kankersoorten, Documentatie, Nieuws, Akties, Uitleg, Verhalen en Links.
18. Academisch Ziekenhuis Rottterdam, Home page van de afdeling Interne Oncologie
19. - ziektebeelden, afdelingen, medecijngids, woordenboek (hetzelfde als Nummber 2. boven), medische links
20. Hepatitis C . Je moet op «kom aub binnen» klikken. This site has far to many flashy & distracting graphics, in my opinion.
21. Van Burnout naar Burnin, Onafhankelijk informatie- en communicatieplatform Stress en Burnout.
22. Hergeboortesite van Feniks, Praktijk voor Psychosociale begeleiding en Geestelijk welzijn. no glossary
23. Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Revalidatie- en Physische Geneeskunde
24. CIB Medische LINKS in het Engels en Nederlands.
25. CIB Terminologie in het Nederlands. Maar het begint met Albumine en Amnesie en eindigt met Vasculitis en Vitiligo; dus niet erg groot, weinige trefwoorden.
26. Chronische Inflammatoire Bindweefselziekten Lupus, Sclerodermie, Sj?n-syndroom, Poly-en Dermatomyositis, Vasculitis, MCTD.
27. Medische sites die ik ken, van Dr. Hans van Beek
28. gezondheidsplein medisch woordenboek
29. Medisch Plein. Niet alleen is er hier geen woordenschat, maar hierbij zier ook geen informatie! The webmaster seems to be far more concerned with appearance than content.
30. Medische Vraagbaak Internet, klik op A t/m Z voor woordenschat. Het is echter onmogelijk door deze web site, email naar Stichting Pandora te sturen! ik heb tevergeefs op ‘Klik hier om uw e-mail bericht te schrijven’ geklikt...
31., een internetapotheekdat deel uitmaakt van een apothekersmaatschap. Onder "naslag" hebben ze ook wat informatie; o.a. Medicijnen: Consumed, Gluten, Medicijnprijzen, Repertorium, Therapietrouw, Vitaminen en Zwangerschap. Kijk 's ook bij Databanken
32. Omgaan met kanker. o.a. Links - kanker en medische zaken
33. Alles over Anthrax - miltvuur in het Nederlands
34. Klik op Medisch A-Z en wat krijgt je dan? Dan moet je nog of Medische Encyclopedie klikken
35. De Nationale Gezondheidslijn Klik maar op het medische onderwerp van uw keuze... What a ripoff! They list all the terms but then they hit you up for MONEY every time you try to get any info on that topic! Forget this site!
36. Dutch-only discussion page on Lung Transplantation by Paul van den Elsaker, of Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.. Werkt OK op 3 Aug 2002, maar er zit geen enkele glossarium bij
37. Psychology & Psychology pages in Dutch & English
38. Dutch language Web site for people with diabetes. It is the same as
39. Medicijntabel van Ypsilon Helpdesk Schizofrenie en Psychose Antipsychotica en verwante farmaca; Depot-preparaten; Neuroleptica; Anti-depressiva; Angstdempers, slaap- en kalmeringsmiddelen; Stemmingsregulatoren. Werkt OK op 3 Aug 2002
40. o.a. abdominale_druk, anafylaxie, anatomie luchtwegen, aritmie, bewustzijn, bliksem, bloeddrukmeting, brady, brandwonden, corarrest, cricothyrotomie, cvd, drugs, electrocardiogram, electrocutie, electrolietenstoorni, emd, etiologie, farmaca, hartmassage, hypothermie, infuus, intoxicatie, intubatie, larynxmasker, mechanische_ventilat, menu_medisch, moeilijke luchtweg, moeilijkheidsgraad, monitoring, myocardcontusie, neonati, nieuwe_aspecten, onstabiel sinusaal, pneumatische_vest, ptacd, shock, slikmechanisme, trauma, ventilatoir arrest, verdrinking, verstikking. van Bart Massaer, Gent, Belgi릣060;Font size=3>
41. een informatiepagina over Cardiopulmonaire Resuscitatie, een verzameling van wetenschappelijke informatie omtrent CPR. Bart Massaer, Gent
42. Stichting Bloedziekten Copyright ? by Andrea Stiene - ; werkt Augustus 2002
43. informatie over het gewrichtsbeschermende voedingssupplement glucosamine. De bestrijding van gewrichtspijn door glucosamine is vergelijkbaar met pijnbestrijding door ontstekingsremmers; werkt Augustus 2002
44. Medisch Zoeken in HEALTH.NL verscheidene wijzen om medische woord op te zoeken; werkt Augustus 2002
45. gezondheidsnet Links werkt Augustus 2002
46. - informatie over de prostaat
47. Woordenboek Organische Chemie: Meer dan 2.750 verbindingen, begrippen en reacties; Zie ook
48. de woordenlijst in het Nederlands van Vichy Laboratoires
49. Dutch-language (medical) search engine yields English language results, too
50. Medisch ABC - a list of Dutch medical terms with no definition, no explanation, no link
51. Medisch dermatologie woordenlijst van Vichy Laboratoires

52. Deze site gaat over micro-organismen, BSE, Prionen, met de basis van de microbiologie in het Nederlands
53. Begrippenlijst van de Nederlandse Hartstichting
54. Medisch woordenboek samengesteld door José Gaspar - definition & explanation in Dutch of many medical terms in English & Dutch, and even medical slang such as this: “Angel lust (Medisch slang) mannelijk lijk met erectie ”
55. Verpleegkundige Gereedschapskoffer, Glossarium van de VVKSO: Een verpleegkundig glossarium voor studenten
56. Verklarende Woordenlijst van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Reﮣarnatietherapeuten
57. Medische Glossarium: een verklarende tekst over enkele courante medische termen
58. Medisch-Kynologisch Jargon Jaap van der Wijk
59. Rugaandoening, een Medisch Woordenboek
60. Merck Manual - Medisch Handboek, the Merck Manual in Dutch

For listing of additional Dutch-language medical dictionaries see current version of this page at

Part 8. Scandinavian: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish & Icelandic languages

1. Swedish & English medical glossary called "MeSH Tree Tool". Looks comprehensive; it's excellent.
2. Sven Petersson's Medical Terminology, English & Swedish
3. Nasjonalt senter for telemedisin Regionsykehuset i Tromsø a Norwegian telemedicine site
4. Diagnostic Imaging from BMed
5. Medicin på Žä´¥tSV– "Frä­³t avsett f?ä«¡re." Bra medicinska resurser på ®ä´¥t, b夥 svenska och utl䮤ska.
6. Medicinska forskningsr夥t; Medicinska forskningsr夥ts uppgift ä² att st? grundforskning inom omr夥na medicin, farmakologi, odontologi och veterinä²­edicin.
7. Medical Portals: N姲a exempel på ³venska medicinska portaler ...NetDoktor, Medical Link och Primavi - Medical Link 3W AB; MDwebtop/LocusMedicus - Locus Medicus Int'l AB; Ronden - Lä«¡rf?ndet/Lä«¡rs䬬skapet; - Calypso Medical; Vitea - Vitea AB; - DoktorOnline AB; H䬳oinformationstorget - NÖ sjukv岤somr夥t/T䢹 Kommun/Apoteket AB; 'Webbh䬳a b?valitetsm䲫as' - Nytt frå® Socialstyrelsen; ... och n姲a utl䮤ska
7?. Medicinsk Information på “venska - Karolinska Institutet
8. Medisinske ordbøker. - her finner du forklaringer til mere enn 9000 medisinske utrykk. But none of them are in Norwegian, all seem to be in English
9. cytostatika: Medikamentell kreftbehandling 6. utg. Not a glossary; more like a textbook.
Bokm嬳ordboka og Nynorskordboka. Although I cannot read this, it appears to be a search engine to search for dictionaries in Norwegian (not specifically for medical).
11. Susan Larson's Excellent web site, lots of great links, medical directories, Swedish medical resources, glossaries, dictionaries, etc., organizations, medical devices, pharmaceutical, laboratory, etc.
Copyright © 1999 Susan Larsson email to Susan
12. Hä² hittar du en medicinsk ordlista frå® A-Öº Listan g?nget ansprå« på ¡tt vara fullst䮤ig, jag tar gä²®a emot mer termer som passar in.
13. Hj䬰portalen [P Hilding]Hj䬰Portalen som visar dig till information om resurser som finns f?tt hj䬰a dig nä² det hä®´ dig n姯t, nä² du hamnat i ett o?at tillst室 eller nä² du vill ?din sä«¥rhet eller f?ttra ditt skydd.
14. Biotermgruppen
Hä² kan du slåŠupp termer och begrepp inom de molekyl䲡 livsvetenskaperna, dvs. molekylä²¢iologi, bioteknik, genetik, cellbiologi, mikrobiologi osv. Du få² b夥 veta hur begreppen definieras och vilka termer du b?nv䮤a på ³venska.
15. Landstingsrelaterade termer - Stockholms l䮳 landsting
Ordlista ? landstingsrelaterade termer ?satta till engelska
16. Enheten f?lassifikationer och terminologi from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare
17. - Medicin
18. Svenska L䫡res䬬skapets spr嫲大ivning
19. SVEMED+ Medicine and health care - in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish & English
20. Sven Petersson's Medical Terminology Glossary in English and Swedish

For additional Swedish dictionaries, see current version of this page at

Finnish Language medical glossaries & medical info

1. Medical Glossary in Finnish: Webin tarjontaa k䤮t䪩lle -
2. Medical glossary English-Swedish-Latin-Finnish; screens all are in Finnish language ; 30,000 entries and explanations. Many entries have equivalents in Swedish, English and Latin
3. Suomen Bioteollisuuden (FIB) biotekniikan sanasto Finnish-English-Swedish. Sanastossa ovat tavallisimmat biotekniikan termit suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi sekä ¬yhyt selitys
4. Finnish bioinformatics dictionary, in Finnish only
5. University of Vaasa, Finland (not a medical site at all). No Glossary
6. Perinn?syystieteen sanasto Internetix Finnish language medical/microbiology glossary

Part 10. Italian Medical glossaries & web sites (15 links)

1. Multilingual Hypertext Healthcare Thesaurus from zeus.eugloss in Italy
2. terminologia dentale en inglese, italiano, spagnole, e tedesco //Dental terminology: translates dental terms to and from Italian, English, German and Spanish
3. Dematel Servizi informativi telematici per la medicina. In Italian: Dematel ha sviluppato in accordo con la National Library of Medicine (NLM) di Bethesda (USA) un'edizione della banca dati biomedica Medline con maschera di ricerca in lingua italiana e strumenti di ricerca speciali. Dematel è £onsigliata dalla NLM come guida italiana a Medline.
4. Risorse mediche in Italia: in Italian & English. Questa pagina, creata nel maggio 1995, è ³tata organizzata per favorire l'utilizzo delle risorse mediche su Internet
5. Come consultare Medline? in Italiano . Dematel; same site as #4 above
6. Salus Medicina in Rete: Allergologia; Analgesia; Anestesia; Cardiologia; Chirurgia; Chirurgia Estetica; Chirurgia Laser; Dermatologia; Diabetologia; Gastroenterologia; Ginecologia; Immunologia; Medicina delle dipendenze; Neurologia; Odontoiatria; Oncologia; Psichiatria; Psicologia; Pediatria; Sessuologia AND English Medical Terms List
6?. Tutta la salute dalla "A" alla "Z" pagine in continuo aggiornamento, di Salus Medicina
7. Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie ?Italiano-Inglese? ?Inglese-Italiano?
8. Forensic Pathology; Clicca sulla rosa per entrare Asfissia meccanica; Lesioni da energia elettrica; Ferite d'armi da fuoco; Ferite d'arma bianca; Tanatologia; Tossicologia; Medicina Generale; Le morti improvvise; Lesioni da mezzi contusivi; Investimento & Precipitazione; Ten very short mini-glossaries in 6 languages and one ‘Indice analitico’ which is like a glossary only instead of definitions it give you a link to an HTML page which is apparently a lecture on that topic.
9. Glossario di Aspetti Tecnici in Nefrologia; Le basi statistiche ed epidemiologiche della medicina clinica; an Italian-only glossary, from Aleatorio & Baseline Hazard to Variabile & Varianza
10. Glossary on nuclear medicine, radiology, magnetic resonance imaging. A small glossary in Italian (55 terms).
11. A collection of URLs for specialized medical glossaries; some are monolingual IT and some EN<>IT, ranging from dental to radiology, endoscopy, diabetes, plastic surgery, etc.
12. Dizionario Medicina e Biologia, della Zanichelli, nella versione online offerta da Con oltre 40.000 lemmi, questo prezioso strumento di consultazione copre tutto il linguaggio corrente della professione...
13. Discipline Mediche from There are no glossaries or dictionaries here, only links. The worst part is, while visiting this site, my browser somehow spontaneously loaded an Italian soft porn site I did NOT want:!!!
14. Oncology site in Italian no glossary. Much of the info here is in English.
15. a Dutch Glucosamine site in Italian no glossary.
16. a 20.000 Lemmi Sanitari: Glossario dei termini medici
17. a Ospedale Virtuale Telematico “Per i professionisti” e “Per i non professionisti” Anestesiologia; Cardiologia; Chirurgia; Dermatologia; Dietologia; Ematologia; Endocrinologia; Gastroenterologia; Ginecologia; Neurologia; Oculistica; Odontoiatria; Oncologia; Ortopedia; Otorinolaringoiatria; Pediatria; Psichiatria; Radiologia; Urologia
18. a Glossario medico termini medici e termini pensionistici
19. a Progetto Caduceo: Glossario Medico
In English and other languages:
20. a Glossario CAM il mondo del bambino, all in Italian only
22. a IBD online - Glossario: Questo sito è ³tato creato su iniziativa della Sofar, per fornire nella maniera pi?ediata e completa, una corretta informazione scientifico-educativa in merito alle malattie infiammatorie intestinali
23. a GlossᲩo de Seguro Sa?060;/A> de Viva Tranquilo
24. a
Glossario Assistenza Volontaria; Collecchio, Sala Baganza - Felino
25. a Glossario della Registro Italiano Donatori Midollo Osseo
27. a Huge Google hit list of Italian and Portuguese language medical glossaries from the Brazilian Google
28. a Glossario dei termini cardiovascolari, in Italian only.
29. a PNLG Glossario Tutte le voci di glossario sono state indicizzate in ordine alfabetico.
30. a Glossario ISIT: Le Analisi Mediche, Bassi Burgatti
31. a Glossario de l'implantologia - a short dental implant and endodontal glossary
31. a
Glossario de VacciNetwork
32. a Glossario Consenso H.O.T. Cancer an Oncology glossary, in Italian only. Very Short.
33. a Veterinary Glossary in Italian: Glossario delle Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d'Aosta
34. a Glossario dei termini medici cinesi Glossary of Chinese Medicine (in Italian language, with detailed definitions of each Chinese term)
35. a Glossario dell'eritropoietina Ortho Biotech
36. a Medical Glossary in Italian only>/A> from Brystol-Myers-Squibb
37. a
Italian Radiology & Medicical Glossary from Società ‰taliana di Radiologia Medica
38. a Italian-English Medical Dictionary by Dematel/ It sounds great, right? but I could not get it to load at all; all I got on 5/5/03 was Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /usr/www/users/dematel/vocab/index.phtml on line 5
39. a Italian-English medical dictionary ??

For additional Italian dictionaries see current version of this page at

Part 11. Catalan, & Romanian glossaries & web sites (11 links)

1. Catalan-Spanish-English Medical dictionary from Enciclop褩a Catalana
2. Diccionari Viasalus en Catalণ060;/A> "tots els termes m褩cs" in English & Spanish, too
Grec.Net Medical Dictionary, in Catalan language
as well as English & Spanish
Servei de consultes terminolò§©±ues en lí®©a screens are in Catalan but they appear to offer lookup of terms in English and Spanish, too. I tried typing in several English words, and it performed quite well. Type in a word and then choose what sector “Ci讣ies de la salut” you're looking at (all in Catalan) then click on the button “Fez la cerca” to search. I found it quite useful, even though you have to click anew on “Ci讣ies de la salut” for each new query of a medical term.
5. Dictionary of Medicine in Romanian language only, from; Pentru a folosi acest material, faceti un clic de mouse pe butonul “Dictionar” iar apoi alegeti o litera din lista.

Part 12. Russian, Polish & Slavic Languages, online Glossaries & medical info

A. Russian language site, links to mainly medical dictionaries, both English & Russian as well as other Russian dictionaries
B. medical glossary: Russian language medical dictionary ALL in Russian.
C. Drug Information Journal in Russian. Also in English & six other languages. : ALL menus are in Russian
D. Pharmaceuticals, clinical trials, in Russian only
Medical Glossary in Russian from
F. Links to sites of Russian Medical and Scientific Interest from
G. META - Ukrainian search engine (not specifically medical)
H. Collocational Russian-English Dictionary of the Human Body: An interactive on-line dictionary with thousands of phrases for describing the appearance, movements, moods & injuries of human beings. Cornell University Russian Dept.
I. Russian-English Dictionary of the Human Body; a small thematic Russian-English dictionary
J. Akademia Medyczna im. Karola Marcinkowskiegos Poznaniu (in Polish)

Part 13. language Glossaries & medical information online

A. List of medical info & references IN GREEK, you have to read Greek to use it
B. Dictionary of Medical Terminology English-Greek;
C. English to Greek Medical Dictionary>
D. French-Greek general dictionary (not specifically medical). Dictionnaire Grec-Franç¡©s
E. iatrotek online from the Hellenic Medical Society; Greek Medical Network
F. DEAD LINK! Greek Medical Glossary of MUSCLES by Spiros Doikas; from abductor to zygomaticus

and the Greek Medical Dictionary at seems to be a DEAD LINK, too!

Part 14. Chinese, Japanese and other Asian Languages: glossaries & medical dictionaries

A1. Jim Breem's Japanese biomedical glossary : you have to type in a keyword in Japanese or English and click on the <Begin Search> button. The file it accesses comes orig. from Japan, where they have their own online version. See:

A2. Japanese Medical Glossary with SOME of the terms shown also in English

A3. Katalin Horvath McClure's English-Japanese Medical Glossary
A4. Anatomical terms in Japanese only
A5. Medical terms (Latin medical abbreviations, etc.), Japanese
HONYAKU Archive Full-text Search: every time I tried to search for ANYTHING at all, it just crashed; all I got each time was a blank, white, inert screen. Maybe you have you download a Japanese characterset first, which I have not done.

B1. English/Chinese Medical Dictionary by & Wong Kia Boon, a Medical Undergraduate at the National University of Singapore. Under the heading Plagiarism, you will find the following declaration: “This site is crafted with altruistic intent and serosanguineous sacrifices. Any act of plagiarism, irrespective of nature and extent, is counter-evolutionary and tantamount to bed-wetting.”

B2. Computer Division of Shanghai Medical University Library, no glossary. Has not been updated since Dec 25, 1998.

B4. English-Chinese Dictionary provided by OK88 Bilingual Internet Services

B5. English/Chinese Genetics Glossary from UN interpreters


1. This Arabic-English Medical Dictionary did NOT work well for me on 9-13-2002 in spite of the fact that I once allowed the download of special Arabic characterset. Every letter of the alphabet you click on gives only: "The page cannot be displayed" ..


Part 15. Books: Medical Dictionaries in Print(e.g., books, not online and not free) 44 publications currently listed

1. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 28th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1994. $43.25 - excellent medical dictionary. Unabridged, comprehensive & authoritative, updated every four or five years.

2. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1997. $29.00 - Designed for use by nurses and allied health professionals, this is on a level accessible to the layperson. Some line drawings.

3. Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1998. $31.95 - Similar to Miller-Keane but with extensive color illustrations. Updated every four years.

4. Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 26th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. $44.95 - Similar to Dorland's and essentially equal in authority. It's huge, it's beautiful, it's published/updated approximately every five years. There is the 1995 edition and the 2000 edition.

5. Dictionary of Medical Terms for the Nonmedical Person, by Mikel A. Rothenberg, M.D - it'll cost you about $20.

6. Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 17th ed., 1999

7. A popular encyclopedia-type medical reference. This web version at offers the full text of the printed Merck Manual, including illustrations. The site is online & free, and it includes descriptions of Merck products and how you order them. Wow!

8. Dorland (Pocket) Dicionário Médico; Medical Dictionary English-Portuguese + Port.-Engl. index Dorland, 1997; 25th ed. hc.; 1,001 entries · ISBN 8572411984 $178.75 (ouch! Not much bang for your buck...)

Three helpful references for medical abbreviations & acronyms, recommended by translator Ursula Vielkind:
9. Mosby's Survival Guide to Medical Abbreviations & Acronyms - Prefixes & Suffixes - Symbols - Greek Alphabet (1995) · ISBN 0-8151-1398-6

10. Medical Abbreviations: 14,000 Conveniences at the Expense of Communications and Safety, 9th ed. (1999) · ISBN 0-931431-09-3

11. Abk?en und Begriffe in der Medicine, Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, 2nd ed. (2001) ISBN 3-13-773802-4. It is in German, but includes common international abbreviations along with the original English terms. Conversion factors for metric, British & American units of measure.

12. Dorland's 28th Edition is avaiable in an Italian version. (Edizioni Scientifiche Internazionale (ESI), Milano.) Currrent edition in English is the 29th, 2000.

13. Commission of the European Communities (Terminology Help Desk, Brussels), Biotechnology glossary (English, Fran硩s, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands, Dansk, Espa񯬬 Portugu곬 Greek), London-New York, Elsevier Applied Science, 1990, v-1071 pp., ISBN 1-85166-569-2

14. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (Thumb Indexed - 19th Edt) $35;Synopsis Dictionary for students and practitioners includes color illustrations and a new appendix of complementary and alternative medicine. Includes 56,000 medical terms.

15. Nursing 2003 Drug Handbook, $35, a nursing drug guide organized by therapeutic class; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, paperback and CD ROM

16. Diccionario Médico Alemán-Españ¯¬¦#060;/A>; Medizinisches W?rbuch Deutsch - Spanisch; de Juan Tamayo Delgado, ISBN 3-00-004674-7; Gebunden: 512 Seiten; Euro 50,- pro Exemplar (plus shipping)

17. Diccionario de Medicina Oceano Mosby - versió® ¥n españ¯¬ traducida y adaptada de la 4a edició® ¤e la obra original en inglés de “Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary”. The Spanish is good, but the few words in English have been mutilated, misspelled and neglected. In the back there is an 88-page “Diccionario inglés-españ¯¬¦amp;rdquo; (pp 1351 - 1439), but again the English is full of typos & misspelled words.

18. Bishay' New Illustrated Medical Dictionary English?Arabic by Milad Bishay, see (Amazon) shudder... $125.

Dictionnaires et livres en franç¡©s:
19. - J. S. Sarrut et L. Moricand-Sarrut: Dictionnaire permanent, Bioéthique et biotechnologies. 3 vol. à ¦euilles mobiles. Bibl. gén./Droit KJV 5328 A55 D554

20. - J. Pouletty, P. Tardieu, et L. Léger: Dictionnaire pratique de droit médical: déontologie, sécurité sociale et vie professionnelle.
Bibl. gén./Droit K 50 P874 1982

21. - C. évin: Petit dictionnaire des droits des malades. Bibl. gén./Droit KJV 5328 E93 1998

22. Jacques Delamare: Lexique franç¡©s -anglais, anglais-franç¡©s des termes de médecine, Maloine, Paris, 2000

23. Jean Delamare et DELAMARE-RICHE, Thérè³¥ - Dictionnaire franç¡©s-anglais des termes de médecine = English-French dictionary of medical terms, Maloine, Paris, 2000

24. Dictionnaire médical Masson - dir. Jacques Quevauvilliers, Abe Fingerhut, Masson, Paris, 1999

25. Christine Farcot et Eliane Brann - Petit lexique d'orthopédie anglais-franç¡©s, Sauramps médical, Montpellier, 2000

26. Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (France). Département de l'information scientifique et de la communication - Thésaurus bio médical franç¡©s-anglais 1998: adapté du MeSH, INSERM, Paris, 1998
Lexique médical franç¡©s-anglais, anglais- franç¡©s
, Masson, Paris, 2000

27. English-French Dictionary of Medical and Paramedical Sciences, 4e éd., Saint-Hyacinthe: édisem; Paris: Maloine, 1996, 1282 p., ISBN 2-224-02446-0 (Maloine) 2-89130-164-1 (Edisem), REF R121 G52 1996
Dictionnaire m餩cal : [26000 entr饳, liste des abr鶩ations, lexique anglais-fran硩s] / L. Manuila, A. Manuila, P. Lewalle, M. Nicoulin. ? 8e 餮 ? Paris ; Milan [etc.] : Masson, 1999. ? XXXIV, 663 p. ; 21 cm. ? ISBN 2?225?83590?X.

28. L'anglais m餩cal à ¬a Facult馣060;/B> par Carnet Didier, Foucher G鲡rd, Grandgeorge José°¨ine, Jeannin Louis; 256 pages, format : 17,5 x 26 cm, couverture souple; ISBN : 2-7298-4456-2 prix: 120 F, 18,29 euros. - Cet ouvrage est composé ¤e textes m餩caux dont les thè­¥s sont ceux mê­¥ de la vie professionnelle de l'é´µdiant en M餥cine ; ainsi la progression des connaissances linguistiques suit-elle sans effort celle des connaissances m餩cales. L'objectif final est que, à ¬a fin de ces trois ann饳 initiales, l'é´µdiant soit capable de lire un texte m餩cal en anglais dans le mê­¥ temps qu'il mettrait pour lire le texte m餩cal correspondant dans sa langue maternelle, à ¬'instar de ce qui se passe dans beaucoup de Faculté³ non anglophones.

29. More than 75 French Medical Dictionaries that you can buy are listed here.

30. a selection of specialist foreign language dictionaries (*BOOKS*) for translators and interpreters interested in the field of medecine including dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and vetinary medicine. Grant & Cutler is the UK's largest foreign language bookseller (prices listed in pounds Sterling).

31. A Semantic Network of Disease Identifiers - see

32. (in Dutch) Het Modern Medisch Woordenboek; Drs. Patrice van Efferen; ISBN 9038902921; Prijs - 20.90 Euros; 500 pagina's; 13 x 22 cm; paperback geשּׁustreerd
bestel het boek op

33. Portuguese/English: Dicionário de termos médicos portugu곯ingl곦#060;/A>, de Reginaldo da Graç¡ Veiga; a editora é “E.P.U.(Editora Pedagogica e Universitaria)”. Sao Paulo, 1979. Saraiva Mega Store online

34. DicionᲩo Ilustrado de Ortodontia Inglê³­Portugu곦#060;/B>, by Esequiel B. Ouví¤©o/Laurindo Z. Furquim
Publisher: S.P.: Santos Editora; ISBN 85-728800-46 - Estimated price: $119.95

35. Pequeno DicionᲩo Inglê³­Portuguê³ ee Termos Odontol󧩣os e de Especialidades Mꤩcas, by Ana Julia Perrotti Garcia. Publisher: S.P.: Santos Livraria Editora - Estimated price: $31.50

36. William J. Gladstone, Dictionnaire anglais-franç¡©s des sciences médicales et paramédicales -

37. Diccionario Critico de Dudas Ingles-Españ¯¬ De Medicina,
de F.A. Navarro - 600 pgs; price is listed in Euros. for more information, see,1094,2900000719044,00.html?ca=18 This author has never recognized nor appreciated André †.

Pschyrembel Klinisches W?rbuch: mit klinischen Syndromen und Nomina Anatomica; Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 1998;

39. The Medical Book Store sells PRINT medical books and medical dictionaries in English. From Moriah Marketing, SA Inc.

40. Stedman Biling?0;/B>. Diccionario de Ciencias M餩cas Editorial:Panamericana, ISBN: 84-7903-335-5; Edició®º Febrero 1999; 1670 P᧩nas

41. Planeta M餩cal, Lista de Publicaciones ; a list of several hundred professional journals and medical publications all over the world, most in English, with Spanish notation of what field of medicine is covered in that publication. You can click on the name of each publication to get a great deal of information about it. Categories here are as follows: Alergia e Inmun.; Anest. y Reanim.; Aux. de la Med.; Biologí¡» Cardiologí¡» Cirugí¡ Clí®©ca M餩ca; Dermatologí¡» Diag. por imag.; Endocrinologí¡» Farmacologí¡» Gastroenterologí¡» Gené´©ca; Geriatrí¡ Hematologí¡» Infectologí¡» Interé³ general; Med. Familiar; Medicina legal; Nefrologí¡» Neumonologí¡» Nutrició®» Odontologí¡» Oftalmologí¡» Oncologí¡» Ort. y Traumatol.; Otra; Patologí¡» Pediatrí¡» Psicoanᬩsis; Psicologí¡» Psiquiatrí¡» Reumatologí¡» Terapia Intensiva; Tratam. del dolor; Urologí¡¦#060;/font>

42. VocabulᲩo para Odontologia - Portuguê³ / Inglê³ - Inglê³ / Portuguê³ - S鲩e Mil & Um Termos by Ana Julia Perrotti-Garcia; Editora: Sbs - Editora Isbn 8575830120 O VocabulᲩo para Odontologia re?em um só ¶¯lume, uma s鲩e de termos t飮icos e suas tradu綥s divididos em duas partes: inglê³­portuguê³ e portuguê³­inglê³® Portuguese and English Dictionary of Dentistry

43. Diccionario Médico Español-­Inglés, Inglés-­Español. : Onyria Herrera McElroy y Lola L. Grabb; Má³ de 20,000 vocablos con definiciones claras y precisas. Terminologí¡ actualizada. Abreviaturas m餩cas. Secciones sobre gramática inglesa y español.

44. foreign language dictionaries for translators and interpreters in the field of medecine including dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and veterinary medicine. Grant & Cutler is the UK's largest foreign language bookseller

45. Pitman, Sally C., ed.: Radiology imaging words and phrases: diagnostic imaging, interventional radiology, therapeutic radiology, nuclear medicine, neuroradiology, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. Modesto, CA: Health Professions Institute, 1997. Ref RC78.R2475 1997

Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - revised edition (2000). A.D. Smith. ISBN 0198506732

46. English-Russian and Russian-English Medical Dictionary, 3rd Edition, by A. Yu. Bolotina & E. O. Yakusheva; November 2001 - ISBN: 5-88721-207-1; 541 pages $82.50 in hardcover. Includes about 24,000 terms.

47. Dictionary of Medical Imaging, German/English/German ISBN 3-540-64821-6


Part 17. Web pages, sites & dictionaries by André Fairchild

(All are Free except the trilingual/multilingual biomedical-technical dictionaries)
1. André's main web page. Includes many LINKS to FREE online bilingual glossaries & dictionaries. It also tells you about our Multilingual & Bilingual Biomedical-Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus®: data sets with over 38,290 carefully selected entries (key words & phrases in English) and 36,820 detailed synonyms in Spanish, (and/or Portuguese, Dutch, French, Swedish and/or German).
Sorry, only parts of it are online for free. But with over 659,000 words and over 21½ MEGABYTES of detailed medical terminology and synonymns, it is rapidly becoming the best multilingual biomedical dictionary in the world. Over the past nine years, this dictionary database has been expanded and improved dramatically. And it still continues to grow and improve.
If you print out any bilingual version or subset of the dictionary in 105% size in Excel, it's now about 2,900 full 8½"X11" pages.
Usable on any computer in Excel, QuattroPro or any other software that can import data in Excel, CSV or DBF format.
O preço é US$125 pela versão com 6 idiomas; mas é só $95 se você precisa só da versão trilingues inglês, espanhol e português.

El precio de una version bilingue del diccionario en inglés y español solamente, es US$85. Vale la pena si Usted sea traductor serio.

2. Click HERE to see a large sample or subset of our Dictionary/Thesaurus® in English, French & German ONLY: 2,900 entries excerpted at random.
Isto é um trecho grande com 2.900 verbetes excertos do grande dicionário sextalingue.
This sample is nearly 7% of the entries from the big dictionary, but in only three languages...
Note that as of September 30, 2008, all bilingual subsets of the complete Multilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus for your computer include over 38,290 detailed entries in English, with at least 36,820 entries each in Spanish, Portuguese, and French. The German,& Dutch columns each also have about that same number of entries in each language. Swedish column includes about 39,170 entries. The Italian column currently includes only about 20,400 entries.
3. a small sample of an earlier draft of André's Multilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus®
See the samples web pages for subsets/samples of key words and phrases from this dictionary.

The page you are now looking at is a near-mirror of (an older version of) our main page that is now better organized and broken down into five parts:
4. André's Glossary of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Terms, in English only
5. Multilingual foods & cuisine glossary, free, 1,300 entries in 5 languages (Part 1 of 2). There is nothing medical about this one; it's all about foods & cuisine - see
5½ Excel version of Multilingual foods & cuisine glossary, free, 1,300 entries in five languages. At your request, we will be glad to email you a copy of this glossary for free.
6. A Multilingual foods & cuisine glossary, free, also available for free as an Excel spreadsheet; short entries in 4 languages. Free subset of item 5 above.
7. André's International foods & cuisine glossary, free, long, detailed entries mostly in English & some French, available in WordPerfect or RTF format, for free, over 140 pages.
8. Ten-page free glossary on home buying and mortgagesin English and Spanish. Free.
9. Detailed statistics on Brazil, in English. Somewhat dated.
10. A version of Andre Fairchild's non-medical web page/links page Há vários links aos glossários e dicionários bilingues.

11. Click here to see a Large 7-language SAMPLE DICTIONARY, a large subset of our Multilingual Medical Dictionary/Thesaurus (in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German, Finnish (incomplete), and Swedish (incomplete); it's 7,099 entries (e.g., 19% of the current version in Excel.) It's a free subset of the Multilingual Medical Dictionary/Thesaurus.

* See also - a much newer, (February, 2008), much larger (7,750 entries!) eight-language online sample dictionary/thesaurus, in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German, Swedish and Finnish (subset with 8 languages).
and and http://www.interfold/translator/7taligmonster.xls

The web page above and the FREE online version of my Biomedical Dictionary in EIGHT LANGUAGES ** are free services provided to you by André Fairchild, compiler/publisher of biomedical dictionaries:
Bilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus: (BMTD, $85);
Trilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus (TriMTD, $95)
4-Language Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus (TriMTD, $105)
5-Language Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus (TriMTD, $115)
6-lLnguage Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus (TriMTD, $125)

- ↑ Order a trilingual version now by filling out the Order Form/User License Agreement.

-You can even order a 7-language or 8-language version. Ditto: you will still need to download, print, sign and mail in the Order Form/ User License Agreement along with your payment. See details below.

Copyright © 2001-2009 by Andre Fairchild. All rights reserved. Todos os direitos reservados ~ Todos los derechos reservados ~ Alle Rechte vorbehalten
No part of the contents of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. "André Fairchild's Multilingual Biomedical Resources" and the URL below should be prominently displayed on any material reproduced with the publisher's consent.
this web page is a mirror of an older version - see newest version at
To order, you MUST read, copy, print and sign the ORDER FORM / Single-User License Agreement from
or from

Click here to see a small sample of André's large Multilingual Medical Dictionary/Thesaurus?
Click here to see a large subset of André's large Multilingual Medical Dictionary/Thesaurus? (Sample in English, German & French only: 2,890 terms)
That's about 6% of the entries from our large Multilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus.

This web page is updated every month. Most recent update:
September, 2009. If you find that any of the links are not working, or if you would like to suggest some useful new links, please let us know. To report a broken link or to suggest a new medical link, send email to Andre Fairchild, at

Cette page est consacré au libre dissemination d'information via des milliers de liens qui vous offrent des dictionnaires et glossaires médicaux en ligne et beaucoup d'autres ressources médicaux. For buyers anywhere, we can accept payment through PayPal!, the #1 online payment service!
Aceptamos pagos a través de PayPal, el primero servicio internacional de pagamientos online.

‹Esta página é dedicada à propagaçao de informaçoes médicas por meio de 2.110 links aos sites bilingues e monolingues ofereçendo­ dicionários ou glossários biomédicos, ou outros recursos médicos. O que você acha? As suas opinioes são bem-vindas. Por favor avise-me tb de quaisquer links mortos que você achar.›
Caso detecte alguma falta ou erro nesta lista, por favor, envie novas entradas ou sugestao de correçao para mim, André ao

A página que você agora está olhando é o

Es una página dedicada a la difusión libre de informaciones médicas a través de listados extensos (y ENLACES) a sitios monolingues y bilingues que ofrecen diccionarios o glosarios médicos, u otros recursos médicos. Aviseme por favor de cualquier enlace muerto que usted encuentre.

Since October, 2004, this page has been visited times.

Confidentiality of data relating to individual patients and visitors to a medical/health Web site, including their identity, is respected by this Web site. I undertake to honor the legal requirements of medical/health information privacy that apply in the USA.
This site is funded exclusively by André Fairchild. We receive NO funding from any outside source. Donations are welcome and are desperately needed. But we have never yet received ANY donation.

A bit of advice: Web pages do not last forever. If you find something very interesting or informative in any of the above sites, try to copy the bits you need, any way you can. Otherwise, you might try to get back to that great site a few months later, only to find that it's gone!!! One way to copy just a chunk of the text part (without all the complex and computer-boggling formatting) is Select All, then Ctrl-C (copy into buffer) then Paste Special, plain text only, into your WordPad, MS Word or WordPerfect, etc. Then you have to see if the text you get is readable.

Submit URL:
If you want to SUBMIT any medical glossary or dictionary site to us for inclusion in the above listings, please give us details by email. Thanks.
We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the HON Foundation. Click to verify. We subscribe to the HONcode principles. Verify here.

Click here for André's article with details on sources, methodology, style, bibliography, pricing, software formats, quality, sources, selection criteria, and text formatting of the Multilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus
(incluye una relación de las fuentes consultadas).