Day 1:
1.  Watch the slide show about penguins while your teacher reads the decriptions.
 Slide Show

Day 2:
1.  Review information from yesterday
2.  Look at pictures and listen to information about Emperor Penguins
 Emperor Penguins 1
 Emperor Penguins 2

Day 3:
1.  Review information from yesterday
2.  Look at pictures and listen to information about Adelie Penguins
 Adelie Penguins 1
 Adelie Penguins 2
3.  Make a Venn Diagram with the class comparing Emperor Penguins to Adelie Penguins

Day 4:
1.  Review information from days 1-3
2.  With the class, make a list of the vocabulary words about penguins
3.  Using Kid Pix, make a picture about Emperor and Adelie penguins that shows what you have learned during our adventure

Day 5:
1.  Review the information from days 1-4
2.  Write a poem or a song or an "I like" paper about penguins
3.  Share your drawing and writing with the class.

Extra Time:
Check out these cool sites:
 Baby Penguins
 I Like Penguins Report
 Map of Penguin Places



 Beginning Your Adventure


