About Us
Meghan and Caitlin live in a small, cozy, abode in a grotesque, large, yellow building on the campus of the University of Chicago. Meghan and Caitlin are warm climate mammals who don't enjoy the cold, and this fact has the unfortunate effect of limiting the time they actually spend in classes. (IT'S FUCKING COLD!!!!) Meghan and Caitlin are "first-years" at the college and have a full workload of classes (4 each)...which they manage to endure along with serving as excellent stage managers for University Theater and smoking a lot of weed. Yes, Meghan and Caitlin are potheads. Meghan and Caitlin enjoy (besides the demon weed): Tori Amos, ramen, nappies, color-changing glass pipes, frosted flakes, veggie tales, Eddie Izzard, and Hunter S. Thompson.
Meghan and Caitlin:
The happy couple. Yes, we're strange. But, we love each other. Roomates, best friends, soon to be wives...Meghan and Caitlin are awesome.
Caitlin and my moose and her bear. "AND THEN ALL THE ANIMALS WILL DIE" as Eddie says.
Here we have your average working U of C dorks. Left to right - Gia, our wonderful suitemate, Rishi the endearing uber dork, and Sheenz, our house lush.
Meghan and Caitlin pre-roomate time with our good friend Joel. Joel is the interloper.
We're not all huge dorks though...in fact, you could liken some of us to this chipmunk...
Joel is insane. Clearly. He does have shampoo commercial-esque hair though.
Any questions?
"SAY IT AIN'T SOOOOOOO!!" Mer and Nora say it ain't so!
These three boys are what we like to refer to as "The Triumvirate" (aka The Holy Trinity). Left to right - Max (the holy ghost), Alex (the father), and Mario (the son).  Here, they are engaging in a "joint" venture.
Meghan and Jer. Awww, he's so cute. Jer lives directly beneath us and wakes Meghan up for classes Tuesdays and Thursdays...when she actually goes that is.
Robert in an intense academic moment examines his University of Chicago lanyard and contemplates his future at the university.
Meghan and 2/3 of the Holy Trinity. Alex has just made her a pina colada with a wedge of pineapple..and she is very happy.
MerMer. We like the Mer.
Here we have Mer, Gia and Nora. SMOKERS UNITE!
Our Info:
Meghan and Caitlin
Rishi is a freak. Meghan's moose is awesome.
This is a really cool link that everyone should look at. If you like Tim Burton, you'll like this.
As Nora peers down at our links in an interspective manner, feel free to click on them yourselves.
NAPPY CAITLIN! Hope you enjoyed our wonderful website!