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Welcome to Freedom Files
How do you control billions of people, with just a few people? Free Countries are nothing more than Prisons without Bars

Metaphysics, religion, Merkaba, Flower of Life, Ancient History
Almost all religious movements that can be recognised as such in this world have compromised metaphysical knowledge in some way or another. Some movements may offer more relevant information than others. Few, if any, teach what can be recognised as the full truth. Yet, there is something which some call "God", but which I personally prefer to call the "Source", the "Creator", or "supermind of space" which includes ourselves and is not just some divinity outside ourselves. It is truly powerful and works anywhere even in the most compromised of situations. That's why people of all faiths have experienced truly remarkable and divine things, non-regarding the fact that their faiths may have been corrupted by manipulators or not. is a free educational forum dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information in the use of natural, non-pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies in the treatment of disease conditions. Free Energy, Earth Changes, and the growing reality of Big Brother are also explored since survival itself in the very near future may well depend on self acquired skills to face the growing threats of bioterrorism, emerging diseases, and the continuing abridgement of constitutional liberties. It is strongly recommended that visitors to this web site print out hard copies of the information that is of interest. Do not assume that your hard drive, this web site, or even the Internet itself will always be there to serve you.

Future shock 2000
Source For All News Paranormal and Beyond!
"ufo ufos alien aliens greys news paranormal ghosts abductions foia conspiracy prophecy pyramids roswell black ops antigravity propulsion systems mp3 implants moon sun solar flares comets asteroids armageddon future shock matrix bigfoot government nuclear warfare disclosure witnesses area51 groomlake wright patterson airforce base triangles chupacabra chupa mexico usa china space satalites radio echelon haarp norhtern lights aurora borealis magnetic near death out of body power headlines"

David Icke newsroom
Welcome to the David Icke website. I am a former journalist and television presenter from England who has spent the last ten years uncovering the biggest secret - who really controls the world and has done so for thousands of years. I have written ten books, including "The Biggest Secret", "...and the truth shall set you free", and "I Am Me, I Am Free.". Bridge of Love Publications, my publisher, has also produced several videos including "Freedom Road", "Turning of the Tide", "Revelations of a Mother Goddess", and "The Reptilian Agenda."

Surfing the Apocalipse
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your common sense."

Dreamscapes resource



This is a bit of a mad website but it has loads of interesting and mindbending material on it's pages.

Bill Beaty's Keelynet mirror

Above are internet mirrors of the file libraries of Jerry Decker's famous KEELYNET bbs system in Texas. They contain an enormous number of articles, plans, and GIFs about unconventional science, inventions, free energy devices, Tesla articles & coil plans, Keely history, biology, healing, book and contact lists, and even some PD software and humor files.

Weird but true

the world is weirder than science compiled and edited by jamal munshi. weird news bits collection

The LAB website

Big link collection to many mindbenders

Science frontiers

Strange Science * Bizarre Biophysics * Anomalous astronomy From the pages of the World's Scientific Journals Archaeology Astronomy Biology Geology Geophysics Mathematics Psychology Physics.

New netizen

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
George Orwell

Freedom domain links page

Advanced Science / Alternative Culture / Ancient History / Anti-Racism / Biological Warfare / Censorship - Free Speech / Christian Identity / Citizenship - Sovereignty / Consciousness / Constitution / Cults / Drug War / Education - Home Schooling / Extremism / Federal Reserve - Banking / Financial - Offshore Banking / Freemasonry Exposed / Freemasonry (Official Sites W/ Propaganda) / Free - Energy / General Conspiracy / General Law / General Politics & Corruption / Government Agencies / Gun Control & Gun Rights / Hacking, Cracking & Warez / Hate Pages (Not Endorsed) / Health & Healing / Hemp - Medical Marijuana / Illuminati / Intelligence - CIA - NSA / Internet / JFK Assassination / Magazines - Open Media / Medical Fraud & Experimentation / Militias / Mind Control / Nanotechnology / New World Order - One World Government / Metaphysical - Occult / Oklahoma City Bombing / Patriot Groups & Sites / Population Control / Political Prisoners & P.O.W.s / Privacy / Propaganda News / Pyschedelics / Racial Supremacy (Not Endorsed) / Religion (Control Of) / Remote Viewing / Secret Societies / Survival / Taxes / Surveillance - Tracking / United Nations / UFOs & Flying Saucers / Waco & Other Sieges / Weather Control / World Government

This site is to share the information that i've been finding on the internet and to make my own contibution to the information flow outside the commercial media. Personaly i think that the internet could and should be used for the quick interaction of ideas, communication and information, free to be used for every body. On this website you will find a wide range of links going to various subjects, some of these will been seen by some people as conspirasies, but others see them as old or new theories. Here i just mostly place links to them, so have a look and decide for yourself. I don't allways agree with all information shown on this website but i post it when there is even a little information in there that is relevant to my own search for a truth.

The Fair-Use Statute
The following is the full text of the fair-use statute from the U.S. Copyright Act. Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976.

Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified in that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.


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