
A Solomon Islands UFO Mystery

This former RAAF engineer's startling experiences, along with his knowledge of the Solomon Islanders' long history of encounters with strange aerial craft and alien beings, sparked him to search for hidden UFO bases...

The Legacy of the Nazi Germany-Extraterrestrial Connection

There is compelling evidence that in the early 1930’s, the technology and presence of one or more extraterrestrial (ET) races became known to the leaders of Nazi Germany who embarked on an ambitious effort to communicate with these races for the purpose of acquiring their advanced technology. Using communication techniques that would be widely dismissed today as ‘psychic channeling’, there is evidence that the Nazi sponsorship of occult societies that specialized in this form of communication with these ET races, was successful in gaining information that produced rapid technological breakthroughs that eventually came to the attention of the intelligence services of Britain, France, USSR and the USA.

The Disclosure Project
The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. The disclosure of the truth will have far-reaching implications for our society -- new technologies to end pollution and global warming, long-term solution to the energy crisis, and the beginning of an era of peaceful relations with other civilizations in space.

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Aliens and children

This website features a series of drawings made by children who were abducted by aliens for the alien purpose of creating a new race of alien/human hybrids. The drawings show different aspects of the alien abduction phenomenon and include cruel medical procedures performed on children, children boarding alien spacecraft with other aliens, children playing with alien/hybrid children so the alien/hybrids can learn how to be human, and children being taken by aliens against their will, and the types of aliens encountered by the abducted children.

Overt and Covert research

U.S. Energy Secretary John Herrington named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory to house new advanced genetic research centers as part of a project to decipher the human genome. The genome holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the transformation of a single cell, a fertilized egg, into a biological organism. "The Human Genome Project may well have the greatest direct impact on humanity of any scientific initiative before us today", said David Shirley, Director of the Berkeley Laboratory. Covertly, this research has been going on for years at the Dulce bio-genetics labs. Level 6 is hauntingly known by employees as "Nightmare Hall". It holds the genetic labs at Dulce. Reports from workers who have seen bizarre experimentation, are as follows: "I have seen multi-legged 'humans' that look like half-human/half-octopus. Also reptilian-humans, and furry creatures that have hands like humans and cries like a baby, it mimics human words... also huge mixture of lizard-humans in cages. There are fish, seals, birds and mice that can barely be considered those species. There are several cages (and vats) of winged-humanoids, grotesque bat-like creatures...but 3 1/2 to 7 feet tall. Gargoyle-like beings and Draco-Reptoids." "Level 7 is worse, row after row of thousands of humans and human mixtures in cold storage. Here too are embryo storage vats of humanoids in various stages of development. I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told to never try to speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed that story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. It began the Dulce Wars". When the truth was evident that humans were being produced from abducted females, impregnated against there will, a secret resistance group formed. This did little though, over time they were assassinated or "died under mysterious circumstances".

Jeff Rense Sightings

Jeff Rense has a radio show and website that deals with a very wide range of controversial subjects that mostly won't make it trough to the regular main stream media. There is a large archive of his radio shows in realplayer format to. ' The World's Most Unique News Service Reload For Updates! - Stories May Be Deleted '

The black vault

The Black Vault has been growing and expanding to proportions which are unseen on the internet. Archived here, you will find thousands among thousands of government documents, in their actual scanned form, ranging from a vast array of subjects. These subjects span across many different "conspiracy" theories and other historical documentation such as the existance of UFO's, Alien cover-ups, Nuclear and Biological Weapons, Space, World War II (the historical nature) and many more subjects that will keep you browsing for hours. All documents contained here were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and are completely 100% genuine. Some documents contained within this archive are not seen anywhere else in the world, and came to the light of day because of the FOIA request made for specifically this archive.


Inside are the latest collections of opinions from the World Weird Web. Updated regularly, Area-X.co.uk has become a formidable resource for conspiracy theorists and people interested alien / ufo fortena.

Skywatch International

The mission of Skywatch International is to investigate UFO sightings and reports, and actively pursue the collecting of physical evidence and testimony related to the alien presence and uncovering information withheld from the public by world governments, various agencies, and the alien visitors themselves. The pursuit of evidence of extraterrestrial or extradimensional visitation will be conducted in accordance with scientific principles and Skywatch International investigations will be conducted in accordance with the highest principals of ethical conduct with the goal of pursuing the truth. This mission will be further extended by openly presenting the evidence collected by Skywatch via all public media in an effort to educate the public about the real existence of UFOs, their nature and origin as far as can be determined and any findings that evidence a cover-up of any information pertaining to UFOs, aliens, alien spacecraft, alien bases, alien operations or any item of information relevant to these subjects.

Ufo videos

I've always been puzzled by the UFO mistery. I have put some UFO movies here so you can decide for yourself what to believe...For more UfO videos and pictures


World of the strange

The elementary principle of all deception is to attract the enemy's attention to what you wish him to see, and to distract his attention from what you do not wish him to see.

Ufo city

UFOcity.com™ is an independent production of Binary Media Works Inc. It is not associated with any other firm or entity. The opinions and viewpoints available on the UFOcity.com site are solely attributable to the individual authors. All information contained on this page is the sole and exclusive copyright of Binary Media Works, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns and or the respective individual

Evademic's UFO & aliens site

This site is dedicated to providing information that governments of the world DO NOT want you to know about. The following information has been collected over many years from sources such as newspapers, magazines, videos, tv programs and the net.

This site is to share the information that i've been finding on the internet and to make my own contibution to the information flow outside the commercial media. Personaly i think that the internet could and should be used for the quick interaction of ideas, communication and information, free to be used for every body. On this website you will find a wide range of links going to various subjects, some of these will been seen by some people as conspirasies, but others see them as old or new theories. Here i just mostly place links to them, so have a look and decide for yourself. I don't allways agree with all information shown on this website but i post it when there is even a little information in there that is relevant to my own search for a truth.

The Fair-Use Statute
The following is the full text of the fair-use statute from the U.S. Copyright Act. Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976.

Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified in that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.


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