Current Date: Month 6, Turn 1286

Congratulations to our monthly Contest winners!

Most active member: Erin

Best post: "Sociable Oiling," by Meg
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Welcome to Mirror Lake, a smaller Weyr located on the East coast of Pern's Northern continent during the 5th pass. Founded on the idea that no person, dragonrider or otherwise, should be treated as any less than another, Mirror Lake has the reputation of being an open, progressive and friendly Weyr. Anyone is welcome here, and riders are judged by their ability rather than the color of their dragon or the place of their birth.

As a roleplay community, we encourage in-depth character development and strong writing skills. This is a place for mature people who already understand the basics of roleplay and writing, and who would like to get involved in a Pern community where story and character quality are a priority. Sound like the place for you? Then take a look around the site and read through the rules and FAQ. If you're interested in joining us, click the "Join" link and submit a character. We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Mailing List.
Posts are available for anyone to view.

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved. This website and all images are copyright Ariel Glaeser 2005.