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Artwork by our very dear friend, Jane I Sohns

I was fortunate to have Tori in my life for almost 3 years. She was the sweetest dog I have ever known. She was a natural-born therapy dog - loving, sensitive, compassionate and always willing to please.

Tori was a "personal" therapy dog to my Mom, who is head-injured and confined to a wheelchair from an auto accident. Tori had a special love for my mother that was awesome to witness. After dinner at Mom's, Tori would "ask" (one bark) to be put on Mom's lap. She would lie there while we talked and had coffee. If Tori was not on Mom's lap, she was always at her feet, or lying under her wheelchair. When it was time to leave, Tori would climb up on Mom's shoulder, not wanting to go.

Tori was also our guardian angel. One night she woke me up from a very deep sleep by nudging my shoulder with her back end. She wouldn't take her eyes off Misha - he was hunched up in pain…

When I would get up sick at night, Tori would get up with me and softly "talk" to me, as if saying, "it'll be all right". She would stay with me until I went back to bed and then snuggle especially close. In the morning I'd wake to find her watching over me, concern in her eyes. I wonder if she'd slept at all during the night?

Tori's time with us was way too short, and her loss was the most devastating experience in my life. However, I would not have traded our time with her for anything! To quote Garth Brooks, "I might have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance".

Thank you for the dance, my little Squeakypuff!

Karen L Vogt

For My Very Special Girl


I shall see beauty

But none to match your living grace.

I shall hear music

But none as sweet as the droning song

With which you loved me.

I shall fill my days

But I shall not, cannot forget.

Sleep soft, dear friend…

Author unknown




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