From PC World

Mapping Software: Features Comparison
Street Atlases Street price (2/1/98) Overall value Interface Search engine Map navigation Map annotation Routing type Routing accuracy Geographic detail on maps Hotel and restaurant listings1 Attraction and entertainment listings1 Number of business listings2 Accuracy of listings Online support Weekday hours3 Internet links Print options/quality Airport diagrams RAM required (MB) Disk space (MB) Comments Reader service number
Expedia Streets 98 Deluxe Edition
Microsoft 800/426-9400
$70 fair excellent excellent excellent very good routing not offered very good fair good good 2 million very good Y 12 good excellent/very good N 8 34 PRO: Easy-to-use interface, maps, and search tool; restaurant reviews;
huge database of business listings. CON: Expensive, one-way streets not
identified, no routing available.
Street Atlas USA 5.0
DeLorme 800/452-5931
$45 fair fair good good good door to door, city to city very good5 excellent fair fair 1 million good Y 8.5 fair good/very good N 8 30 PRO: Good door-to-door routing within and between cities, one-way
streets displayed. CON: Awkward interface, no hotel or restaurant rat-
ings or details, can't use addresses for interim stops.
Best Buy StreetFinder Deluxe 1998 Edition
Rand McNally 800/671-5006
$45 very good very good very good very good very good door to door,4 city to city poor fair good good 15 million very good Y 9 excellent good/good Y 8 24 PRO: Door-to-door routing within and between cities, inexpensive,
wealth of travel information, good airport maps. CON: One-way streets
not displayed.
Road Trips Door-to-Door Pro6
TravRoute Software 888/872-8768
$70 poor poor poor good fair door to door, city to city very good very good poor poor 64,000 fair Y 8 poor fair/poor N 16 90 PRO: Door-to-door routing within and between cities, largest number of
business listings. CON: Expensive, inaccurate directions, awkward inter-
face, poor print quality, PC resource intensive.
Trip Planners

AAA Map'n'Go 3.0
DeLorme 800/452-5931
$40 fair fair fair good good city to city fair good very good very good 49,000 good Y 8.5 fair good/poor N 8 9 PRO: Good travel listings and details, very good written directions, inex-
pensive. CON: Awkward interface, can't mix routing preferences, some
maps printed with geography upside down.
Expedia Trip Planner 98
Microsoft 800/426-9400
$40 fair excellent excellent excellent very good city to city very good good fair good 31,700 very good Y 12 good excellent/very good N 8 30 PRO: Easy-to-use interface, maps, and search tool; good multimedia;
good print quality and options. CON: Poor routing, quality of listings not
as strong as in AAA Map'n'Go or TripMaker.
Best Buy TripMaker Deluxe 1998 Edition
Rand McNally 800/671-5006
$45 very good very good good very good very good city to city routing not offered very good good good 14 million (Deluxe version only) very good Y 9 excellent good/good Y 8 24 PRO: Accurate routing, superbly integrated Internet updates, fast and
highly flexible route calculation, cool music and video clips. CON: List-
ing content could be stronger.
1 Quality and quantity of listings.
2 Numbers provided by vendor.
3 None of the vendors offer toll-free support or weekend hours.
4 Via Internet connection.
5 Written directions must be accessed from the Web.
6 Tested as both a street atlas and a trip planner.
HOW WE TEST Street atlases tested on a single trip within the San Francisco Bay Area. Trip planners tested on a single round-trip excursion between San Francisco and Pacific Grove, California.

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